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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. LOL I know. That one makes me laugh because I'm not quite sure what it is either...probably a trial and error kind thing . You figure it out and get back to us, lol.
  2. RhondaW

    My Daddy

    I just read this . My condolences, and I am so very sorry for your loss.
  3. I actually applauded this when I originally read the article. It is the logical conclusion to insisting there be any one 'religious' monument in place, they should all be allowed . That being said, you do realize that Anton LaVey was a marketing genius and 'Satanism' has very, very little if anything to do with the christian devil. It is more closely related to humanism. Only angst ridden gothy teenage boys think it has anything to do with devil worship . From the source: The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth by Anton Szandor LaVey © 1967 Do not give o
  4. I've never really considered it until just now but I use both as well. I guess it just depends on how lazy my mouth is that day, lol. I do however pronounce orange as 'arnge'. Sends Britaini and Mitchell right into frothy mouthed fits, lol.
  5. Thank You! We only just met...I don't want you to get chopped into bits and put in someone's chili . Those are the macabre places my brain takes me.
  6. Lucky, don't ride the comet trail alone. Even my father carries when he walks the comet trail alone, and he could tell you some stories of things he's seen on there...people walking out of the woods watching him, etc. Find a buddy to ride with, please ,
  7. Dorkaptamus is the bestest people . Ray loves them so much that what they play on television is not nearly enough for him. He bought the blu-ray set last year and I can imagine before the weekend is over we will have already seen them several times . He tried to talk our grandson into watching them when he spent the day with us Tuesday but A.J just wasn't having it, lol.
  8. I hate it. I hate everything about it. Did I mention I hate it? And it doesn't stop here. I remember at Best Buy last year customers were getting pissed off that we wanted them to leave at closing time on Christmas Eve. That day in particular I saw more rude, nasty attitudes than any other time during the holiday shopping season. I had a woman a woman a few years ago tell me I "ruined her Christmas" because we were out of a certain something she just had to have and she waited until the literal last minute to buy. No dumbass, if this makes or breaks your 'Christmas' than it was
  9. Thank you Tess! I hope so as well...this just makes so much sense to me now that I've done more research. There are also the side effects of fatigue and extreme thirst, one of the reasons I was tested for diabetes last week and came up negative. It's all making a lot more sense now .
  10. Thank you so much, I hope so too. This would be a really easy fix .
  11. I was, and I did. In the very early 90's. I was on public assistance for two years. I lost my job when my husband left and my car was repossessed. I was pregnant 2 1/2 months. My husband just left me a note and disappeared. I had to apply for assistance when I lost the job 2 months later and had no insurance to cover my pregnancy. Because of this they put me on food stamps and the whole nine yards. It was the most humiliating thing I've ever had to do in my life...and this was in the day when you went to the welfare office at 4:00am, stood in line for hours until they opened to get an
  12. Thank you Ma'am. I appreciate so much all of yours and Papi's positive messages and well wishes here and on FB. You two ROCK .
  13. Update: I've waited two days because I have been doing some research and experimenting on myself . Dr Manns at the Marietta Eye Clinic. Good doctor, very thorough, no complaints. I think I may continue to use them as my primary ophthalmologists. He checked me for every eye disease known to man, and I was negative on all of them (thankfully). All of that being said I was in tears by the time I left with my husband. I had a migraine from all of the drops and bright lights and frustration from hearing yet again "Your vision is fine". My vision is not fine. My right eye is not fine. I
  14. I thought the same thing. God she's unattractive...and if that man is 53, I'm 21.
  15. Never, ever, ever. I've usually worked them, this year I'm no longer in retail. Thank. Ye. gods.
  16. I will y'all, and thank you for all of the well wishes and good mojo .
  17. We should probably take this discussion to another thread BUT suffice it to say I view the tea party as the far right wing of the right wing. Anything Michelle Bachmann has ever had her claws in is something I need to stay far away from.
  18. I get what you are saying but I think we do ourselves a huge disservice (and everyone around us) when we make sweeping generalizations about any person based on their belief system be it political, spiritual, or anything else. For instance I detest the tea party. Detest May not even be a strong enough word . Yet I have some very good, very precious friends who are 'members'. I would never say " (insert insult here) tea b_____s" because I know that every member is not like those most vocal that annoy the tar out of me. Nancy Pelosi for instance...she would sound much more logical with a
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