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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Lol. I boil a piece of chicken daily to add to Emma and Sookie's dry food, that I add water to...and heat for them. Yep. I'm wrapped.
  2. Lol, guilty...completely guilty. Just wait till my girl's baby brother is added to the mix in a week. I've already named him 'Thor' . One can never have too many Chihuahuas but I think I had better stop with three. I LOVE my pup-pups :wub: .
  3. Yes. My memory has gotten progressively worse over the last few months. I mean, I am 47 so some things are going to be getting worse in that area and I kind of chalked it up to that, but in the last few months it's gotten more noticeable to me. Like yesterday for instance. Britaini swears up and down she told me two times of her plans with her friend for dinner tonight. I believe her, If she says she did, she did. I have absolutely no recollection of the conversation. I remember the part where she said she was taking her brother and his lady to 2nd and Charles today, but the other part
  4. I know, right? Imagine me with an abnormality, lol. Thank you April, you and your awesome husband .
  5. Thanks y'all. I'm cool . I got a few other recommendations for neurosurgeons so I'm not completely sure I am going to go with the one they recommended from the hospital...even though he's highly rated. I stayed up until the wee hours of the a.m reading blogs and such of people who now are/have dealt with this type of tumor. It seems my experience of the discovery is typical. These can cause so many peripheral symptoms that the dr's for years will treat those symptoms and it just never occurs to anyone to check for a tumor. Generally a person shows up in an ER with stroke like, or other
  6. No...thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry to hear of your mother in law's experience. I know that according to the research I've done today that if they turn malignant they are very deadly, it spreads through the blood into other organs. I have a friend who is an anesthesiologist and when he heard that they wanted me to go to a neurosurgeon he got kind of quiet, so that has me wondering, lol. Either way, I'll know more after I see the specialist. Knowledge is power, of course. I'm going to be positive about it either way because I can't change it or the course of it by being
  7. Thank you Ma'am. I actually just started to chat online with a second cousin of mine. It turns out unbeknownst to me he may have this same condition. I know the info said it was more common in women, and that it seemed to have a genetic link. Hmmm...
  8. Thanks Lady . My husband said the same exact thing. He said to a layperson tumor means cancer and after that he doesn't hear anything else. I feel fine, other than the vision thing...and I'm honestly not worried. Hard to explain, but I don't see worrying as having any benefit at all. It is what it is. I just don't want my family to be stressed, so that part is bothering me.
  9. 'Tentatively' ...gah! I don't know anyone else with this, and only just learned of it. Thursday I woke with a 'spot' for lack of a better word in my vision in my right eye. Not the light 'mote' kind of thing I see when I am falling into a migraine, just an annoying blind spot or odd spot I'm having trouble seeing around. I didn't develop a headache or anything until later Thursday night, I suppose because my noggin was annoyed with my eye. I did have an incident of confusion and slurred or garbled speech that lasted a few minutes, but that often happens when I develop a migraine. F
  10. Poor baby, he didn't have a chance. Bite marks?
  11. Lol...It was the "ain't he got" and "well he don't" that got to me . Sorry all, just nitpicking. I hate most competitive and team sports, so I have no dog in this fight.
  12. If someone is aggressive and they are following you DO NOT PULL OVER. Call 911. This poor girl and her family. My heart is still breaking.
  13. Or Germany...in the summer? I agree though, just a touch is enough .
  14. Her works are modern classics, I'll give you that ...but I am always shocked and appalled at how little most people really know about Ayn Rand. She was certainly nothing to look up to. Ayn Rand, Hugely Popular Author and Inspiration to Right-Wing Leaders, Was a Big Admirer of Serial Killer
  15. Dana, if I can make another suggestion about choosing who to friend, appropriate for yourself? I always, and I mean always- read the 'about me' section of a persons profile before I request friendship or accept a request. I've often ignored requests based on that because it's clear for whatever reason that I would annoy them or vice versa I don't know why more people don't check first. I've had a few people message and unfriend me because they were shocked or offended by my comments/positions whatever, when I've made it perfectly clear in that section on my page. So just check first and m
  16. Add my name to the list of 'find me's' if you join . My name is my real name, (Rhonda Walton) and the profile picture is the same.
  17. I actually like seeing everyone's pictures...be they babies, preggo bellies, pets, loved ones, nature, book collections, whatever. I just love all of them. I did have a friend post a photo of his strangely shaped dog poo once...I laughed my arse off .
  18. If you are looking for a good mystery/suspense series without all the romance crap written well, and with a sense of humor...check these out. I've read them all and they are fantastic. The Detective Jack (Jackie) Daniels Series by J.A. Konrath. Fanfreakingtastic. Jack Daniels Series
  19. I'm a born and bred Georgia girl, born while we lived in Smyrna, moved to Powder Springs in the mid 70's when I was in middle school. All of that to say, to my knowledge we never ever even once...shopped in a Piggly Wiggly. I feel deprived.
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