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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I am 'reading' Jonathan Mayberry's 'Patient Zero~a Joe Ledger Novel' in audiobook form. Blake Crouch's 'Run' on my Fire. F.Paul Wilson's 'Conspiracies' and Barry Eisler's 'Fault Line' in hard copy . I read several books at one time as well!
  2. HAHAHAHA! Hey, I aim to please . She will still be 'Doodle' on her 58th birthday .
  3. I was pretty shocked when I saw this. It is so sad. I know she was self destructive, and an addict for such a long time. I had hoped she was past that. I swear to god I did not know she was only barely two years older than me. Drugs are so glamorous, aren't they? I do not know whether it was drug related or not, just saying that they had aged her so horribly, she was once so beautiful. Such a sad waste, she had such an awesome voice. So young.
  4. WOOHOO! That would be awesome . Last time I saw Michael I almost freaked out. When did he become a man? . You should bring Brittany to see Britaini, she owns the store now . (((hugs))) To you and yours!
  5. Her Brittany and my Britaini had been friends since they were little girls . Love them all! Wonderful people .
  6. Tina Drummond is absolutely one of the nicest people on the planet. LOVE her whole family .
  7. Do you own your own rig? My husband has been a trucker for over 20+ years, but he works for a company...we always file through Turbo-tax.
  8. ...And this. You people are so much more articulate than me .
  9. I really love this statement. I don't know how I missed it yesterday.
  10. I'm out of positives for the day... so +1,000. How could anyone give this post a negative? I've always loved this sentiment.
  11. AWWWWW!!!!!! CUTE overload . Precious.
  12. I won an art contest in the early seventies, county wide (Cobb) with my left hand. I am right handed. It was a painting of 'Thumper' from Bambie. I am reminded now of the saying from Bambie's mama... :"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". You know my name, You know where to find me. I don't hide behind an anonymous screen name or photo. My position is clear. On the wise words of Thumper's Mama, (and before I get a bullet), I take my leave. Adieu ~Rhonda
  13. You lost me at 'sin'. Your 'morality', doesn't necessarily jibe with the rest of the world. Guess, in many things that would make YOU abnormal. Assuming you are Christian. Yep. I'm done.
  14. Honestly. I couldn't give a crap less whether you agree or not. Just as I don't care whether or not you 'agree' with interracial (certainly not the 'norm') relationships or not. Civil rights are civil rights. ALL people created EQUAL means just that. And they are not. Period.
  15. Gotcha. I'm tired too, and was slightly confused. I agree, btw.
  16. Yep. This is one of those hills I am willing to die on. Equal rights under the law is just that.
  17. No. It is not a choice, and how on earth did you arrive at that from what I posted?
  18. I would be flipping my lid for sure. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. In case you didn't notice, I have no tattoos or piercings on my face, and that profile is indeed my face taken 2 months ago. I am married to a man, and I see NOTHING 'ab'normal about it.
  19. Because it IS 'normal' to a homosexual person? ??? *confused* I think this is awesome, one more step in the right direction.
  20. Great interview... I actually own the entire interview on DVD. I'm such a nerd, and I love his creative processes. Fascinating Abarat~ and the artist's process.
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