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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. LOL! Yes, and get well good mojo to him .
  2. You know his name, whether you read his work or not. Did you also know he is an absolutely BRILLIANT painter? If you have not seen his work, you should look him up. He is recovering from a coma...caused by a trip to his dentist's office . Scary stuff... Clive Barker~Near Death Toxic Shock
  3. I like the big canvas messenger bags (so I can carry a book or two) myself . I don't do 'small' and girly, lol. The only thing I can ever get from them to wear is pants for the summer. I tend to wear a lot of graphic tees, and other boy kinda clothes, lol. 'What Not to Wear' would have a BLAST with me! I always recommend them though, because the shop is very nice...and the girls come across the street to visit us often. They have a really friendly staff, and a HUGE selection if you wear those kind of clothes. I can always find something there for my grandson, and Britaini buys from t
  4. Don't forget Hand-Me-Ups in downtown Powder Springs...and then hop on across and say hello to us (The Book Worm) when you leave there . Hand Me Ups
  5. Need a good, reputable one. My son needs a new vehicle in a major sort of way. I remember someone saying they had dealt with one on Paulding somewhere?
  6. In my experience any man who is a PIG at 50, was more than likely a pig long before that . My big bear of a man will be 50 in a few months, and he is the farthest from a pig as one can be...BUT he is my 3rd husband. Took awhile and a few misses to find him. lol Kick the pig to the curb.
  7. LOL! You know this topic is gonna get clicked like...a MILLION times .
  8. I know, right? He just gets better as he gets older. I ALWAYS thought she traded down when she went for that goofy looking Kutcher boy.
  9. Yes. My last pregnancy was 23 years ago but with BOTH of mine I ended up in the hospital with BH. Each time I was dehydrated and did not know it. IV fluids will make them stop very quickly...make sure you are properly hydrated, if it is BH they will stop.
  10. We are all doing well! I hope the same for you and yours! How is your wife doing?
  11. We already have both our state and federal back. Husband filed around the first of last week .
  12. Me too! I prefer bookstores nowadays though, it seems to me most libraries are used mainly for the free computer access. They don't have the same 'feel' that they used to, and that is most unfortunate. Some of my favorite childhood memories take place in libraries. I've always just loved getting lost in stacks of books .
  13. The neo-gothic was my second favorite . Why do the pictures make you anxious?
  14. Thanks to my buddy, 'Pog mo thoin' for sharing this link on FB last night !!!!!! The 20 most beautiful bookstores in the world... The 'Shakespeare & Company' image was by far my favorite, even though they were all amazing. I really don't think there is any other type of shop on earth I would rather visit than a bookstore . These places are practically works of art in themselves. Which is your favorite?
  15. Oh yes, 'Linger' is awesome! It is the scent we burn in the store .
  16. Hey, that is pretty awesome! Congratulations, and good luck on the next one!!
  17. This indeed makes you one very lucky lady to have had a Daddy such as this. I am so, SO very sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))
  18. I want to amend my post to say I am not dissing 'Urgent Care ' facilities, I've never been to one, and a million years ago when my fingers were broken they did not exist . I just know that a broken finger can be a pretty serious thing as far as the use you get from your hands. I am at a technical 35% disability because of my breaks, and a permanent disfigurement... but it does not stop me from doing what I need to do.
  19. Gotcha. With a break it swells almost immediately. I was trying to ascertain if it was just broken or twisted and broken. The finger next to my pinky on my right hand was the worst of my lot. Twisted and broken. They debated over amputation, but were able to save it. Broken fingers can be really 'touchy' (excuse the pun). Please get him to the ER tomorrow as soon as you can, even though it is only his pinky I know from experience it isn't anything you want to play around with.
  20. How badly is it broken? Forget 'urgent care'... go to the E.R. 22 years ago I broke 8 fingers at one time (don't ask). I went to the ER and still ended up with surgery and pins in several fingers. A finger isn't like a toe, you should get it taken care of ASAP.
  21. They are just checking to make sure they still have something 'down there', lol.
  22. HAHAHAHAHA! I wasn't in 'public' I was in the CAR . Smatazz , lol.
  23. That's actually false, always check snopes . Baggy pants and prisoners... I think they look beyond ridiculous, as I think the muffin tops and tight shirts or half shirts are tasteless beyond words. I'm sure lots of people think my many tattoos are gross as well...difference is I can keep them covered up with a long sleeve. I think it's even more ridiculous that someone thinks we need to regulate 'fashion', good or bad.
  24. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I wouldn't even eat squid, and my Italian friends think I am crazy. I'm sure as hell not eating an insect, lol.
  25. RhondaW


    Yes. We have a larger and more defined children's section than we had before...We will be putting the finishing touches on it in the next couple of weeks. We have had some other Moms suggest a kids story time so that may be something in the works as well . Thank you again for your suggestions!!
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