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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Make sure you guys read the negative reviews as well as the positive . As a reviewer, bookseller, and CRAZY bibliophile I tend to glean a lot more from negative, than positive reviews. Several times I have read a negative and thought to myself that the thing that the reviewer was complaining about is precisely what I look for in an enjoyable read..and no, I am not kidding . After you all read this make sure and visit goodreads, or Amazon.com and offer your opinions, perceptions, etc. Even negative reviews are appreciated by the authors .
  2. I remember the HORROR of my Mom pulling my teeth. So, I never told mine there was a tooth fairy, if they pulled their own teeth (you know, the working it back and forth thing till they fall out on their own) they got a dollar, if I had to do it, it was .50 . Never any complaints, or fear or crying. They worked those little teeth like crazy. I think I may have pulled just one of Britaini's, but Mitchell did all of his on his own. Worked for us. I wouldn't go over a dollar per tooth though, tooth fairy or not .
  3. There goes another part of our childhood . R.I.P
  4. I don't like 'sweet' wines. My daughter LOVES Moscato, and those apple wines . I like the more 'earthy' bouquet of a Merlot, but I don't like them dry like a Pinot Grigio *blah*. I do love the hints of vanilla in cognac . Any suggestions for others to try?
  5. I am exactly opposite. Mixed drinks tend to make me sick . Even though the flavor is good going down. I love the 'Wallaby Darned' at The Outback. I drink a glass of Merlot, pretty much every day. I also love a nice cognac . Yes, ZC : Paso Creek is yummy, But I honestly have never tasted a Merlot that was not pleasant in some way. LOVE it!
  6. My favorite type of wine is Merlot...and I rarely meet one I don't love .
  7. I don't have the recipe, but my daughter's bestie made this one for us to all share on Thanksgiving. It was sheer perfection, and she made it all from scratch including the cream icing. Heaven...I'm hoping she will make another one for my birthday. It unseated Carrot Cake as my favorite .
  8. This is Edgar... He thinks he is a dog, seriously he does. He likes chicken soup and will chew to pieces ANYTHING made with styrofoam. This is the baby in the house, Sookie... she will be a year old this summer. She is probably the most affectionate dog I have ever seen, unless I yell at Edgar using his entire name "Edgar Winter", at which points she turns psycho and attacks him all the while making sounds like a rabid squirrel . He is probably 15 lbs heavier than she is, so it is really funny to see him try to get away from her. This is Midnight... He likes to run
  9. I was on the phone with our office (The Stuart James Company) 1986, until super hard labor. Social media had not been invented yet, otherwise BELIEVE me I would have utilized it. I was following along on Myspace 4 years ago when a dear friend and his partner in Scotland birthed their second child. We all rejoiced together. YEAH for new little ones.
  10. You asked for opinions so here's mine . I am a grandparent, if I want to see my grandson on Easter or any other day I don't expect them to come to us. We go to them. 2 adults getting out to visit is always easier than dragging kids along so, we go to them. I also agree with the manipulation thing. I don't allow myself to be manipulated . I think you have made an admirable compromise, and I don't understand the problem with it? That being said no 'holiday' is a really big deal in our family, nor has it ever been...other than Christmas Eve. That is the one day we all gathered togeth
  11. I always did mine the night before and set it on the lowest setting, it is generally cooked by the morning. Plus the house smells AWESOME when you wake up .
  12. Are crock pot meals not an option for you sometimes? You can really find some awesome crock pot recipes. A little preparation and the crock does the rest. No worries, and not a lot of pan clean up.
  13. Yep, #1 for sure! Beautiful voice. I agree with SOLO, controlling the breathing, and singing from the diaphragm . Polish that obvious natural talent...there is nothing I enjoy better than hearing someone sing acappella, without all the studio manipulation. Good luck!
  14. Thank you, Skinny Minnie . One word for you... podcast, lol. You are always so supportive and encouraging. We love you! Please do! The one day you can catch both Britaini and myself in the store is Tuesday . We work together on that day with regularity . We would LOVE to meet you! Yes it does! I LOVE to paint, it's very meditative for me. But honestly I was SO ready to be finished with this. Not because I didn't love the whole process, simply because I was so anxious to see it finished . I feel really proud of it when I walk into the store and it just
  15. Thank you Ladies . SouthernScarlett,, you need to visit us again soon...so we can talk about doggies and stuff .
  16. Tell her 'Thank You' as well . I agree, it does make sense. I'm with you though... Brit and I could open a bookstore just with the books we have here at home. Technology will NEVER replace the physical book. Not for true bibliophiles anyway .
  17. Wow! I had not heard about that. I wonder how they would 'expire' your ebook? I know I have the kindle fire and I understand how Amazon could pull from your device, but I'm not sure about the Nook. I also have a Sony eReader and it's not possible for Sony to access that unless I wanted them too. Very interesting . I love my eReaders, but for me at least they are in NO way a replacement for physical books. I also utilize Audible.com for audiobooks that I listen to while I paint. I figure any delivery system for getting words into my brain is good for me, lol. I use and appreciate the
  18. Thanks G!!! You are the best sister, EVER . You need to come by the store with the Doodle-Bug on Sunday and see it in person .
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