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Everything posted by moonmyyst13

  1. I had already decided the teen would not be at school on monday a couple of days ago. he probably wont be there on tuesday but I will wait till tomorrow to make that decision. to me the call is just a formality. he has not missed any days this year so I can sign a slip for him for a day or two if the BOE gets silly or are in tahiti or something.... his safety is my responsibility after all....
  2. ankle with metal from an old sports injury also... massive headache from pressure changes
  3. good idea... but at least it will not hit until after dark.. they all agree on that... so people should be able to get out and get what needs to be done during the day and be home by dark... and there wont be so many trying to make it home from work.... hopefully that will mean fewer wrecks and fewer people getting hurt... we are in for the duration.. we work at home and I am already planning on keeping the teen home from school monday.. and probably tuesday as well... the school cancellation (when it comes) is just a formailty to me... we are set for food and such and if we do not loose power
  4. okay channel 11 is saying the same time frame .50 to .75 inch of ice but did not give a snow total... I guess we will watch again tomorrow and see how much they change it again....
  5. okay... now I am confused... is he saying 2-3 inches snow with .25 to .50 of ice??? is that what everyone else is getting??
  6. I hope that it is more snow than sleet and ice... so that it is pretty and goes away quicker with less power out.... we are working on a large order here at home and I need the power on!!! that is the problem of working at home.... you cannot skip work because the roads are bad!!!!!
  7. when the news first came on he showed on his map... he is about to give the full weather after this commercial break...
  8. exactly... you cant have fun in sleet!!!!
  9. I still say it was the little green men's blogs :yahoo:
  10. WSB has updated the amounts again... should start around 9pm sunday with sleet... and we are going to have more sleet and less snow now... and accumulating sleet and freezing rain will continue nonstop until tuesday morning... they are saying 3" of ice by tuesday morning... what are the other stations saying??
  11. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: they need to start looking for the terrorists and not the weapons!!!!
  12. I was simply pointing out how silly this whole speculation was... not being disrespectful... showing how we can "speculate" if some totally different person said this or another person did that... how silly it is in the whole scheme of things until we find out the facts in the case... and jumping to the speculation that it "could" be due to palin or maps or tea party or... little green men's blogs.... heck it may be due to the chain of grocery store she was standing in front of for all we know.... and going on and on and on and on about if this person had this on their website and how violent
  13. cooked a couple of crock pots of spaghetti sauce.... I have too much to do over the next few days if we keep power... I can use the sauce to make spaghetti, lasagna, casserole, italian soup, etc... even italian sloppy joes!!
  14. you know... if the little green men had not written that blog... not saying it was them... but you know... if they had not written it... but then everything they wrote really should be looked at... cause even though no one is saying that they had anything to do with it... but everything they wrote needs to be looked at because you see her husband is an astronaut and those blogs by those little green men.... not saying they had anything to do with it... not blaming anyone... but if they had not written them and then deleted them 3 days before this happened.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  15. wonder if they are planning on eating lots and lots of bowls of cereal......
  16. oh no!!! the canned milk posse is about to ride!!! :rofl:
  17. it's not the snow that is the problem this time it is the ice on the trees that are already weak from a couple of years of drought.... and with the extra blast of cold air coming down right after... and the fact we have no equipment to handle all of this...... I am just going on past experience... and all the ice storms that have come before.... I have been here in the county on several occassions where the power company could not make it out to get our power back on from a fallen tree branch until a week or so later... but hey... I like the furniture burning idea... only... can I throw
  18. okay... then why are the left going on and on and on and on about palin's maps and pushing people over the edge?? I sure did not make the connection.... no "right wing" that I know of started this.... (and I am not right wing... I am liberterian by the way) ... my first thought was that it had something to do with the border problems they are having down there... I did not jump to searching through anything and everything palin has said or written trying to find something that "could" be used to blame her and the tea party as I said... until you can show where the shooter, HIMSELF, s
  19. show me a link to anything he has said that says he was influenced by Palin in any way... he was LEFT wing not RIGHT!! and vitriol?? when did I "spew vitrirol"?? I simply expressed an opinion. just because it differed from yours does not make it "spewing vitriol".... in fact I was NOT refering to anything you said...
  20. http://www.ajc.com/news/supect-in-arizona-shooting-799005.html sounds from that like he is a mentally disturbed young man... not someone who has some grand political agenda, influenced by the evil right wing radio talkshow hosts to worship palin and carry out her diabolical plan as seen through a map she put up to the glory of the people who are sick of paying high taxes for crazy radical projects... aka the tea party.... I am always amazed how people are so sure they know the "agenda" behind a tragedy like this before they even know the person who committed it...
  21. http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/tea-party-accused-of-suv-bomb/blog-312779/ this is just the first one that came up when I googled it...but hey... what do I know??
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