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Everything posted by rocketsam

  1. It's like I'm in the movie back to the future, but my Delorian came back to the evil 1985 instead.... Everything is just wrong... Navy Seals on trial.... Turbo Tax Tim in charge of the IRS.... An attorney general that cannot say the word "Radical Islam" An Attorney General that criticizes Arizona's new immigration law, but admittedly did not read it... A president that said he'd be different and transparent.... The health care debacle.... A muslim outreach center at Ground zero.... And now this..... Where's the Delorean I'm gettting the flux capacator che
  2. The worst part is all the whining students that are rallying for her because "shes a really nice person, and it's not fair.." We are a nation of laws. It's what seperates us from the rest of the world. Equal justice for all, but this is treading on the line of social justice "what is good for her vice the nation" I believe that we have become desensitized to the word illegal immigrant. Now it just seems to be a series of syllables that just flow together. The President was really good at changing language that did not test well with the public during the health care debacle, this
  3. AJC is confirming it was penney from the New Hope Publix. That is so sad, I just talked to her earlier this afternoon
  4. AJC Reporting that the friend of Brent Stephens and Swat teammember has been arrested in Stephens' death after misleading investigators about colliding with a navigational marker and faling to call for help for more than an hour. Thats not good at all...
  5. Under that logic we could recruit Hooters girls in Bikinis, desgnate them as the 36DD Military Distraction Brigade (spc ops) send them to the border of Iran causing a catstrophic earthquake and proving the theory correct. Where's a mushroom cloud when you need one? Momof3 "Yea...if I wear a halter I'm going to bring the earth to it's knees" I'd totally pay to see that!!!!
  6. Death and taxes are some of the only constants, but I'm pretty sure Wal Mart does not need any of our government cheese. GM, AIG, BofA, Chrysler, Fannie, Freddie, The terrorists that lay down their weapons, sea turtles, 3rd world nations for our environmental impact on their part of the atmosphere, Haiti, Korea, Chille, 3/4th of the continent of Africa, They all have gotten chunks of aid or bailouts of some kind, But not wally world..... Just think, we still have not fixed a major city in out own nation either (New Orleans).
  7. You mentioned that she was in bed when she heard the scream.... Google " exploding head syndrome" That might be a potential explanation, and either wind or gravity would explain the other. Let us know, I love a creepy ghost scenario though..
  8. Since I'm on the thought of the federal dollar shell game that our reps play with our money, here is an article from 2003 that really seems like business as usual, just a different year. The House of Representatives this week approved legislation that allows the struggling U.S. Postal Service to pay less into a pension for its employees hired before 1984. In return, the Postal Service said it won't have to raise postage rates until 2006. Sounds like a good bargain, right? The accounting maneuver won't affect worker benefits; USPS saves $2.9 billion this year and many times that in ye
  9. Actually, the Postal Service does recieve federal funds contrary to what is posted previously. While they were exempted from general budget wrangling via the Omnibus Budget Reconcilliation act of 1989, they still recieve federal funds. This is deatiled in the Postal Services Inspector General report and I quote "Although the Postal Service Fund is technically not included in the budget the president sends to Congress each year, it is included in a broad economic concept called the unified federal budget that captures all government transactions with the public." "Postal reform was
  10. The funny part about the call was that the situation was described as "Probable low temperatures combined with a possibility of precipitation" We used to say "snow"
  11. 1. It is way way easier to ask forgiveness than permission. 2. Nowhere in the Domestic Mail Manual does it say that the mailbox at the end of your driveway is federal property. I have a copy at the store and would happily loan that one out for reference. You cannot place anything inside a mailbox without the proper postage. 3. Network groups are terribly effective for developing an army of advocates. Don't pay for networking though. 4. PCOM Rocks, and is worth the money. 5. I have lost a number of road signs, but never seen a Marshall fuss at me, if so, revert back to #1.
  12. Watch out, first you'll get a covenant letter from Roxanne, and then the power for all those lights is going to appear on our HOA bill next year. (little Riverwood Humor) Looks great though
  13. There are no flashing lights because there are giant orange barrels blocking the road. I'm guessing Darwin won this one.
  14. my bad... I missed that in the code I suppose. They sure are exempt.....
  15. I'd like to know why the Paulding H.E.A.T car could not pass a window tint meter test. You can't see through a single one of those windows. Just because it is a police car, does not make it exempt from Ga law. Just curious.
  16. I'd be willing to bet that for a $50K donation to someone's campaign this would not be an issue at all. It could have been anyone's campaign Republican or Democrat, just a small donation. Just look what it did for a convicted felon with Clinton and Eric Holder....
  17. I'm sure that if we had it, some federal judge would claim we had no right to it, and would cede all its water rights to alabama and Florida to protect the rale pygmy muscle thingie....
  18. All my guys are armed continuously. I'll happily hand over the money, but we will not be led to the back withouit rounds going downrange....
  19. The last time I was down there I saw a significant amount of drug pariphanelia. I had been warned by others that that was a hangout, and to be careful. Not sure if that is true or not.
  20. I read a study a few years back that found people who habitually replaced the roll with the paper over the top were 5 time more likely to be high income earners compared to those that replace the roll the other way aound. Their def of high income was greater than 80K. Of course if you believe in statistics, Changing TP kills. Seriously, 100% of all people who change TP rolls die.
  21. never ever reveal your real identity, because if you do some hockey puck will judge you because your belief is not like theirs....
  22. I have a concrete birdbath pedistal that has no top. Free to anyone who would like it. Located in Riverwood Subdivision, corner of Riverwood Glen and Midland Lane.
  23. Safe Auto, Geico, Progressive, Farmers, State Farm, Travelers,and Esurance....... They all spend more money than our congress to tell me evey other commercial that if I switch to them, any of them, I will save HUNDREDSSSSSS... It's as frustrating as the Post Office being 7 billion in the hole, closing thousands of post offices, contemplating cutting out Saturday delivery, but spending even more to advertise that stupid flat rate shipping box in between the every other insurance commercial..... I have to put my aluminum foil hat back on beore I pull my hair out......
  24. I'd love to know just how they caught him. The article mentioned GSP giving chase through multiple counties. I'm thinking one moron on a rocket is dangerous, but a cruiser (or multiple) attempting a speed that enabled them to keep track of him seems really dangerous. Even if they had an air escort, was the juice really worth the squeeze on this guy?
  25. Do that trick 2000 years ago and we'd be praying to him instead......
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