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Everything posted by moonmyyst13

  1. Hi all My hubby is starting to study for his citizenship test. He is from England so is not really worried about passing the English test (yes they are going to make him take an English test!!) He has been studying the Constitution but I would like for him to study US history from OUR point of view... (needless to say being from england he has a rather distorted view and he said they pretty much skimmed over the revolutionary war and did not learn much at all about it if you can believe that!!) What book, that is factual (not necessarily non fiction) but actually a bit interestin
  2. there are a couple of ways to download books to the kindle... one is straight to the kindle using wifi or 3G connection (if you get the one that supports the 3G connection) the other way is to go to amazon and get the book there... then use the white cord provided to hook to your computer and download through your computer. the white cord that is included for charging, if you take the end off of it (where the plug is... it just slide off) then you get the usb connection to hook into the computer.
  3. uuummmm.... who is Ted Williams?? a sports guy or something??
  4. so where do we sign up for the bus to go picket their funerals then??
  5. Mayan calender... so not christian we are planning a hot tub party for that day.... that way if it DOES end we go out with a bang... and if it DON'T end... we.... um......
  6. I let my 17 year old stay up at night... his older brother is living in texas now and they like to play games at night (after my older son gets off work) on xbox... they really miss each other and it gives them some "brother" time... this week has been a rare treat for them
  7. we parked the car at the foot of our driveway... only about a couple of feet to have to drive to get out to the subdivision road... tried to find the shovel to do the back deck for the doggies... could not find it... have a feeling the teen had it outside for some reason and it is under the snow and ice now.... so used a heavy rake and a broom.... not all done but he doggies have a clear path out to the yard now...
  8. Question for everyone off the whole snow thingy.... my son (17yoa) is a writer... he loves writing fiction... he is working on a novel now... heck he has been writing like this since he was 10 or 11... are there any writting groups in the county?? I would love for him to be able to talk to and learn from other writers...
  9. I think the whole kindle/nook thing is a great idea... I cant wait till they get school books to download... then the schools can save money on books and the kids will have books to bring home and study.... and with a son going to college in a little over a year it might make books there cheaper as well!!
  10. I have to take my son to school... he does not have a license (yeah he is 17 but long story...) and he fell in the school redistricting last year so that they changed his school half way through his high school so we got a waiver for him to stay with his friends he has had since elementry school... so he does not have a bus to ride... up to us to get him there... and I aint driving in that stuff.... so whether they call school or not he gets another day off....
  11. if people are getting out to head to work.... make sure you head back home before the temp starts dropping again and this all freezes back up again!!! please be safe out there!!!!
  12. got this from www.wsbtv.com http://www.wsbtv.com/news/26420633/detail.html http://www.wsbtv.com/news/26448412/detail.html dont know if this will help.... BE SAFE OUT THERE!!!
  13. yep... but that is about to come to an end..... and here is a chess pie... http://allrecipes.com//Recipe/chess-pie/Detail.aspx it is an old fashioned southern pie and my favorite!!
  14. no offense intended but my first thought was..... .... we will be able to tell the catholic babies now????? :pardon:
  15. working.... baking a chess pie working..... working...... and then tonight... working till my hubby takes my laptop away!!
  16. check the online scanner for the SO.... you may get some info there
  17. I am making chess pie today..... we finished off the candy in the jars on our desks while working yesterday..... while someone is doing the egg run could you drop some m&m's and jelly beans off here?????
  18. I have a kindle and love it!! you can also go to the amazon site and then to the kindle store and download a free kindle app for your computer/laptop and get some free books and try it out... that way you can check out the format, etc... we have it on both of our laptops and my hubbys desktop.... one good thing is you can read on the computer and then use the kindle and it will sync to the last page you were on when on the computer....
  19. just to address the people who are new to the area (only the last couple of years) and think we have multiple snowfalls per year.... it comes in cycles... we will have a couple or so years where we will have 2-3 snowfalls... an inch or two... and then we will go for quite a few years with "close calls" and luck to see a couple of flakes flying... take it from someone who has had to watch school closings for years... first me then my kids.... funny how it is always on sunday evenings.... I can remember going for 4-5 years with no more than a couple of flakes flying.... then 2-3 years w
  20. not here... been working all day..... the blessing and the curse of working at home!!! will be working all day tomorrow too.... only thing that would have gotten me out of it was loosing power!!
  21. I am not a medical person.... but if it were me I would keep it iced until the swelling goes down some then wrap it with an ace bandage until I could get it looked at. while it will hurt like crazy... unless you get other symptoms then I would not be concerned enough to go out in this crazy weather to get it checked... just dont use it and go easy.... keep it elevated... treat it as you would a sprain... hope you feel better soon!!
  22. I have been watching WSB mostly but checking other places as well.... apparently we are not even due to get above freezing till friday due to a cold front coming down from canada tomorrow... they are also saying flurries for thursady and saturday as well.... until we get several hours well above freezing then the back roads at least will remain really bad... DOT and county will do their best with the main roads but anything that melts (not that anything did today really except where it was scraped) will freeze rather quickly... especially with lows in the teens.. they are talking now about
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