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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Not sure about the first 500 but I'll be going by there at some point tomorrow. I hope they really overhauled that store, though.
  2. So nobody's curious how this is math homework?
  3. I suppose you could always go out this way ... LifeGem
  4. Hmmm ... guess nobody's here.
  5. As has already been stated above ... it happens everywhere. I've found expired items on the shelves at Kroger and Publix.
  6. I need to get by there ... I have a bunch of Dean Koontz and Stephen King books to get rid of.
  7. Just got the first "I can't sleep!" from him.
  8. My 4th grader has been so excited about getting back to school for a long time now. I'll be surprised if the poor guy is able to fall asleep before midnight.
  9. Congratulations on getting this far and good luck on achieving your Eagle. When we drop things off at Kroger, do we need to mention you specifically as our reason for contributing?
  10. I used to make all of my own breads, stocks, pasta, etc. so I wouldn't need those but knowing a list of what would be done when would be good because there are a few things that I don't know and would like to learn.
  11. Saw the sign earlier today ... XFC
  12. For every topic you can think of, there will be somebody here who doesn't want/need to read about it. I'm sure there are folks with no kids at all who see no point in the kids threads ... and people with spouse who don't care to read about what so-and-so's spouse did today ... and people who don't care about lunch plans, vacations, etc. Politics and religion are very frequently separated in online communities because of the volatile tendencies of such discussions. I personally think this place is already broken down too far. But it's not my call to make.
  13. For every topic you can think of, there will be somebody here who doesn't want/need to read about it. I'm sure there are folks with no kids at all who see no point in the kids threads ... and people with spouse who don't care to read about what so-and-so's spouse did today ... and people who don't care about lunch plans, vacations, etc. Politics and religion are very frequently separated in online communities because of the volatile tendencies of such discussions. I personally think this place is already broken down too far. But it's not my call to make.
  14. - digital camera - maid service - pre-paid, all inclusive Caribbean vacation - ...
  15. So the assumption (even if accurate in this particular case) is that it is all about social status and nothing to do with quality of product or anything else? Got it. I personally wouldn't own a Mercedes but plenty of people do and plenty of them get car loans just like folks do for a Ford Focus or any other car. If you look at the income to vehicle cost ratio, a $55,000 car fits solidly in with somebody buying a $20,000 car making $50,000 a year. And how many folks making $50,000/year pay cash for their vehicles? Sure hope you paid cash or feelip will get on you about it.
  16. I didn't even click the link. Just responded to the generalized statement. And with the model identified ... do you think a car in that price range is too much for someone making $150,000? I think the bigger issue is money management. (And career choices. )
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