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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. As pointed out above ... "don't cross any solid line" is the truly basic point in it all. Doing so is a violation of Georgia Traffic Code. The gore definition being different in the manual is something that certainly seems to need to be addressed.
  2. Not to nitpick but ... are you sure he didn't check it before pulling you over?
  3. They can not possibly cover every single code within the Georgia Traffic Code. (Or any other state, for that matter ... it isn't just here that this happens.) They expect you to learn the basics for the test and it is up to you to learn the rest on your own as it applies. You certainly wouldn't expect your son to be tested on what constitutes certificate of origin for a farm tractor, would you? You know, I used to keep that breakdown handy. I'll have to dig that link up again.
  4. If that is happening, it will very quickly prove to cost the county more money in the long run. I hope there are no more questionable tickets now than before, on average. Law enforcement makes mistakes ... they're human. And intentional push of reality for the purpose of raising money is wrong in any book.
  5. I think the sign in front of Union said theirs is early November. Anybody know if that's right?
  6. I'm not disputing the possibility of the need for updating/correcting the driver manual but that doesn't change what a gore is from the standpoint of traffic law in the state of Georgia. There are a number of laws not specifically covered in the driver manual. That doesn't mean they aren't valid laws.
  7. I just wanted to be clear on which post my comment was directed. It was about the general increase in tickets, not that specific charge. Back on the primary subject of the thread ... based on the information we are being given, it does seem a bit much.
  8. Where is "traffic stripping" covered in the Georgia Traffic Code?
  9. Did you notice which post I was responding to with that post of mine? It was a general one, not one about the gore violation.
  10. Sounds like where my daughter dances.
  11. You don't suppose there's any chance that the new sheriff is making much needed changes to try to reduce the number of deaths on our roads, do you?
  12. Georgia Traffic Code defines a gore as "As used in this Code section, the term 'gore' means the area of convergence between two lanes of traffic." I says nothing about them having to be lanes going in the same direction or anything like that. Your husband certainly should go to court and argue his position to see if he can convince the judge to agree with him. There are a large number of drivers that do not realize what a gore is, though. You guys aren't/weren't alone on that. Without knowing any of the deputy's side, I will say that it does seem a bit much to site somebody fo
  13. Ragsdale Elementary ... October 9 5p-9p
  14. If the officer wrote somebody a ticket for stopping only long enough to let somebody out and then did the same thing, the officer is in the wrong. But you said that the other driver stopped in front of the store and "I believe he was picking someone up." That is not a clear statement of the facts and also indicates that the driver was likely sitting still for a longer period of time than just dropping somebody off. You said that two tires crossed into the gore, now two tires only touched it. It's really hard to be clear on the situation when it isn't consistently expressed. And th
  15. Not sure how it translates to an officer thinking he is above the law when your husband was in the gore. Also, regarding the ticket for being in front of the store, you need only be at a full stop to qualify for that ticket. (Outside of any traffic control devises, of course.) No parking in a fire lane is no parking or standing.
  16. Oh, we've got cable on all of the tvs ... just not all of the features and channels that the digital box thingy gets.
  17. Ok, the question was about any FOP money (dues, etc.) going to the Republican party. I have edited my initial post to clarify that situation. (hopefully) If anyone has any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
  18. Comcast wants us to pay for a box for each tv if we want the full service available on all. Forget that mess ... one tv has the box and the others just live without On Demand and the few channels that won't come in without the box.
  19. Hopefully I'm being crystal clear on that. Also, this is the FOP/FOPA lodge that has been distributing food and school supplies in area counties, including Paulding.
  20. Do they offer a cable speed equivalent internet connection?
  21. The money thing has nothing to do with the FOP. Was that the question? We're just there to meet the community, help LEOs get signed up, hand out some safety stuff, possibly doing child ID kits and gun locks, etc. The only money that the FOP/FOPA would be taking away from this event would be member dues from new members. The Republican party would not get any part of that.
  22. The FOP is a national organization ... with local lodges.
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