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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I like the show. I have always been interested in the medical field and all that goes along with it. They should have a guest psychiatrist on there and do a show on why so many people feel the need to be mean to others when they are talking on public forums such as PCom.
  2. I believe that is true. I am sure there is going to be a load of security at the 9/11 memorial opening but you know the extremist would love to target that on the tenth anniversary.
  3. Ok...I all of you people who don't get it...to the untrained trucker eye....It appears as though he is saying I have a CDL license, a truck and if that's not enough...I have "reefer" (AKA-marajuana) jokes are never as funny when they have to be explained, but to all of us goofballs...that was a pretty funny sign.
  4. Shoot! I was hoping to kick some arse. I'm kidding. Making the same mistake twice does not a genius make...or as my grandma would have said,"fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." It is always easier to blame your mistakes on other people or circumstances. It takes a big person to own their mistakes and learn from them.
  5. Are you telling me not to blame myself I should beat up the guy who marked the deck?
  6. And now I just heard about a teen that tried to commit suicide over the weekend. Thankfully he was unsuccessful. So many people are hurting and scared and that makes me a little scared too.
  7. In the news article the driver of the dump truck said that he could not stop the truck. That could mean that there were mechanical problems with the truck. If he is a driver that drives for a company it is the company's responsibility to maintain the trucks. I just hate to throw nasty remarks toward anyone in this situation especially without having the facts. I am sure that the driver of the dump truck is living his own personal hell right now. He will have to live with this for the rest of his life, no matter what the cause. I also know that the other family is grieving their loss
  8. Has anyone else noticed that the last few days there have been more posts with people who are feeling depressed and/or just feeling down and out? It is so bothersome to me that people are hurting so badly that they attempt to take their own lives, and some even succeed. The economy has been bad for some time but it feels like things have taken a turn for the worse here in Paulding County. The morale is lower than I have ever seen it. Does anyone have any theories as to why it has taken this seemingly sudden downward spiral here?
  9. Did anyone ever find out for a FACT what happened at the church? From reading this I know it was a fact that there was a car covered with a tarp, crime scene tape and a white SUV. I don't think the rest was verified, was it? I might have missed something, that is why I am asking.
  10. It really does take the right person as you say. Tyler saw Dr. Patel long enough to build a bond with him before he gave him the diagnosis. I think that helped. A lot of times Dr.s will see your child once and diagnose them on the spot. How can a child or parent trust that? He also gave Tyler hope by telling him that although he had never been able to relate to people his own age he would see that change when he reached his college years. He was right too. Everyone worries about the "label". Sometimes the label is what they need though. If you were having chronic sickness and finall
  11. Postman- I have read many of your posts and they are very intelligent. I would never consider you to be a person of low IQ. I have not had my IQ tested in many years, it seems to be slipping on me these days but I enjoy learning and trying to challenge myself. My older son is only a couple of points away from what is considered to be a genius. So I have to say-IQ is not everything. Oh- he is VERY intelligent! He has way more knowlege that most people I know but what I have seen in my many years on this Earth is that the brain is not capable of holding everything. Most people with VERY hig
  12. Both my sons are now in college. My husband told them when they started that as long as they treated their school like it was a job and made good grades that he would pay for their gas and give them a small amount of spending money. (little did we know gas was going to be what it is) Anyway- they are expected to help keep the house clean, mow the yard, take out the trash, and all the things they were always expected to do. If they need extra money for a date or something special then they have to do a job. There is always something that need to be done; cleaning gutters, raking leaves, we
  13. I worked in ESEP/Autism for 7 years, until my youngest graduated just last year. Parent support is very important. Parents have to talk to many doctors though. Always get a second diagnosis and then make sure that the child does not use that diagnosis as a crutch or a disability but as something to make him stronger. Don't let them beccome the diagnosis. I always said it is just a part of you. You have green eyes, black hair, tourettes syndrome, aspergers, and big feet. All of that together is you but not one of those things is you on it's own.
  14. I am quite proud, thank you. He is starting his 4th year at KSU and for the most part it has been a very positive experience. He really wants to write a book about what it things feel like to the people with autism and aspergers. He is well known for answering questions from mothers of kids with autism. I worked with Autistic children for many years and because Tyler could articulate things so well the mothers would ask him questions all the time. We have been trying to remember some of the questions so that he can use those as topics for the book. His outlook on life was so improv
  15. I understand what you are saying because I have seen it happen. A child will only work to the potential that he believes he can. If he knows he is disabled it can be used as a crutch. However, there are other times that the correct diagnosis is like shining a light on something that you have been trying to see. I copied a paper that my son wrote for a college class a couple of years ago that shows what a proper diagnosis can do. It's kinda long, Postman, but I know you will get around to it. Overcoming a Disability. by Tyler Maxwell on Monday, September 14, 2009 at 9:3
  16. No I am not jealous and don't appreciate you putting words in my mouth. The people who lost their jobs and are no longer able to pay for their homes are not the people that I have a problem with. Unless of course those people were in way over their heads to begin with. If my husband were to lose his job we would be only a few months away from losing our home so I have no reason to be upset with those folks. I am all for helping the unemployeed. The problem I have is the people who are not willing to take personal responsibility for the fact that they bought a home that they just could n
  17. No...If I had to guess I would say that the kids stress level vs. play/free time is a big part of the problem. These days kids go into Pre-K already with a list of things they should know. There is a plan to get them into the elementary school and start the test taking preparations. There is sso much focus put on preparing for the tests and even college prep in middle school. They are told they have to do well so that they can get into a good college or they will not have good lives. The kids are stressed!!! Then the parents add extra-curricular activities because they want the kids to h
  18. I am 46 years old and when I was in elem. school (way back then) we only had 1 boy diagnosed with ADHD. So I know they diagnosed it back that far. He is still a friend of mine and he is truly one of the people who is negatively effected by his ADHD. He took medicine then and still does. When he missed a dose in school EVERYONE knew it. My point is, there was only ONE. Everything else was always chalked up to kids will be kids.
  19. We moved here 11 years ago, right at the beginning of the housing boom. My husband had just started his job at Lockheed and we had no idea exactly what he would be making in the next few years. Of course the banks and some real estate agents tried to convince us that we should buy the McMansions that were starting to be built. They offered us the fancy loans, interest only, bubble, etc. In the end we chose a modest house that we knew we would be able to pay the mortgage on then and (if his job lasted) 5 years later as well. It was my husband and I who made the decision, not the bank. S
  20. I should have made myself more clear. The 123 million highly skilled jobs will be here in America, however there will not be enough American's with the education needed to fill these jobs. They are already recruiting engineers and other highly trained people from other countries, there will be many more to come. It is so easy to play the blame game. It truly takes a village to raise a child. Parents should also watch the documetary. They can see what is in store for their children if they don't change things. It is not only parents though. Teachers have to take some responsibility
  21. Obviously. The kids in other countries go to school, sit and learn. There is not any of the warm fuzzy junk like we have here. And before anyone starts bashing me- watch the show. It is sickening. Just a small sample: “Waiting for ‘Superman’ ” is filled with disturbing statistics. In Illinois, where one in 57 doctors loses his medical license and one in 97 lawyers loses his law license, only one in 2,500 teachers loses his credentials, because of union rules. The film briefly visits a “rubber room” in New York City where idle teachers accused of misconduct wait months and sometimes yea
  22. Anyone who is passionate about, interested in , or has kids in the public education system should watch this documentary. It really explains a lot. The statistics are rather frightening. It is on Comcast OnDemand right now under 'movies' 'last chance' and it is half price, so it will only cost 2.50. For anyone who like documentaries this is one that will make you mad and break your heart. If you watchin it- listen for the one statistic in particular that about the TOP achieving students vs. other country's average to low students. HINT- our smartest can't compete with their ave
  23. My son was just asking about her the other day. He said he had not seen her in a while. I don't think she has ben getting out as much lately. How was she when you saw her?
  24. On 61 going into Villa Rica. It drops from 55 to 45 and then 35. It is ridiculously slow and almost always monitored.
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