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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Thee was a list of suggested classroom activities for teachers to use to go along with the speech. Really, they could have been written up off a rough outline of the speech. It wouldn't have had to be completed to come up with the things that they suggested. http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/academic/bts.html
  2. Should we not add the bus driver to that list?
  3. And lets assume that is the case ... parents did what they needed to do to protect their children from a perceived threat ... the speech was amended ... the end result was a very positive message that I think our kids need to hear. And no, I don't think it is only the place of parents to deliver that message. The more places our children hear positive reinforcement, the better it is for them. And there is nothing at all wrong with a major figure in today's news trying to connect with our children, our future, and showing them that they can do it. I am certainly not PBHO's biggest fan b
  4. I was wondering what happened. Our principal said that our school would be watching it but when I asked my son about it when he got home he said they did not.
  5. Do they let parents in with the kids, pubby?
  6. Thursday night we get to see how it went when Jeff showed up at the Jury house.
  7. No need to hide it ... it's old news now.
  8. The place with the pig sign ... I'd forgotten all about that one.
  9. Dr Tharp is not taking new patients.
  10. Special needs or not ... not gonna happen with my kids. Yet another on the long list of reasons that I will continue to drive to our dentist in Kennesaw for dental visits for myself and my children.
  11. Ok, so I have to ask ... are there really dentists that don't allow parents in with their kids during cleanings, drilling, whatever?
  12. Mine was a generalized comment and not directed at you specifically. A number of folks had made comments about the other driver being placed as #1 in the police report. There is no getting around the fact that some insurance companies are filthy scum-suckers and will do everything they can to get out of paying. It's good that you're trying to find witnesses and it is good that you are being as vague as your are with details so as not to cause questions regarding the validity of the witness statements that may come as a result. Good luck to you in this.
  13. That's who we see whenever possible.
  14. The police determine who broke the law ... the insurance companies determine who holds the most blame from a bunch of different views. No, they aren't always right and no, they aren't always fair. You should fight it as hard as you are willing to. But don't ever think that because the other driver is listed as driver #1 that you've got the case locked up.
  15. I think some folks may take the word "punish" too harshly in this, too. But if it came down to his decision was one of disrespect and not truly one of a conscious personal choice based on his beliefs, I'd have an issue with it. My son said that he didn't want to watch it in school but he could not articulate a reason so I told him that he could then choose between watching it at school or watching it at home with me. If he had been able to articulate a reason for his not wanting to watch, I wouldn't have pushed the issue. It would have been his choice and I would have been fine with it.
  16. He's not the only one. Their are old campaign signs up in a number of places from a few different candidates. It irritates the you-know-what out of me, too. I don't care if they didn't know their volunteers put them out there. Their name, their responsibility. And there's no way they or somebody in their circles doesn't know about them still being up.
  17. For pediatricians, absolutely check out West Atlanta Pediatrics. For family practitioner ... Dr. Noel Battle.
  18. I'm with the majority thus far. Doesn't sound like a "valid" reason to have opted out of it so it wouldn't fly here. Was he really taking a stand, though. The way it is presented, he opted out just because he was tired of hearing about it.
  19. Yorkville ... go down Goldmine and take the second left after you pass Scott's Store. Ball park will be down on your right, about 1/0 of a mile or so.
  20. As the two earlier posters said ... 0
  21. When you get the test, if the car fails, keep that receipt in the car as well. Keep everything in the car until you've got a legal tag on it.
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