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Everything posted by rocketsam

  1. Would the state militia be on the residents side who has not been infected yet trying to get away from an infected but contained area under armed military guard. For example, an outbreak is confirmed in Hiram, you are not yet infected (or so you think.) Your goal is to get away from the area that is infected, so you load up in the car to head for the hills. You get out onto 278 to find Military humvees with sandbags, razor wire, and rifles pointed at you intending to keep you in place. Is this where the militia comes in? Do you run it and take the chance they (the military) don't open f
  2. The government plans to suspend its popular "cash for clunkers" program amid concerns it could quickly use up the $1 billion in rebates for new car purchases, congressional officials said Thursday. The Transportation Department called lawmakers' offices to alert them to the decision to suspend the program at midnight Thursday. The program offers owners of old cars and trucks $3,500 or $4,500 toward a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle. The congressional officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. Rae Tyson, a spokesman for the Nationa
  3. If the first responders are gone what makes anyone think the rest of our military men and women would be any different. A deployment of military forces on American soil was highly frowned upon by the constitution for a reason. When the mlitary is brought it to contain Hiram from infecting a non contaminated area, and Billy Bob's family disagrees with their being contained, where will you be when the shooting starts. This is a really bad idea all the way around.
  4. WHY, and WHAT FOR? I'm sorry, we have the finest fightig force on the face of the earth. Our military is extremly skilled at what they do. However, what exactally would their role be? Are they there to keep us in place, put our cities on lockdown, or to provide control by force over who gets vaccines? What about our national guard? What about the 1878 Military Support to Civil Authority act? This is legitimately scarry stuff right here, and I'm not talking about the flu.
  5. Did anyone notice in the video that it looks like Al Peed himself in his "Ill break you neck," exchange. That dark spot on the front of his jeans did not appear in the front of the video. Where is the Paulding County District Attorney on this? These two clowns have to fall under the County SD jurisdiction.
  6. This is yet another reason I have left the stock market entirely. With Hyperinflation just aroud the corner, I'm investing everything I have in canned goods and shotgun shells. Our nation is truly being ruined.
  7. Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT have relations with that deer. Just so we're clear since apparently people are losing their minds lately....
  8. The article said they were given a tip from a law enforcement agency out of Florida, How'd that go down... "Hi' I'm Detective Ace Venture from Florida, and we have reason to believe you might have a doggie lovver in your jurisdiction..." The article did not mention he was doing it in public or anything, So just how did he get caught. I'll bet they were racial profiling him, wheres the president... On a side note read the article about the woman escaping the home invader by jumping out the window. The article states that neither woman saw their attacker, but then goes on t
  9. They got it as right as Nickelodeon allowing Chris Brown to be part of the Kids Choice Awards after he was arrested for beating Rhianna.... Oh wait, Nickelodeon pulled him off the show. I'm tired of convicted felons being thrust on society as celebrities or important people when they have no really special skill that could not be found elswhere. Seroiusly, I'm sure the NFL could find someone else that can handle a football just as well if they would look. Vick, TI, Tupak, Martha Stewart... The list goes on and on.
  10. Yup, IKEA university.....Insert tab A into slotted hole J before placing knob B over top of c and slightly next to corner Q fastened with bolt #3 on reference page 6.
  11. A conference out of Cambridge.... The police chief just got up and spoke for six minutes and used more than 10,000 words and said absolutely nothing. Is this a new trend in communication? I have noticed the current crop of politicians have a real knack for speaking without actually saying anything at all. Robert Gibbs WH Press Secretary is really good at that, (except that he uses ummmmm as a comma)
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