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Pinches Monos

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Everything posted by Pinches Monos

  1. i thought they were all in the sunday paper
  2. i thought they caught those guys that have been breaking into cars
  3. If someone want s to work retail, then that is the price to have a job. They should plan on working christmas too thanks to the politically correct. Wouldn't want to offend the muslims --- or their wallets either.
  4. Well good for them to release the stats of them actually making a difference in the community. ---- now, if only our own local law enforcement agencies would be more "transparent" with their results, then the public would give them more support.
  5. i applaud your introducing her to the military check point concept -- (papers, papers, where are your papers)
  6. consider it a "show of force" or "community policing" or "safety checks" or whatever the latest buzzword is
  7. As reported by wsb-tv, DUI field tests are designed to fail even sober drivers ....... "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which developed the tests in the 1970s, conducted one study in which trained police officers viewed field sobriety tests then incorrectly identified 47 percent of the drivers as intoxicated." link: http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/professor-dui-field-tests-designed-fail/nFdKg/
  8. I suppose you don't think there are quotas either. This link attempts to explain the "behind the scenes" reasons for aggressive traffic enforcement other than a true safety issue. http://blog.motorists.org/traffic-tickets-are-big-business/
  9. I have a solid double yellow line in front of my drive way. So, does that mean i can only enter my driveway from one direction then? (by not crossing the center line) If that were true, then the DOT would have a break in the line for every drive way and each business and each church, etc along hwy 61.
  10. You have alot of faith, but need to take off the rose colored glasses. Being in the aviation industry myself, what i see is no distinction from the other airports in the area. Take a look at what is going on at stockmar airport in villa rica, carrolton airport, cartersville airport and fulton county/charlie brown airport. These airports have been there for 30+ years and still have extremely slow growth. Maintenance, flight training, shuttle flights, and in a few cases corporate jets. The standard for general aviation airports. The exception to the rule would be cobb county / kennesaw -- on
  11. Taking another jab at the airport "jobs for paulding" was one of the statements made during the "approval" process for the airport being built. please correct me if i am mistaken. When will the baggage handler, aircraft fueler, aircraft washer, desk clerk and secretary jobs be coming to the airport so that the other 99% of paulding county can apply?
  12. Since we are all speculating here of what could have happened........ sure it can justify other criminal offenses --- , the supreme court has upheld the right to resist and flee an unlawful arrest. Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S., 177 U.S. 529
  13. Let's do the math --- paulding county population (2010) is 142,324. Multiply by .1% equals 142.3 citizens ----- I will agree, there is not 142 paulding countians qualified for this position. Not just an A&P job, but supervisor level / crew chief.
  14. why are you assuming most everyone has insurance? I can say to stay away from the newer dental group in hiram --- across the 4 lane from the ark. Extremely high priced and rude to kids and adults too. Pricing is better at uptown dental in douglasville I didn't know there were any dental schools around here other than augusta or alabama
  15. clark howard has a "rip off alert" on these auctions. http://www.clarkhoward.com/news/clark-howard/scams-rip-offs/penny-auctions-nothing-more-illegal-game-chance/nzd9/
  16. I have not seen auto related deals in past years. Which store has oil and coolant deals on black friday?
  17. and the computers in schools, and the college scholarships and the grants, and the GA400 toll road, and the DOT road money, and social security, and red light cameras, and the war on drugs, etc the list goes on and on......... they all worked fine for a while.
  18. i am not advertising for them, but LGE (lockheed) credit union does offer other insurance too besides accidental death at very good rates. From their website: Auto, Homeowner, Umbrella, Motorcycle, RVs, Boat, and Golf Cart Insurance, Medicare Supplement , Long Term Care, Short Term Care, Health Insurance Vision Insurance, Cancer Care Insurance, Life Insurance (All Types), Disability Insurance, Dental (Georgia Only) Business Isurance: Business Owner’s Package, Group Health Insurance, Worker’s Compensation for Small Business
  19. They are good at taking payments or good at paying claims without hassle and in a reasonable amount of time? I agree, they have many names for it, but basically stay away from "whole life" policies. Also, almost all credit unions offer free life insurance for its members. If you want more than the basic $3000 to $5000, the rates are very good and through usually reputable companies.
  20. We get our wood heater stove pipes at metro garage door and fireplace supply -- located between douglasville and villa rica along bankhead hwy 7458 Highway 78, Winston, GA ---- Phone 770.489.9726
  21. Here are 2 links that might help answer eminent domain questions and reference to a supreme court case: http://www.eminentdomaininformation.com/Frequently-Asked-Questions.htm http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/2282005_Your_Home_Is_Your_Castle.asp
  22. Sure they can go back, it is called a "market correction". It happens all the time in many different industries. Just as when it happens in the stock market, people lose money, get hurt, and learn from their mistakes.
  23. Those of us that have lived here (such as me) off & on for over 30 years have seen what happened when the subdivisions, apartment complexes, and commercialization came in. If you had been around here that long, you would know the quality of life that is being referred to & is disappearing. If we wanted to live in a suburb of los angeles or newark or orlando, we would move there. Oh, wait a minute, the newbys in the subdivisions are mostly the ones in foreclosure, aren't they?
  24. maybe you can get one of those airport or movie studio jobs that are in paulding
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