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Everything posted by nowens98

  1. Last weekend my laptop crashed (bad hard drive) and Nick saved it!!! I have thousands of pictures of my family on it and that was what I was worried the most about losing. He was able to recover them from the hard drive that needed to be replaced! I am so thankful to still have all of my pictures from the last 2 years!! I highly recommend Nick if you have any computer problems!
  2. Now I am going to "ugly cry!" Today has been very hard for me, two of my kids had birthdays. My second daughter turned 7 and my BABY (and only son) turned 2! I swear it feels like they were just born and now the baby is 2! What makes it worse it that I had to have a hysteresctomy 10 weeks ago, so I will NEVER be able to have a baby again. We have 4 kids and 4 is plenty now, but who's to say that in 5 years we don't get baby fever again? DGITW, I found out tonight that I can still put my 9yr old daughter on my hip. I had to carry her defiant little butt to bed TWICE after she mouthed off t
  3. I was at Sam's Sunday around that time, FBBC! I missed it I am kinda glad I did since H was with me!
  4. Ohhh, I would love a list of good places! With 4 kids who grow like weeds, I need all the bargains I can find!
  5. Yep, it's "taken for granted." I am also a grammar nazi and on 2 Lorcets right now b/c I have a 4-day-long migraine I can NOT get rid of! I am about to go read the pill mill page and find on that does demerol & phenergan injections! It irritates me when people say should of or could of....it's should HAVE or could HAVE, or you can make the words contractions and say should've or could've.
  6. My husband is CHEAP, too! I stay home with 4 kids so we have to be "thrifty." Pampers & Luvs are both made by Proctor & Gamble. The new Luvs are almost identical to Pampers except for the fact that they have a monkey on them instead of Sesame Street characters! I read online that you can ue Pampes coupons for Luvs but haven't tried it yet! I had 2 in diapers at once so I was so glad to find the Luvs. I now have only 1 in diapers and he wll be 2 next week, but is almost potty trained Let me know if you ever want a sushi buddy! I LOVE it but have no one to eat it with I wo
  7. I LOVE Dr. Farrar!! He did my ortho when I was 11-13 and again when I was in my late 20's! He is so sweet and is very good at what he does. I didn't realize he opened his own practice again, he was with Pickron when I saw him a few years ago. The reason I went o Pickron was b/c my husband's union matches what our dental ins pays for ortho so I basically got double benefits! I hope it is the same when our 4 kids need braces!
  8. Thanks for the input! I don't know that I want them playing non-competative for long, but for the first season or 2 I could tolerate it while they learn the basics! I would love it if they would stick with it & could earn some scholarships.
  9. Long story short, I never got the emails that it was registration time with the soccer organization my daughter played with last Fall. It was our first year so I had no idea when Spring season would start, I definitely didn't think it would be in February! Anyway, I contacted them to see if they do any late registrations and was told that after all team rosters were made, I would be notified of any openings for my 3 girls. After waiting over a week, I was told they only had spots for 2 of the girls and that I would need to pay by credit or debit immediately over the phone and was asked for my
  10. We heard it and we are in Vista Lake. Hubby said "go check pcom!" Whatever it was was LOUD all the way out here! I hope no one was injured by whatever it was.
  11. My husband & 4 kids are going to watch the game, and I am going out to dinner with some girlfriends for my birthday!!
  12. Just think, you will have a happy, heathly baby boy!! You will not be worried about the weight when you hold him for the first time! It will come off! I will go to BodyPlex with you and we can work off our baby weight together, with Jill, too...and now mine is toddler weight! LOL!!
  13. MrsB, Don't feel bad, I gained 65lbs with my first! I was able to get it all off! I am not having that luck now... Jill, you have to do BodyPlex so I can work out with you when/if I ever recover!
  14. Who is DDD? I keep seeing people mention that he is always right, but have no clus who he is!
  15. MrsB, I DID!! I loved it and hope to re-join if I ever recover from this stinkin surgery! I let my membership expire since I has A&Z so close together! I need to lose about 15lbs. LisaG, They have all of their classes listed online. I never really used any of the equipment, I just took the group classes! The classes I loved were RPM and the kickboxing class and the step class. I did BodyJam once and looked like a FOOL!!! I think they changed some of the names of the classes. I have a friend who loves BodyPump & BodyCombat. At the time I was going, you could meet with a trainer one
  16. How old is she? Like MrsB, I would also like to know her prognosis. Why would she stop taking her meds???
  17. Be careful using HOT water. You should never use hot water on your face, it causes the pores to open and can let in more bacteria. Laying a HOT washcloth across it can also cause capillaries (tiny blood vessels) to burst under the skin and there is little you can do aside from laser treatments to "fix" them. Luke warm water is best for your face!!
  18. I HIGHLY recpmmend mixing 2-3 drops of Bio-Oil with the Green Tea Moisturizer! When she washes her face before bed, she may want to add a few more drops! Her skin will feel SOOOOOO good! Bio-Oil can be purchased at any drug store/Wal Mart/Target.
  19. Proactiv is the only thing that helps my skin stay clear and I am not a teenager either! I think they changed the formula about a year or so ago, it's more gentle. I do have very dry skin and LOVE the Green Tea Moisturizer, but it's not quite enough for me so I add 2-3 drops of Bio-Oil to it. There is a kiosk in the mall that I get mine from, they always throw in something extra for me to try! I also LOVE Bare Minerals foundation! I have some dark spots (which the Bio-Oil is helping with) and I apply a very light amount and my skin looks flawless!! I get my Bare Minerals at Sephora inside
  20. It is probably the sinus infection causing the tooth to hurt, IF it is a top tooth. How long have you been on antibiotics? It usually takes a couple days to get into your system. Do you clench or grind your teeth at night? Sometimes it is commom to do one or the other when the sinuses are infected and putting pressure on your teeth. Has the tooth had any prior dental work, filling, crown, root canal? If so, the margins of the filling or crown could be bad causing the tooth to decay further. Or if it has had a root canal, it could have root calcification, which would indicate the need for furth
  21. I had a neighbor that was addicted to several pain/anxiety pills. She was married and they had a son. When she wasn't on the pills, you could tell, she complained of pain a lot, but it wa s the only time she could string a sentance together without slurring her words. I think she and another neighbor of ours would swap pills at times. In June of 09 we were all out one night letting all of our kids play and she was drinking a lot on top of taking her pills. 2 nights later she went to sleep and never woke up. Apparently she had been drinking all day at the pool and I guess it didn't mix wit
  22. Congrats! My husband LOVES mint.com!! In fact, he is obsessed with our new budget and the way he can track every dime. It's driving me crazy We have also not eaten out AT ALL in about 6 weeks. I had major surgery 4 weeks ago and have been on very limited activity since. I was so scared I would gain weight while recovering, but I haven't gained one pound. I think it has a lot to do with not eating out at all. We didn't do a ton of fast food, but I think most restaurant food is high in fat & calories. We also stopped getting our daily Monster energy drinks. That added up! I bet I
  23. Thank you. I am going to try to make sure my friends made it home ok!
  24. Around what time? I have friends that live right there that should have been getting home around the time this was posted.
  25. Awww, thank you for the kind words! It saw SO nice to meet you, too!! I could have sat all day and talked about cooking and gardening!! If I come across any more baby stuff, I will let you know!
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