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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Please update and let us know how you are. I have a recommendation if you need one, but you wouldn't be able to go today. I just started seeing someone for the first time in my life, I've been on medicine since last Friday and can honestly tell you I am already 100% better. Feel free to pm me if you need to.
  2. I'm glad you said that and believe me, I feel you . I had a very traumatic hand injury (both hands) 24 years ago. I broke almost every finger in both hands and had to have surgery and pins inserted in several of them. I have to be very careful with my fingers. So trust me, there's a distinct difference between a firm handshake and a purposely painful one. I offer a firm handshake. It can be done .
  3. My Papa has always said "There ain't no cure for the dumbass". Lol Probably my favorite of all of his sayings . I thought of another one, and I do always judge by this, or at the very least it gives me pause. Never trust a man (or woman) with a weak handshake.
  4. Good luck with it . I just wanted to add we aren't 'gluten free' per se. I've had G.I issues for about a decade. I can say that with the way we've changed our diets around here I'm going to begin experimenting going without the Omeprazole I've had to take daily for 7 years. I feel that much better.
  5. I'm sorry Moonie, we aren't at the store anymore. We've been gone from there for a year now. I'd check Amazon, or Barnes and Noble- but I am absolutely sure You can get your hands on some good ones through Amazon at a reasonable price .
  6. That's exactly what I've done. The home cooking thing I mean. I don't eat fast food at all anymore, period. I've incorproated massive amounts of raw vegetables and fruit into our diets and lean meat. We haven't purchased bread in more than 3 months. I've accidentally lost as much weight as I did living off of the preservative laden medifast diet for a year, in 3 months. Honestly my goal wasn't weight loss, it was just a healthier way of eating.
  7. Let go or be dragged. Whatever is good for your soul...do that. "Life is short. Don't be an asshole"~Jenilyn
  8. Hahahahahahahahaha. *breathe*... Hahahahahahahahaha.
  9. HAHA! I checked for the very same thing, lol. Who tattoos their fricking eyelids? Seriously, who?
  10. Wow. I would definitely only be seen in public once with someone who behaved like that. I don't like spit in my food other than my own. Seriously though, I would say something to her, but then I'm known to be a loudmouth in those situations. I have a sister in law that I embarrassed the crap out of by apologizing for her, in front of her~ to our server who did not deserve the treatment she was getting. I don't put up with that crap. I've had a couple of times where the person checking me out or serving was just a grump ass, but I tend to overlook it if it isn't too bad because I figure
  11. Yes. We get ours off Amazon too. Even if we didn't I would gladly pay the 65.00 retail. They are worth every penny .
  12. I shared this on FB because I thought it was just awesome. I wanted to stand and applaud while I was reading. 'Most" folks problem is not that they are getting bad service, the problem is that they are complete asshats that need to be eaten by sharks. Everyone should have to serve a term in retail or fast food at least once in their life, just to teach them to be human. Maybe you get bad customer service because...
  13. Two words...OTTERBOX DEFENDER! WELL worth the cost. The floor of my painting studio is concrete. I drop my phone at least once a day. It will be two years old in February, no cracks. When I worked at Best Buy as a cashier I used to throw my phone into the wall behind me to show how safe the Otterbox is...it bounced off the walls. It was worth it just to see the shocked faces .
  14. I like the new avatar, Lucky!
  15. Thanks Spucketts...I sent you a private message.
  16. R.I.P, Rhonda and condolences to her family. Her brother Jerry is one of the sweetest men I have ever had the great pleasure of making the acquaintance of. Everyone who knows him loves him and I can only imagine his sister was the same.
  17. Does anyone know a person like this? It's not for me personally but for a friend doing research. Feel free to message me for more details.
  18. Yes. I agree with Blondie. You could tell her that the zombies are afraid of good smells and that way wherever she encounters them she'll know that smelling nice will repel them. You know, just in case they venture out of the bathroom.
  19. I know! I had a little over 4,000 pts. saved up. Suckage.
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