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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Confining them in a room with adult supervision is perfectly acceptable, obviously. Apples and oranges.
  2. Quake triggers tsunami in the Samoas, killing 99 link
  3. Who is doing what ,where on this? I've been trying to find out information on this but the web page was down and nobody was answering the phone at the number listed.
  4. And the death toll rises.
  5. Cabinet locks ... high shelves. I know it isn't for everyone but there is simply no way I would lock either of my children in their rooms.
  6. If I had an issue with my child repeatedly getting out of bed I'd either deal with it through discipline or I'd stand there holding the door closed. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to my child because I had locked them in their room. And for the sleepwalking scenario (or the toddler that gets up in the middle of the night) you can put deadbolts on all of your outside doors that require a key to open from the inside as well as the outside. Just hang the key out of reach of the child but near the door.
  7. Quake triggers tsunami in the Samoas, killing 34 link
  8. Not a chance that I would lock my child in their room.
  9. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=224490
  10. The Thrifts Shop and The Endless Yard Sale Both are in Dallas and both benefit Paulding residents in need.
  11. Just imagine how wonderfully behaved they'll be when they're teenagers.
  12. I know it doesn't snow here often but I bought my kids a vinyl sheet toboggan to sled on when it does happen. Talk about instant popularity with the other kids in the neighborhood. LOL! (And I still have a hard time with the use of toboggan referring to a hat. I have a half second delay in understanding what's being said. )
  13. Born in Canada ... lived most of my life in the Northern Virginia. Snow cream was a regular thing. I remember a couple of years when the snow plows packed huge snowfalls at the end of our road and all of us kids would dig out a tunnel fort and play in there for days on end. Whenever one of us standing on top ended up going through the "roof", we knew it was time to give up the fort.
  14. Snow cream's not just a southern thing.
  15. Water in the yard and our creek was every bit as high, if not higher, last night as it was last week. Fortunately, the house is high enough to stay out of it all.
  16. It's ok, we still like you. LET IT SNOW ... LET IT SNOW .. LET IT SNOW!!!
  17. Happy, happy, joy, joy! Woohoo!
  18. Here's a thought ... what if all of the rain that we have gotten recently had been snow, instead? 1" of rain = 12" of snow (generally speaking, though the type of snow will change that) Shall I spread my happy thoughts elsewhere? :lol:
  19. Aren't we about due for a good snow this winter?
  20. Don't ever let water stand under there, that's for sure.
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