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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I'm going to be at the Zombie Walk that day...with a whole busload of zombie friends .
  2. Me too...Schatzki's ring issues and hiatal hernia. Horrible pain, but a change of diet will help...do away with white wheat, cheesy/milky things. Eating more healthy makes a HUGE improvement. They prescribed Nexium to me years ago but my insurance as far as the Nexium was concerned totally sucked. So I use the OTC generic, omeprazole without fail every morning. It has helped tremendously.
  3. Thanks Mark...I just wanted to inquire for future reference. Glad you all had a good turn out .
  4. When you say 'Fine Arts' are these booths juried? I only ask because I set up at an art festival once, displaying sculptures and paintings that can take a week or so to complete...only to have a lady selling flip-flops with balloons tied in flower shapes on them near me . The artist next to me was a published sports painter...needless to say we weren't happy.
  5. I loved it, I can't wait for the next installment. I watched it twice last night. Once alone and then with my daughter. I'll see it again today because Ray wants to watch as well. I just have to say that Dylan looks freaking FANTASTIC for an almost 50 year old man ! I would have put him in his mid-40's at the most *hubbahubba* , I adore creepy shows that leave you with lots of questions .
  6. I'm watching it right now...and loving it .
  7. DAMN! I missed it!!!! I was SO planning on watching, too. Maybe I can catch it 'On Demand'. When did it air?
  8. I'm allergic to Mucinex. I've often wondered if Zyrtec would work for me, but I am afraid to try it because each does is so long lasting . I can tolerate Benadryl, but only a 1/2 dose. A whole dose has my heart racing and me climbing the walls.
  9. Right?? ESPECIALLY ones that look like Cartman .
  10. Hahaha...The list of people I want to hug is longer than my slapping list. I'm at a disadvantage however, I'm sure there are PLENTY of people here who would wanna give me a smack or two...and you know my face, and where I work . Fair warning though, it isn't wise to tussle with a redhead...especially a short one. Your nasty bits are a lot easier for me to reach
  11. Bless your heart! I'm glad he will be alright .
  12. Yes, I agree with everyone. Get to the hospital, ASAP. If your appendix ruptures, and you are not near IMMEDIATE medical help it will kill you. This is not something you mess around with. My husband was having pain, just as you describe. I called my dr's office and they told me what it could 'possibly' be, and recommended I get him straight to the ER. He was on the road when I called. As soon as he got home (within 2 hours) we went to the ER. They had him in the room and determined that it indeed was his appendix. While waiting for the surgeon to get to us it ruptured. He went imm
  13. Me too. My best friend LOVES hers. It's a mental thing for me, I just can't make myself use one, lol.
  14. I have really bad seasonal (every season it seems) allergies. I'm also allergic to an enormous amount of OTC and prescription meds so I have to be super careful, I can't tolerate most things. I swear by Thera-flu allergy. The powder kind, I am allergic to the ready made liquid . I also use special eye drops . They are non habit forming, and helping the itching, watery eyes (on the advice of my optometrist) . They aren't cheap, but they do the trick. My link I hope you find some relief .
  15. Thank YOU for calling and coming out of your way to drop in, so very appreciated. It was so awesome to meet another pccommer . We look forward to seeing you again, Britaini was pretty excited when I explained to her how it all panned out and we just 'happened' to have that one book you needed, lol. No such thing as coincidence, Sister . I hope that cold goes away quickly and you are back to 100% soon, btw !
  16. Awwwww.... Congratulations on your anniversary !!!!!!!
  17. I'm loving it, even though it is just not quite cold enough for me yet . The colder, the better .
  18. Oh YES! Always loved that smell .
  19. After being turned on to 'Scentsy' products I will never buy another candle . My favorite right now is 'Pumpkin Marshmallow' I can't even begin to describe how yummy it smells. Everyone who steps into my house comments on it. My second favorite is 'Sticky Cinnamon Bun'.
  20. I can attest to this: I've gone from a size 22 to a 16 (that is now baggy) since June. My husband has lost over 80 lbs. NEVER hungry, so much energy...the only 'problem' is that none of my clothes fit anymore .
  21. Great editorial. I lost my favorite uncle, my Mother's only brother to AIDS in the early days. 1981 to be exact. He was a straight man, infected in 1975 through a blood transfusion. My Mom never quite recovered from the loss. I was just discussing the issue with my daughter a few days ago...how, if he had been infected ten years later he would likely still be around. Tragic. My sweet uncle Mike...me on the left and my younger sister on the right. My maternal grandmother Lois is holding us, and my Mom was in the background. The look on his face in this photo still cracks me u
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