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Everything posted by rocketsam

  1. Not that I ever really liked your points, cause they traditionally don't make any sense...but I liked your avatar better waaay back when you used that troll doll thing. At least you were honest then. This occupy was street anonymous mask thing is just creepy.
  2. righto, just the other day I was pumping a few litres of petrol into the old lorrie and thought bollucks to this economy, full spending ahead I did.... former member ran out of left wing propoganda from this side of the planet...
  3. That did it, you are officially the most usless person I have never met. I'm pretty sure you will find some way to tie the 18 "Right Wing" issues to an ethics report card too. Standing by....
  4. I'm pretty sure that this website needs to change its name from Pcom to the Postman and former member show. I used to come here for local news in our town, but those two have simply made this place unbearable. Pubby, it is time to do something about them.
  5. rocketsam


    postman, whatever you are on.....you really need to up the doseage. You can guarantee that openly carrying a long gun in public will go badly for you...If I saw you crouching behind a vehicle with a long arm oriented toward the entrance to a public building or business you would have a very bad day... Your avatar as a troll was waaay more fitting.
  6. Nope, but if you call me an SOB for observing my constitutional right, licensed by the county, after spending multiple tours in really bad places do not be surprised when I call you out. I won't draw, but I'd probably poke you in the nose....repeatedly.
  7. Have him hire his own attorney. Most traffic attorneys have a flat fee to deal with the situation. Personally, I have been hit with a 93 in a 55, and 86 in a 55. Both on the same road, in the same year. The attorney managed to have the first dismissed, and the other changed to improper equipment. No points and no fines. Unfortunately, for you this attorney was out of North Carolina. Traffic attorneys are pure magic.
  8. That's for when the zombie apocalypse happens....
  9. "After all the love for China is the only love they have. They are happy to make China the richest country, because they despise their own people so much......" Says the guy typing on a computer made of parts mostly from china, while living on land that once belonged to the Cherokee.... Where the hell was that ignore button??
  10. It all starts in stages...First an apple product.....then a prius....then cnn, and before long your voting Democrat and hanging out with Pubby...evil evil fruit....
  11. Throw up some pictures and I'll tell you what they are...
  12. When I'm all alone in an elevator....I like to jump straight up as it goes down. I can fly for a brief second. It's the simple things...
  13. dang, no hookers for me either. I so totally wanted my own mini-gun.
  14. Hookers, lots of hookers. Oh, and a minigun, a space ship, a death ray, 1/2 of all of Paulding county, and a who farted hat.....and then more hookers.
  15. A company called lifestone will harvest your carbon and turn your butt into a diamond. No, Fat people do not make bigger stones either. Before the green fiasco over at the CCX crashed last month, I was working on a plan to pay a family at the funeral home for their loved one's carbon footprint that they have just left, and then take those carbon credits and sell them on the exchange as certified neutral offset emissions. Then I was going to expand to roadkill, and afghani insurgents...
  16. Maybe with one of those B.A.S.E jumping parachutes strapped on...that way there would be a back up plan besides flapping my arms and blowing toward the ground like in the cartoons.
  17. Ok, I have to finally admit, I'm stumped with the acronym DS, DD, DH etc.
  18. If I put a flat screen box on my front porch as bait....it would have a opossum in it.... Wife was robbed at gunpoint 10 years ago. Small retail store, clerk and bad guy up front. She was toward the back. She had 45 seconds before the bad guy saw her. Luckily, her demanded her purse along with the cash drawer and fled. It's not as rare an occurrence as one might think. I think back to the scene on titanic where Billy Zane told his body guard "good Luck" the body guard looks back as he opens his jacket revealing a shiny colt 1911 and replies...I make my own luck.
  19. -How about the sound of nail clippers in a public place. I'm not talking a quick hang nail, but ten minutes of manicure in the middle of a movie theatre, a conference, or some other large group forum..... -Every single insurance company on the planet telling me that if I switch to them I will save hunderds of dollars. That is a technical impossibility. -Jamie Lee Curtiss trying to push yougurt that makes you poop. "it really works" is code talk for makes you poop.
  20. Not to be difficult or anything, but I'm pretty sure if I poke a corn kernel into the dirt, it will make a whole new corn plant. In 2050, I'm pretty sure I will still have dirt. If I'm alive then I must have water, and I can't imagine why I would not have corn.... Additionally, I could milk a cow until I turned it inside out. By the next morning, that cow will have new milk. With my present investment strategy of canned goods and shotgun shells I am 100% certian that ....I ain't skeered.
  21. So a tree fled from the deputy, and ran into someones house. Then the deputy kicked the door in looking for the tree and said that the door was already like that. But the State Patrol is still looking for the tree that the deputy kicked the door in on?? Taser the tree... tasers solve everything....
  22. Pubby, The Secret information network called siprnet is not compartmentalized by user. Anyone with appropraite clearance can sort through any of the classified data that resides on the network. This is done for the purpose of information sharing among the various agencies in the government. It's tough to navigate through, but with enough digging and looking, a single person can combine multiple profiles form various agencies to form a comprehensive analysis of a targeted subject. I agree that a PFC should not have had a clearance in the first place, let alone unsupervised use of a si
  23. The product of an act of espionage is not protected under the first ammendment. A state secret that has been deemed as classified in nature, until formally declassified, remains a classified piece of intelligence. Just because the robber robbed the bank, then tossed the money out of the getaway car does not entitle a passerby to "legally" claim that stolen money as their own for private consumption. It is still stolen, and it is a crime to consume it. You are not protected under the first ammendment at all with this website. Additionally, neither Assange or his website are afforde
  24. Just because classified information is stolen and then placed in a public environment does not "declassify" that information for public consumpution. By visiting that site you are breaking the law and exposing yourself to some really bad baggage that should be avoided.....
  25. ...and that's one more reason why I have shifted my investment strategy out of stock, bonds and municipalities, and into canned goods and shotgun shells.
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