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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. For right now, my house works-I'll get it there as I am in charge of making it happen ( I like that, makes me feel needed) I will PM you my address. Another nice Pcomer stopped by today and left some stuff on the front porch-thank you to her. And yet another called me and told me he would work to make some of our "stumbling blocks" less bothersome-thank you to him! ANYTHING, anyone does is very much appreciated and needed to make this thing work-It takes a village to raise a child, and this is a nice village to live in.You'd never get that kind of help in NY. In a perfect world we wouldn't nee
  2. other than the back pack program for New Georgia, we haven't officially named it, but are thinking about the name"Cathy's Kids", for the pastors wife who started it here. We are working through Fellowship United Methodist church, and the PTA at New Georgia Elementary-it's been a grass roots effort for us-just started last year with a handful of volunteers (3 actually), and few supporters. Cub Scout pack 607 has joined us, and the PTA took it on as one of their projects also-I've been chosen to chair it ( since I was one of the three), and the cub scouts will be doing their "Scouting for Food"
  3. The response from you guys out there has been great! last year, we barely had any donations at all. This year I've heard from half a dozen of you wanting to help out, and a few have met with me already and donated items so that we can get the program started. Next Friday will be out 1st day to send home food with children who would otherwise go hungry. We had to get through some hurdles with the school board-yea, red tape again-but I think we've muddled through it! We have Publix, and their one day of day olds from the bakery thanks to the terrific manager over there ( yes David, you're t
  4. last year my grandson was in 3rd grade-8 years old turning 9-that's when I started letting him play outside of the yard, but just in front of the house. He met a few kids, some nice, some not. He was close enough for me to have some input into what was going on. One of the not so nice kids befriended him, and I allowed it to happen, because life is a series of lessons. The not so nice kid broke a few of his things ( on purpose), and he didn't like that, and was pretty vocal about it. Then the not so nice kid got a bunch of the bigger boys mad by doing something awful to their sister-the grands
  5. I think a big dog is the best thing for a problem like that. the shelter is full of them.
  6. My 9 year old gets into the bed by 8:30, then does his 1/2 hour of reading before lights out at 9. last year it was 8:00 for an 8:30 bedtime, and in k thru 3rd grade, it was 8:00 with wind down time a 1/2 hour before. Without the wind down time, it was hard for him to get to sleep. He gets up at 6:00 every day except weekends to catch the school bus by 7:00. His weekend bedtime is flexible. We try for 10:00, but it often goes to 11:00. It sometimes runs a little late on monday-scout night, but never past 9:30. He's an honor roll student, in chorus and show choir, and also in drama and scouts.
  7. Great suggestion! But how do you explain that to someone who is always looking for the negative? They will probably take it as another jab at them ( finger pointed directly at them and wagging strongly) Ther is no replacement for a good education, and maybe even continuing it later into life to learn as things change in this ever changing world.
  8. Don't worry-might have ben the way I phrased it-the man is having a hard time with everything-life has been hard on him because of the child. Like I said, I would feel the same way if I were going through it. I did try to help when I could. Mostly, I was referring to friends/family of Face Book-seems to be a lot of drama over nothing, even words of encourgement and support. Recently a step-son died of alcohol poisioning-very tragic, we all saw it coming and couldn't stop it. Some of his friends posted that they had to stop drinking, and hoped Luke wouldn't be ashamed of them. I posted back tha
  9. Thanks-my family is so scattered all over the country, that these web sites are the only way to have a daily insight on their lives. I hate the idea of not seeing and hearing what's gong on with them, but fear what the interplay might cause. It's sometimes a "damned if you do, and damned if you don't "situation.
  10. yea, i know, but sometimes it involves friends and family and leads to days of crap-hate that!
  11. I've had several instances lately of things I'v written being misunderstood on various web sites. I understand the whole concept of the written word verses the spoken word-no voice inflection etc., but I'm at a complete loss as to why people jump to the wrong/worst conclusion so often. Is it just the nature of the medium? Are people on these sites really looking for drama as some of my friends think? Is there a better way to present your opinion without others taking offense? Maybe I should just follow each post with a disclaimer. I have to admit, I'm somewhat confused about the whole thing. T
  12. wow-I wasn't thinking of it that way. I thought only of directing someone to a family in need of help. I appreciate you help in averting any slander, but again, I only was answering the post for qa family in need. I don't think I mentioned kicking anyone out-just aht they were behind and left (which was at the end of their lease)
  13. A "cut-a-thon" is a great idea. Maybe you can expand it with other businesses, like barbers, beauticians, and groomers, and make it a multi-tasking '"cut-a-thon".
  14. Spent an eternity blanching, peeling, scooping, and chopping tomatoes-then chopping onions and peppers, soaking then cooking black beans, fire roasting some corn, then seasoning to perfection, but it's done. I am now the proud owner of the worlds best ( well, Ed thinks so anyway) SALSA-almost 2 gal of it!!!!! Tomorrow I can-to be continued-Thanks to my Pcom friends who gave me so many beautiful tomatoes and peppers. You are the best!!
  15. Just my oinion, but the Chinese take-out in Villa Rica-Kong Long, behind the Wendys on 61 , is the best around. Well worth the ride. I grew up in Ny, and went to China Town often. These people used to work there, and their food is the best and still inexpensive
  16. Try Procontractor-a member here-for all your remodeling and repair needs-local and reliable.
  17. I like cream cheese with "pick-a-pepper" sauce on crackers-LOVE Gardettos-they have them at Walmart-I'll even brave the crazies when I'm craving them!!! I also like my home made salsa with tortilla chips (Ed eats it right out of the jar if I don't hide it from him)
  18. sorry-that wasn't actually directed to you, but after it posted I realized it went under your post. I couldn't delete it and repost with leaving it empty. and got busy with a phone call and forgot to go back and fix it.
  19. Just my thoughts-quit yer belly aching-it's gonna happen anyway, get in there and put in your two cents! Tell them what you think we need and push them towards something positive.You can sit at home and gripe, or get out and make it work. we need jobs, and not the minimum wage kind. We need big business to start looking at us as a feasible opportunity. I'll be there.
  20. don't know-he walks around on Ridge Rd. -maybe just some kid who needs a lot of attention? Odd looking though!
  21. life can be so hard-it's so nice to see that others care, makes it a little easier knowing they are out there. Prayers to you and yours.
  22. The picnick idea was great-somebody's house ( with property), or at White oak park maybe-bring a covered dish, and a small fee for drinks (BYOB). McDonalds will donate a large cooler of their orange drink. I can supply dessert and bread from Publix-maybe combine it with a fund raiser for the needy-bring a can of food or something for the back pack program ( sorry always thinking of it!) Maybe Subby can play (any other musicians?) or some crazy talent contest for fun?-how about old fashioned games- sack races, 3-legged races. wheel barrow, team relays-nothing like a bunch of stoners trying to a
  23. I lived in FL for 20+ years, and moved 15 years ago-it was getting really crappy, dirty, nasty, over-priced, and the people there really s--ked!!! ( with a few exceptions!!) Every time I go back, I marvel at how much worse it gets-so dirty. I'm talking in particular about the West/Royal Palm Breach area, but it all looks so bad to me. Jobs pay very little, but the price of living is unbelievably high. The farther south you go, the worse it gets, not that the northern areas are any better! Crime is over the top-stood outside the Home Depot once and watched a pair of guys pick up a motorcycle ri
  24. go to the group, and at the top of the page, there is an 'edit group" spot-click on that and delete all posts from e-mail. I had the same problem. Opened my e-mail, and found over 700 e-mails-what a pain !
  25. great advise here all around-try to join a parents group of those going through problems-i helps to share info as much as possible
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