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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. As a nurse in a physician's office, I want to say THANK YOU for arriving early to your appointments. It's so much better for everybody if you're early versus late. I had a patient yell at me the first 15 minutes of their appointment because they had been waiting "over an hour" to be seen and after my fourth apology for the delay, they finally admitted that they just wanted to hear what I had to say about it. I looked at their sign-in time, which they write themselves and it's also tracked electronically from check in to check out, and they were there less than 30 minutes. I looked again, a
  2. The restaurant gets the delivery fee but the tip (and the two are not the same thing) goes to the driver.
  3. I wish the homeowners did run our HOA. We have to submit dimensions and drawings/pictures of any exterior plans, from fencing to sheds to paint color, along with an application, to the management company that does our HOA. There are no meetings, no residents, just pay the yearly fees and ask them for permission to do anything to your home. There are no more homes to be built in the community but we still don't have access to our HOA. My aunt and uncle ran into the same thing. They painted their house the exact same color it had been and was told they needed to repaint it because the H
  4. At what point does the developer turn the HOA over to the home owners? Our builder has packed up and left, the model home has been sold and occupied, and it's still an outside management company running our HOA, although I have no clue what we're paying them for. Zero services or amenities and zero feedback until it's time to pay our dues, then we get a bill in the mail with the threat of a lien on the house if we don't pay it.
  5. Will you get any royalties for it? It was your idea, so some credit should be yours.
  6. Yes, the ER is there to "treat 'em and street 'em" but when a child is moaning in pain with an extra joint in his arm from a very obvious fracture, it shouldn't take 3 hours to be seen. They finally gave him pain meds but only after mom pushed the call button once in the ER room, and wrapped his arm and told them to go to the ortho for casting. They didn't even put a cast on and didn't properly reset the fracture. I think part of why the wait times are soooo long is because more people are willing to try the new hospital than go to Tanner or Cobb or Kennestone. I've heard their oven fried
  7. That happened to my FIL. Doc treated him for a lung infection and drained fluid off the lungs; after the 3rd surgery MIL insisted on a better facility. They transferred him to the Cleveland Clinic where another surgery was performed and stage IV cancer was diagnosed. He died 11 days later. So sorry about the loss of your friend. They were probably in the same boat as my FIL; went to the doctor, got some temporary relief, same symptoms and went for the same treatment until a better place does better testing to find the truth. Cancer sucks. No. It's only open until 11:00 and after tha
  8. Friend had to take her son to the new ER this week. I mentioned the pediatric part so she found the entrance and went inside. They got there around 10:00 p.m. and there were only two other kids ahead. Well, 11:00 rolled around and they were moved to the adult ER. They close at 11:00 and they mean 11:00! I guess I'm accustomed to urgent care centers where they cut off incoming patients at a certain time but will still see whomever is still waiting, but not there! They waited 3 hours, her son in obvious pain (and broken arm with obvious bend where there's not supposed to be a bend) and fin
  9. J'smom


    She attempted the test several times, and there's about 50 in the class that can't walk due to failing one part of the graduation exam. It's not part of the curriculum; it's like kids failing a grade in elementary school because they failed the CRCT, despite passing the class. One standardized test shouldn't be the deciding factor of a student's success in school.
  10. J'smom


    My heart breaks for her and all those in the same situation.
  11. I called out sick and got a call back asking me to come in because someone else had called out sick. I kindly told them that if I wasn't already en route to the ER I might consider it, but I really don't think they'd let me work with an IV pole in one hand and on nausea meds (pregnant). About a year earlier, I'd called out with a sick kid and another coworker called out also. When the same manager called to ask if I could come in, I explained that my child had a fever and couldn't be at school; the coworker had been in the ER with her then-boyfriend, so she was called to come in because my
  12. Check with Loving Arms Cancer Outreach in Marietta, on Plaza Way. They're a non-profit organization that accepts donations for cancer patients on limited incomes. We donated boxes of stuff (gauze, syringes, IV tubing) after FIL passed away so they may have someone needing a bed.
  13. It's not Georgia drivers, it's the mix of all the other driving styles being merged together into an overcrowded space and badly-designed roads. I use my blinker and slow down to turn right; my Yankee hubby goes around people turning right and will get in the right lane to pass cars in the left lane so he can cut into the left turn lane in front of them all.
  14. First it was German Shepherds.. Then it was Rottweilers. Now it's pit bulls. When are we going to start blaming the humans? Some breeds are more aggressive, which is why they're picked for fighting. My neighbors had a rottweiler that got out of their fence and mauled my cat to death when I was a kid. I don't like rottweilers either. I agree that some people are the ones encouraging it, but certain dogs have that natural tendency to begin with. How many pit attacks start with the parent saying how sweet the dog is and how it never hurt anyone and doesn't know why the dog attacked
  15. A friend of mine is a teacher, and she defends common core like it's the best thing since sliced bread. She says she doesn't see why parents are so mad about it. I just avoid that topic with her because she's one that's always right about everything (in her mind), so it wouldn't really do any good to explain that non-teachers can't help their kids do 3-digit subtraction by using number lines because we only use the cross out and borrow method.
  16. Yes, I have a friend who defends pits all day long, with the "blame the deed not the breed" sayings all over the place. My question is this: why are pits chosen for the fighting and aggression? Possibly because they're naturally aggressive when provoked? I know any dog can bite anybody, but you seldom hear about toy poodles going on a rampage, or fatal daschund attacks.
  17. Take out the hump day camel too, please! Thank you!
  18. Place an anonymous call to the cops stating that the bodies are buried in the backyard--the cops and FBI will dig it all up for you.
  19. Exactly. And I'd buy the Katrina link if it had happened closer to the migration of Louisiana residents to here, but 9 years later is a bit of a stretch. Most of the Katrina evacuees were here temporarily and eager to get back home. It just seems that this school year has been a bad publicity year for our schools. I know we've got some great schools and great kids, I just wish we'd show it! LOL
  20. Seems like I've seen PC schools on the news at least once a week a lot lately. There was the mom at Hutchens ES that was mad because her daughter couldn't wear 2" wedge heels for PE; the lockdown at SPHS and Dugan with the police chase; the PCHS threat; the Moses (or McClure?) middle school insulting Instagram page; and now the maltov cocktail thrown at Jones. Paulding really is a nice, quiet place to live, but you wouldn't know it from watching the evening news lately! I'm just hoping the negative publicity dies down and gets replaced with some good vibes. Sorry, shouldn't be a q on th
  21. I married a Yankee so it's been on for weeks. Not by my choice, but he's hot even on a cold day, so I just bundle up.
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