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Everything posted by SusieQ404

  1. So according to his statement, he moved the dogs from his farm and put them in a trailer in the driveway of a house that although he owned it, no one lived there. Why? What was wrong with leaving them on the farm or placing the trailer at a home where someone actually lived who could check on them or take care of them as needed? Or what's wrong with boarding them at the kennel. That's where my dogs go if I 'm not home overnight. For me, his statement poses more questions than it answers. I know where the house is, it's not too far from where I live. There is an awesome kennel nearby that I use
  2. Animals need a source of water available to them at all times. It doesn't matter what the temperature is. Dogs have paws, not hands. They can't fill up their water bowl at the kitchen sink by themselves. They rely on us to do it for them and trust that we will. It's a crying shame those dogs ended up with someone that either doesn't know that or didn't care.
  3. I get confused at times about different communities within Paulding county. I know where South Paulding is as well as New Georgia and Beulah. Where are Burnt Hickory, Union, Yorkville and others that are mentioned on this site?
  4. Depends on the employer and what position the applicant is applying for. For my background check, my employer went back 20 years. For my daughter's, her employer only went back 5 years.
  5. Some info here on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PauldingCountyUncensored?fref=nf
  6. Love, love, love his album with Eric Clapton - Riding with the King
  7. The news cast this morning said that they found the van and he was not in it. They were (or are supposed to) searching the park.
  8. I had it. Mine came from diet soda. I know that sounds crazy but apparently my body cannot handle aspartame. Seriously. May not be your issue but it was definitely mine. It went away about a week after I stopped drinking the Pepsi Max. Tried it again about a year later and after a couple of weeks, the vertigo came back. Stopped drinking it again and it went away again.
  9. The Belk department store company has a mobile mammography center on a bus. It travels to states that have Belk stores. It will be back in metro Atlanta in August. Their website offers this information - The BelkGives on the Go Mobile Mammography Center offers free, convenient mammogram screenings for women age 40 and over with no breast concerns and who have not had a mammogram in the last 12 months. All screening exams are performed by Charlotte Radiology's licensed, female mammography-certified technologists. A board-certified radiologist, specialized in breast imaging will interpret
  10. Why don't they go to the airshow? If that's what they want to do, they should go. Mother's Day is just like any holiday... some people have to work that day, some people don't celebrate a particular holiday, some people acknowledge the holiday but have no celebratory plans. You can't fit everybody's needs or everybody's schedule so you go with what works for the majority or what is best for your own schedule. You push it out too much (say June) and it becomes oppressively hot outside. Last week was Derby day and the big boxing match, neither of which I watch or care about but lots of other peo
  11. Anyone know where they are in the lineup tomorrow? I want to sit outside and see if they fly overhead.
  12. What do you need to attend the graduation ceremony at Hiram. Are there tickets or invitations or something along those lines? Are students limited to a certain number of people that can attend?
  13. Queen Charlotte was the wife of King George lll. So now they have Prince George and Princess Charlotte. I personally was hoping they would name the child Alice. I heard that name was being considered as well and I like it. Princess Alice was Prince Phillip's mother.
  14. Must be a different cat. I'm off Bakers Bridge and that's a little too far for the cat I'm thinking about.
  15. He looks a lot like a cat in my neighborhood. Are you in South Paulding by any chance?
  16. You can use it on your cats as well as your kids. Helps the kitties with biting flies. A little on the tail and rub some on the back of the ears (but not in the ears).
  17. She's an idiot and got what she deserved. People can surely act like fools sometimes.
  18. Mutts! I've had pure breeds all of my life but adopted a lab/husky/Lordonlyknowswhatelse from the shelter ten years ago. I love that dog! He is the most loyal, sweetest and smartest dog I could ask for. My little pedigree dog is high maintenance and snippy.
  19. There's a Sandy Springs police officer that lives somewhere near me. He drives his patrol car home all the time.
  20. Well she was right about one thing, she definitely is "in the news" , just not in a good way. As my grandmother would say, she's ugly on the inside.
  21. Size 10 is a "plus size"? That's total BS. Today's plus size is actually the normal size of a woman in years past. Don't believe that? Take a good look at the women that Monet and Rubens painted. Those women had hips, a real bust line and God forbid, a belly. People need to get real and stop the name calling.
  22. I turned mine on this weekend. I'm not opening windows until the pollen goes away!
  23. Is that why they do it? I have one that attacks the window as well but it's in the morning and in the evening. I couldn't figure out what made it behave that way.
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