Why do we need a new law for every little thing? "Failure to maintain full time and attention" is a nice umbrella for all of it. Phones, texting, food, makeup, breast feeding, whatever.
I'm not 100% sure but I believe they are obligated and can not deviate from the stated amount without going through the federal government first. And considering how long it takes to get things through the federal government, the floods will be long over before anything happens.
There has been a Memorial Fund set up in her name at Douglas County Bank. She leaves behind a husband and two young children.
(look for thread with full details coming in the CC forum shortly)
Hubby was telling me about the poor truck Monday.
Absolutely amazing how much water is still on roads and in neighborhoods and such over there even today.
I've found a couple in the ATL area but so far nobody that comes to Paulding.
Your neighbor needs to get the word out. Folks would like to know who to call for this ... be it a regular service for them or a once in a while one.