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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. LOL! Silly girl . All of our 'children' are tattooed. We have 5 children between us ranging in age between 24 and 31. My husband has one little bitty wimpy tattoo. He loves them on me, loves them period...but he says he has other things he wants to spend his money on. He LOVES the Suicide Girls. I like to remind him that he is almost 51 and most of those girls are younger than our youngest child . He says he just appreciates the 'art'. Yeah. Right. lol
  2. All of mine are very sentimental and important to me. Almost every one represents someone I love. I don't think I'll ever tattoo my hands or neck. My face won't be tattooed, and I've always said I won't tattoo any part of my anatomy that I don't want my artist looking at . Everywhere else though, yes. My arms are almost fully sleeved and my legs are tattooed, and I'm not finished yet. I got my first at the age of 32 .
  3. ???? You can have your preferences and dislike tattoos till the cows come home, but that last part of your statement has me scratching my head. Ink in my skin is a sign that I don't want to be a productive member of society...really? Wowzers. I have to be honest and tell you that attitudes like this are one of the reasons I do have visible (very visible) ink. They mark you, not me.
  4. Lol...I would totally have done the same thing, and I'm not quite 50 yet...just dancing around the fringes .
  5. Good luck. I hope all turns out well.
  6. Thank you! Yes ma'am. All free form, I don't use molds of any kind. I use white sculpey clay, because it's a polymer based clay I can bake in my oven. I don't have a kiln. I purchase sculpey in bulk (24 lbs at a time) from Dick Blick art supply. I could use colored clays, but I was a painter first, and I enjoy mixing my colors too much . Every sculpture is original and one of a kind obviously since I don't use molds. I can make similar, but not exact. The only one I've ever done that wasn't original was a Pumpkin Jack I did as a gift for a dear friend .
  7. It's super fun. On my FB art page I often post the towers of clay after I get them kneaded and the progression of wads of clay to finished sculpture. I'm often amazed at what the clay tells me it wants to be . My favorites of late have been these ducks and the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. When I finish the commissions on my list I'm going to jump back into the Alice series because I really have my heart set on doing the Mad Hatter, Caterpilar, and the Red Queen . This was the White Rabbit, and he ended up being a surprise gift from a husband to a wife as well...
  8. Thank you Ma'am...very much!
  9. This was Mama and baby right after I made and baked them, before paint... And then the afterwards, before the varnish... I've had to keep this secret for weeks, I love being sneaky . These were the first ducks I've ever done so I was really nervous.
  10. Awwww, my god ...I just realized that you named her after me :wub: . That is the SWEETEST thing, ever. You're awesome, and your Papi is too .
  11. Subby, all of my business stuff is through the FB business page as well and it had no problem transferring over with the update. I didn't have to 'redo' anything with the exception of allowing permissions for FB to access my photographs . It is a bit of a drain on the battery though and I always close out my apps, I don't use Bluetooth, nor do I listen to music through my phone. It's only for texting, talking with an attached headset and linking to social media.
  12. Btw, everyone should read this article. It's hilarious. I just read it aloud to my husband and he was nodding his head the while time . I'll have the last laugh when I steal his soul... Muwahahahahaha
  13. I love him. I've been following he and Nick Frost for years...and Dylan Moran .
  14. Awwww . Yes we do, and we have a higher pain threshold...crazy, isn't it. The gene is REALLY strong, unusually so on the maternal side of my family. My maternal grandmother and great uncle were ginger, my Mom and a few of her half sisters, then myself (0nly one of 3 girls that was ginger). My paternal great grandmother was redheaded. My son is also ginger. My daughter had copper streaks in her hair when she was a baby but those are gone now.
  15. I'm a total Trekkie living in a house full of Star Wars fans . Leonard Nimoy was one of my very first crushes . I'm an original Trekkie however, I only ever saw a few episodes of the Next Generation and was not too pleased. I've enjoyed all of the movies, but have not seen the newest yet. I know I'll love it, if for no other reason that I can't ever get enough of Simon Pegg .
  16. Lol...works for me. Sometimes a little agoraphobia is a good thing . I've never had a flu shot, btw. I'm skeered of those things.
  17. You know, I don't mind her doing her half/whole naked stuff. She's owning her sexuality and trying to distance herself from the Hannah Montana (however you spell it) character and I understand that. More power to her. What I don't get, and am sorta grossed out by her is her mouth sexing everything that gets and inch from her face. I wish she'd keep her damn tongue in her mouth.
  18. I've only ever not finished two. I still have both of them because I am determined to revisit them at a later date. I will not be defeated .
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