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cobb transplant

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Everything posted by cobb transplant

  1. oooooeoooo, yes, all those "advanced countries" they is all so much smarterer than us is. can you name some? that aren't bankrupt, I mean. Or haven't been the location of riots for basic needs in the last few years?
  2. There's a way to avoid all this hand wringing. There is a current bill ready to go that would fund the gov't - the President merely has to say "send it, I'll sign it" and the crisis is over. If the President does not do that, he has shut down the gov't. except for the parts that he decides will continue (which will not be your parks simply because he will close those to punish you).
  3. can anyone guess who's decision it is what will get paid during a gov't shutdown? Whether or not soldiers get paid is up to the president as it is he that decides what will or will not get paid until a compromise is found (eventually, though late, every thing will be paid.)
  4. too funny. btw, it says "blind" not "retarded" - just because you are blind doesn't mean you are going to randomly fire the thing. It would also be denying a great investment to the blind - how many people have scored big investing in guns this year?
  5. 72 people were shot in one weekend in Chicago. Victims ranged in age from 5 to 72. If Obama is so concerned about violence on innocent victims how about he throw a few cruise missiles into his own neighborhood. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/15-Shot-As-Holiday-Weekend-Begins-214275491.html
  6. As a practice in patience I'll explain it to you. Some guy up there claimed that his federal taxes alone were $4000 a month. But he just made that figure up, see? He doesn't really pay four thousand a month, he doesn't pay anything. He needed a figure to keep anyone from knowing that he's not a tax payer, but because he's not a tax payer he has no concept of what a high wage earner might pay so he throws that figure out there. It's like most of what Obama says, it's just stuff that he thinks you will find impressive. And you do. Most of us know his claim of $4k is ridiculous. So to be
  7. wow. another one. now I know how we got stuck with Obamacare in the first place.
  8. $48,000 in federal taxes alone. Wow. Okay, you got me beat. I mean I do have $5, 498, 357.78 withheld from my weekly paycheck...but you know, that's including my georgia tax...so...yeah. I guess you know what you're talking about when you support Obamacare.
  9. If you believe that 75% of criminal histories are erroneous there is no point in further conversation - you are obviously out of your element. I know, I know, it said so on the internet. bless your heart.
  10. the system doesn't check cobb county - it checks NCIC. you don't know three people with errors on NCIC - you'd have a better chance of winning powerball. but whatever, we'll go with your solution and just "eyeball" volunteers and see if they look like a child molester.
  11. my bet is that you are the 47% (you don't pay a dime for anything and never will). I bet every year at tax time you get a big check for income redistribution purposes. that would explain a lot of your post.
  12. I think you're starting to get it...I'll take care of my business. Whether or not you have insurance is not my business. I will never support the gov't forcing you to have insurance if you'd rather spend the money elsewhere.
  13. I've worked with criminal histories. one in a million.
  14. If you mean do I want to take money away from the care of my family to pay for your failure to insure your family - then no. I'm not interested in that.
  15. You don't know what you're talking about. They are very rare.
  16. You're just making up stuff now. There are errors in everything; however, they are very, very rare in criminal histories. I believe you protest too much - I'd definitely check you out.
  17. 61% of all statistics are made up on the spot. I'm against it because I already have very good insurance without the assistance of anyone other than my employer. I didn't need anything to be changed.
  18. My point was that none of anyone's criminal history should be secret. In fact, if you know how to jump the hoops, no criminal history is secret.
  19. I know this is shocking, but there are tens of millions of people who are not in favor of Obamacare. Obstruct it, defund it, repeal it...all positive phrases to us. Your tone seems to be one that we would all be shocked by someone admitting they are trying to stop it when in fact, we are demanding that they do just that. And usually, if one's opinion is that a law is not beneficial to them, lobbying against it in one form or another would be expected. However, if you feel Obamacare is not best for your family then it is simply because you are (pick-one): racist, partisan, stupid, republic
  20. It's not supposed to be a secret that you are a sex offender. It would be appropriate for news of a sex offender in the midst of kids to be "all over the place within hours".
  21. I didn't catch a tongue in cheek tone - so I guess I jumped the gun and spoiled my socialist bait.
  22. And there you go, that is how we get a socialist as president. Within an hour I'd have him ready to march on D.C. demanding that all guns be collected, all banks nationalized and all farms turn over their crops to the IRS for distribution.
  23. Each year, we should demand that Congress take on the corporate profiteers in a different area. In 2014 we should stop all this arguing about Obamacare (it is the law of the land, get used to it) and go after grocers. I am so tired of getting ripped off. If walmart can figure out how to sell groceries it cannot be that difficult. It is about time to make it fair for everyone by allowing the gov't to set up exchanges for food. They manage it for military bases - there's no reason they shouldn't do it for all citizens. In 2015, we can take on another area of commerce and within a decade we
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