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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. They are right next to the railroad tracks in Hiram. Across from the pawn shop.
  2. Hmmm ... maybe I'll hook the computer to the tv and work out with the YouTube videos. Of course, all of my fat will probably still be Zumbaing about an hour after I finish the workout. :lol:
  3. Just watching some videos on YouTube ... that does look fun.
  4. There are a few different methods. The plastic should not be against the floor joists, ever. Some vapor barriers are plastic on the ground, then covered by pea gravel. Some are plastic straight on a pea gravel or sand "bedding." Others are plastic on the ground and up the walls. The idea for all of them is to keep moisture from humidity and/or ground water from getting to the joists and floor decking. If you're getting noticeable water, I'd have the barrier checked. If it is on the floors and up the walls and still intact, you may have a whole other issue.
  5. Water and moisture happens in a lot of crawl spaces. One thing to do to protect your investment is look into having a vapor barrier installed.
  6. [fingers in ears]LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA[/fingers in ears] There can not be any water problems in this area. My son has GOT to go back to school on Monday. :lol:
  7. No problems here and I'd avoid it for now, if you can.
  8. http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?ctid=492
  9. Anybody start building the ark yet?
  10. Y'all just be very careful getting around. Water's rising and, if the wind picks up much more, the trees will be dropping.
  11. Looks to be about 3" and still counting in Union and my little creek is every bit as high as it was on Monday.
  12. From the way the folks I know go on and on about them, I'd sure have to try one if it was ever convenient to do so. Just not very high on my food "bucket list."
  13. Our little creek is up and moving fast. Haven't gone out to look yet but from what I can see from the porch, rain gauge looks to be at about 3 inches on the day.
  14. Maybe they just need to get a better food photographer. They just look greasy instead of juicy.
  15. Folks on my forum talk about that place a lot but you know, the pictures that they've posted do nothing for me. The burgers look really greasy.
  16. I can't help but wonder if the name and menu changes were an attempt to go it alone, not as a franchise. Anyone know?
  17. It's a hugely popular chain in other areas so something's working somewhere.
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