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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. I don't think most folks worry about insurance on cheaper items. I don't generally mess with Fee-bay much anymore. Between them and PayPal it has gotten to be more trouble and expense than it is worth. I am still set up with them and I'll check to see what message(s) I've gotten regarding insurance.
  2. I've actually thought about getting into politics but I think my common sense approach to many things would not be welcome. :lol:
  3. Their take out containers (dinner anyway) are not as large as the place at Hiram Sudie/Scoggins @ 61 and their General Tso's chicken isn't as good. Between that and the so-so sushi that I had in the to go order, I'll likely only try them again as a sit down option.
  4. It was in an awful location ... not at all easy to get in and out.
  5. For a position in Paulding County emergency services, that pay is actually not bad. (Not defending it, just comparing it.)
  6. And I, yours. Very rare but much appreciated to have an exchange that doesn't end up in insults and name calling. I agree that the stay-at-home spouse should work towards self sufficiency ... so what about a step down option? Perhaps for the first year the child support should be at its highest and then go down over the next two years or so to a base, region appropriate level?
  7. Another thought ... when I moved out of my mother's house when I was 17, she and my father both agreed that he would then send the check to me ... not her.
  8. But if the mother and father mutually agree that one of them will stay home and the other will take on the task of providing financially, why does that joint decision vanish when their partnership is dissolved? And another scenario ... joint decision that one spouse stays home and the other works ... working spouse makes $10 million a year. Should they still only pay $800/month (or whatever)?
  9. Dollar Tree Wally World usually has some, too.
  10. Folks pick up the check at sit down restaurants for police/fire/ems/military, too ... when in uniform. (easy to identify) All just very nice, simple gestures that go a long way.
  11. But what about a situation where there is not equal earning ability? A man or woman who has remained in the workforce throughout has a much higher earning capacity than a man or woman who stayed at home to raise the child(ren). If the high earner has been to sole income provider up until the time of divorce, should the balance not remain uneven?
  12. Not sure about here in Georgia but I've seen exactly that thing happen in other areas.
  13. Heck, about a million years ago, my mother got $600/month for me, $400/month for my brother, and $1000/month in alimony and her divorced friends thought she got screwed. (At that was DC area.) $800/month is cheap in NY.
  14. My apologies ... I sometimes forget that everyone doesn't use abbreviations like that.
  15. Exactly. And, obviously, it can be done for anyone. Just thought I'd mention it while folks were thinking of thank you gestures.
  16. I broke out a nice new set of "old fashioned" ice cube trays and my 9 year old asked me what they were.
  17. Next time you're in the drive-thru and see an LEO behind you, ask the cashier to let you pay for the LEO's meal as well. A small, simple gesture that actually says a lot.
  18. Even with today's ammo market, bullets are cheaper than workers comp claims.
  19. I would guess they won't be getting too far ... since there is that other accident scene between there and 61. SO and/or GSP should still be on the scene.
  20. Cynthia is usually good for a laugh.
  21. Coke ... sweet tea ... coffee ... ?
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