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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. The package store we use, on Brownsville next to the Kroger is owned and operated by an Indian family. We love them to death, they know our entire family (not sure if that's a good thing ). Even if I just need a bottle of wine when I am at Kroger, I will take the extra time to stop into their store on the way home because they are so friendly, and they genuinely, openly appreciate our business and are very vocal about it. Just good people .
  2. I told you that you should have worn a rubber chicken around your neck . I'll learn ya .
  3. LOL! I don't remember and it drives me CRAZY that I can't!!! I so wish I could . I've had the great pleasure to meet so many pccommers, and I have without exception liked every single one of them. I've become fantastic FB friends with many others and would love to meet them in person. Goth Wiccan, that really did crack me up . I'm neither Goth, nor Wiccan. Liberal Pagan Agnostic heavily tattooed and happily married naturally red-headed smart-assed Memaw...that's me
  4. I just watched the video and read the story...until video is released I guess it's kind of hard to really know what happened, but the woman calling him 'demon' and then beating him with a belt sounds like she might be a bit disturbed. Just my impression. I never even spanked my own children with a belt.
  5. Hitting another person's child with a belt? Yes, wrong and assault. Whapping them one time on their rear end? Not wrong and would get their attention. I haven't read the story yet...I may change my mind.
  6. P.O.S “We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid.” ― Christopher Hitchens “Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.” --Christopher Hitchens
  7. I'm beginning to feel like I am trying to reason with Dwight Schrute. "Reject a woman, and she will never let it go. One of the many defects of their kind. Also, weak arms." Uncle, I give.
  8. Thanks for making assumptions. Read a few posts above about not tipping the delivery drivers, or wait staff. Also, I should have said 'the' assholes, instead of 'you' assholes. So I stand corrected. Bad service should not be rewarded, and I never implied such. Honestly...and I will be 47 this year, I can count on one hand how many times I have ever received bad service. More like 3 fingers, actually.
  9. Did I say that? Where did I mention crappy service? Please point that out to me.
  10. Jeebus. I have never worked a job where I had to depend on tips, thank ye gods... and hope to never have to. I did work in a steakhouse in my teens on the line, and saw how hard the waitresses worked for the pittance they received. However, I do tip, (we) tip. My husband is a great tipper, because we appreciate the service. We also feel like we need to help make up the difference for all of you cheapskate assholes who don't or won't tip. Enjoy the spit in your food, because trust me...they will remember your faces. Edited to say I am not referring to tip jars...I'm referring to
  11. Can we rid the world of purple AND pink????
  12. I quit drinking carbonated soda (diet or otherwise) a month and a half ago. It was almost as hard as quitting smoking..,and I am not kidding, Now I only drink unsweetened tea (no sugar or artificial sweetener), water and occasional fruit juice. Oh...and wine. I drink wine. I've lost weight just from cutting out sodas. My plan is to never drink another one.
  13. In one of the articles I read yesterday the waitress said she showed the receipt to a co-worker, and the co-worker posted it online. Either way, that customer is a bitch...gives god 10%? I guess she means she gives herself 10%, along with the 10% she collects from her 15 member storefront church. Idiot.
  14. I think this is awesome, and even though it will be ridiculously expensive once the pharmaceutical companies get their grubs on it...I would take it. I watched my precious Mema waste away to this hideous cancer, it's a painful death sentence...one of the scariest cancers. imho.
  15. YES! The entire 'News of the World' album by Queen...and in particular 'We Will Rock You' and 'We Are the Champions'. 'The Joker' and 'Fly Like an Eagle' by Steve Miller.. 'The Wall' by Pink Floyd. Geez, so many. I think of walking down the halls at school and looking down at my corduroy bell bottoms swishswishswishing, lol. It's funny how that is such a vivid memory attached to some of these songs .
  16. Good for him . This warms my heart, and I hope they have many MANY more years of happiness ahead of them.
  17. I'm glad you finally made it to the dr.!! Next time (if there is one) you will know for sure because it's a pain you don't forget. It will heal quickly now that you have the patch and the drops...I hope you find yourself without pain today .
  18. The one thing in particular I can tell you that was common with every single time my cornea has been scratched or cut ...was that there was a constant feeling of 'something' being 'in' my eye. Just a constant, and I mean constant irritation. Only sometimes did I notice a difference in my vision, depending on where the cut has been. The irritation was a constant, however. Did I mention constant? It's serious, you need to get to a dr,
  19. OMG...How could I forget Katharine Hepburn and Bette Davis????
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