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cobb transplant

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Everything posted by cobb transplant

  1. yep, nothing to see here...move on....just a big misunderstanding...just yesterday someone asked me where I lived and I was like "yeah, I live in Loganville...no wait, how silly of me...I live in Mobile...oh, shoot, no that's not what it's called...oh yeah, I live in... So if I were to swear in an affidavit that I lived somewhere so that I could hold a political office there and someone were to reveal that I actually did not live there - that person should be arrested for stalking. and committing a felony mean act. and High and Aggravated snitchery.
  2. oh please, who needs any kind of public safety...we've got a shiny new courthouse with giant king-like offices for our royalty, we've got a pristine airport ('cause it's hardly used), somehow, those smarties have new schools going up everywhere so that one day when we can pay for teachers we'll already have the buildings...y'all should be happy with all your new stuff.
  3. if this is correct it means that sometimes they dump gasoline into diesel tanks. so how many diesel engines does your neighbor buy in a month?
  4. a lot of the folks working at advanced auto parts next to the mexican barf/grill know what they are talking about - it's a free second opinion..that said, as a poor person that has to work on my pos cars every week, from the info you have given I can tell you that Nitro is almost certainly right.
  5. He's obviously smarter than the school board - that says quite a lot. I wonder how much money the board spent in legal fees trying to get the kid to recognize their unquestionable authority?
  6. Trayvon Martin was using the Stand Your Ground law.
  7. if it is he's got my vote. will UPS ship runways? if not, I vote we make it a racetrack.
  8. my relative put a letter in the mail to me on Friday at 2:00 pm in Cumming and it arrived at my house here in Paulding at 11:00 in my mailbox on Saturday. The mail isn't perfect but it's pretty darn good and certainly cheap. I've never understood the screaming about them loosing money - what other gov't services are required to be self sufficient? I'm pretty sure the Marine Corps is deeply in the red, why isn't anyone crying about that service? How effective would the Marines be if we required the next mission to be completed without tax dollars?
  9. I'm pretty sure we went to war about that once before...you know, throwing tea overboard and such.
  10. ok. so I'm a little slow. but the light bulb finally lit up above my head. He really is a Postal worker.
  11. I think that's a useful degree. If not for the Dr. of Medieval studies who would teach them how to make those giant roasted turkey legs at the Renaissance Festival?
  12. that stuff drives me nuts. the bank (if a major bank) knows exactly where and when your card number was taken (if it was by "skimmer"). The problem is that it is easier for the bank to take the loss than to take the time to report the info to the cops.
  13. You'll shoot your eye out kid. That's the rule.
  14. That was our county commissioners going to lunch in Marietta. .
  15. um, your kid has been charged with a crime. If your kid goes before a judge and ask him to reconsider the charge against him the judge may not only side with the officer - he may also ban your kid from graduation just to show who is boss.
  16. I think he's an insurance attorney in real life. If he is that would explain a lot.
  17. who was the school board member that added the extra punishment of not walking at graduation because he appealed? I never have heard who it was.
  18. Being in Paulding, I'm surprised we haven't had a real farmer straighten this out...the GM corn isn't what you are buying from the produce section - it's barely even considered food. GM corn is for ethanol, corn syrup, livestock feed (after processing) and things like that. It's the varieties of sweet corn that you actually eat,, Somewhere in between the screaming tree hugger hippies and the uninformed Monsanto apologist is the real issue: what are the long term effects of the cross pollination of our fuel crops and our food crops. So far, it's a non-issue, it's the next fifty years that sh
  19. what in THE hell is this lady talking about? I never mentioned anyone's race...she must've hit the wrong reply button or something...hey lady, SQUIRREL!!!! okay, now y'all can continue, she's gone.
  20. We've had att dsl for years trouble free - but lately, we loose signal about 1000 times a day. maybe you should move your power strip back to where it was and see if that helps us.
  21. This may have already been addressed earlier, I'm not going to read all bazillion post, but this is what should concern both sides of this argument. On the weekend of March 19, when plans were being laid by the people of Chicago to go to FL to protest and the church leaders were crying "injustice in Florida!" 46 (forty-six) people were shot inside the city of Chicago. 46 people shot on that Saturday and Sunday. Ten dead (so far) from the gunshots. One of the dead is a 6 year old girl. One of the shot still surviving (thankfully) was 12 months old. Did you hear of this? No. If you live
  22. speaking of pictures, above is a link about his photo from somebody with CNN, apparently that hoody photo is recent...but photoshoped. there is a discussion about the miami herald changing the photo. Also, the CNN lady takes shots at Obama and gets sidetracked, they never explain why the photoshop
  23. http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/dpp/news/state/witness-martin-attacked-zimmerman-03232012 above link is news to me.
  24. I spent about 15 minutes looking for what time this happened and found nothing. Where are either of you getting the times? The time would interest me.
  25. K, now see, that's funny right there...made me blow coffee out of my nose
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