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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Hey pretty lady...I don't think Ray would mind that at all . lol
  2. Wineries ??? You are DEFINITELY speaking my language ! Thanks for all of the suggestions, keep 'em coming!!!
  3. LOL on the t-shirt!!! I know, it is a sin and a shame. We just never have a chance to get away, pretty pathetic, for real! Guys, thank you so much for the suggestions. I am going to check them all out! I'll let yall know what we decide when we finally do. I'm really excited about a little retreat for just the two of us .
  4. So, Ray and I have not had a vacation in probably 11 years. No joke. I'm not a beach kind of girl, I prefer the mountains and trees . I was thinking maybe something like Helen, perhaps a cabin? It's been almost 25 years since I have been there. Does anyone know what kind of cost we are looking at, decent places to stay, etc? We are discussing this for around the end of August/September? Other suggestions are welcome, I just don't want to end up in Deliverance country being chopped up for chili . Thanks in advance!
  5. Awesome! Safe travel, and have fun . I hope the weather holds well for you!
  6. Yes, I chose 'Mema' after my Mema, who I absolutely adored, and over 20 years after her passing still adore . A.J is so country it turned into Meyamawwwwww ...and I have to tell you I completely love it. No better sound than hearing my kids calling me Mama .
  7. I like him too. I've always loved his voice. I'm not a christian and couldn't care less what he sings or what his lifestyle is, I've just always loved his voice. I do however love old hymns. Funny story, when we lived in Germany in the early 90's we bought a 4 month old Rottweiler puppy from another soldier who couldn't keep her. When we had to leave our apartment and crate her for any length of time she would just go nuts with the wailing and crying causing every one else in our building to complain. We figured out that if we popped in a Randy Travis cd in the player and left it on rep
  8. I have a naturally curly/wavy hair combo too. I never brush my hair, I only use a comb in the shower, which is why I wash my hair every day. When I get out of the shower I use the blue gunky 'got2b spikey' hair gel and scrunch. Then I spray on Aussie Mega-Hold hairspray and scrunch some more. I let it air dry for 15 minutes or so and then I blowdry upside down and all over . Reapply more Aussie. I only use a curly brush on my bangs which I blowdry straight down. I have two wicked cow licks on my forehead that make my bangs look like something from a barber shop quartet if I just let the
  9. I just saw this thread. Done, and I am glad all is well with your grandbaby and your daughter .
  10. So is Joran van der Sloot . The universe has a way of straightening these things out. Nothing will bring that baby back, but she is at peace and has been since she took her last breath. Justice was not served, someone got away with murder. I'm not sure who. I disagree that the parents should have taken the baby or that she would be alright now if that had happened. Something fishy is going on with that entire family. The fact that her mother lied on the stand about the whole chloroform thing blows my mind. I love my children, I would die for my children and think it well worth it BUT
  11. RhondaW


    Powder Springs park starting at 9:00pm, I believe.
  12. "Hows THAT for a slice of fried gold"
  13. Naturegirl, I just have to say...I am as liberal as they come. I don't think we would have a lot in common politically but you are one of the most awesome people I have ever had the good pleasure to meet . I hope we get to hang together again soon because you are the freaking bomb . (((hugs)))
  14. GREAT photos, just precious . She is pretty awesome. I have had the great pleasure of meeting her a few times, truly a wonderful woman .
  15. Jason's Deli, OH YES! Dick Blick art supply store, the nearest one is in Canton and I get tired of always having to order online.
  16. I agree that it is a cheezety thing. But I also agree that he can build elsewhere. I know a lot of people here do, and what is alright for you is not necessarily okay for me...personally you literally could not pay me to live anywhere with an HOA. If I want to sit a toilet on the front porch I paid for, by god I am gonna do it. NOT that I would, but you understand my point . Because I know both my husband and myself are just too innately stubborn and rebellious by nature, I would not ever consider a subdivision with an HOA. Give me some land, and a house smack dab in the middle of it I
  17. I've been sad about it all day. I loved that man. Columbo was one of my childhood crushes...as weird as that sounds. All of the great ones are leaving us.
  18. Yes. My husband is a commercial truck driver. Those are the skanky azz prostitutes that hang out in the truck stops. Ray even had that lizard with a line through it 'no lot lizards' sticker on his window, and they would still beat on his door . Nasty !!!
  19. It's called 'The Hive' and it is my friend, Lauretta's new hang-out place. If you don't know Lauretta Hannon (The Cracker Queen) , you are in for a treat. She is an AMAZING woman, funny as hell, and just one of the sweetest people you could ever hope to run into. I've included a link to The Hive from her website . I hope to see you there! Lauretta and The Hive
  20. Whoa, you guys are going to have a busy weekend !!! I am going to the opening of my friend Lauretta Hannon's 'literary loft', The Hive, at 2:00 on Saturday . Then my big plan is to come home and not do a damn thing except read till Monday . I'm hoping for a seriously relaxing, restful weekend for once, lol. I'm going to work really hard at not doing anything .
  21. My husband (the favorite of all my husbands ) asked me within two weeks. If you are interested, you are interested .
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