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Everything posted by rocketsam

  1. I'll give them a year at best. There used to be a dollar store at the Publix, and they lasted 6 months. List of failed businesses at that intersection: One nail place, Two Dry Cleaners Dollar Tree West Georgia Wireless Ladies Fitness Merle Norman Beef O Brady's BlockBuster Miss Things Boutique Ace Hardware......
  2. Does anyone know Roger Burgess then? Is he affiliated with Lifeforce?
  3. Next we should have the Secret Service conduct prostitution stings in the Centennial Park area. I can think of about 35 other agencies that are better suited to conduct interstate vehicle interdiction and inspection operations. We should be leaving our super secret flying squirrels alone. Their job is important enough.
  4. Metro Atlanta / State News 5:56 p.m. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Feds involved in major checkpoint in Douglas The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Local law enforcement and federal agents conducted a checkpoint operation Tuesday afternoon in Douglas County, the Federal Air Marshal Service told the AJC. ."This is a live operation intent on deterring would-be terrorists or criminal activity," Nelson Minerly, spokesman for the federal agency, told the AJC. The operation created a big distraction to motorists heading eastbound on I-20 in rush hour, and many motorists let the AJC and t
  5. I am so not shocked that the government and SRTA voted to keep the toll that they placed on the residents of Atlanta after promising it would expire when the bonds were paid for. They still have 42.5 million in the bank account in addition to the bonds being paid off, but they need more of our money....more.... more... more...
  6. Good for him. It's about time....There have been a number that have been deserving.
  7. It's really quite simple...Im a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. To all of you I exude a choclate, Mr Rogers personality, but on the inside I'm a peanut butter Ghengis Khan. I did not say I would not live next to a muslim either, I just said the only good ones are the dead ones....Cause they wont shoot at me or try to blow me up again... Just pray that ol' Ghengis does not figure out how to hitch a ride on the trolley...
  8. Mohammed Ali, and Kareem abdul Jabbar were not born Muslim. They left the religion that was the choice of the famly they were born to. That is a terrible example. A peaceful muslim can easily be converted to radical islam based on the sets of experiences they are faced with. Exactally like I have been converted from a peaceful person to a islamophobe by the actions of muslims world wide, across at least three continents. Their bad apples have spoiled the bunch in my eyes. Especially since the other apples do verly little to denounce the bad apples. In the chrstian faith, one does
  9. While not afraid of muslims, I simply believe that they are distrustful as a society because of their beliefs. Take Omar the vegetable dealer in the downtown Iraqi market. Omar as a person, is a good person that has the same feeling that come preprogrammed in all human life forms. Omar cares about his family, and his community. That is true as he exists in a religion void vacuum. Introduce islam into that equation, and now omars view of the world becomes vastly different. As a matter of faith, he must support the edicts of islam. He will support those religious views above all else. He
  10. MeiLan....WAKE UP!!! Islamic Radicals ARE killing Americans. 11 of my fraternity brothers died on Sept 11th working for Cantor Fitzgerald at the world trade center. A Jihadi sniper killed my roomate on 16 August 2006, and I have lost more friends than I care to recall. I'm anti islamic through and through. There are no good muslims, and any that claim to be tolerant and peaceful will easily turn to support jihadi's if they are pressed. A muslims loyalty lies with their religion, not country, family, or recognized law. I'm sure someone right now is grimacing in horror thinking that I
  11. The cool thing is that in another year they are going to get tired of that haircut, and will start to style it up and out, and before you know it the Mullet will be back.... Give it three years..
  12. I always hand out my Drivers license, Military ID, and my Concealed Permit, since i'm always wearing. Ive never had a problem, ever.
  13. I just can believe that he gets to walk with !00,000K in severance and three months salary. What ever happened to "You screwed up, pack your junk, you're fired!" It's not like he worked for a private school. It's the university system, the same one that pays professors with a doctorate 55K, and gave six furlough days this year. Meanwhile a no talent Sucktard like this makes 550K per year, screws around and still leaves with a severance package. We are so doomed as a nation.
  14. I love me some A&M. This place is the Bomb. You never know what you will find there. I'm still really dissapointed that I passed up the 40lb bag or Runts candy. Glad to see you set up a proile here.
  15. Boobies always make me happy.....Maybe that would help.
  16. You all officially smoke crack. What you don't know is that the property management company "Inland Western" is just about the absolute worst corporate monster anyone could imagine. Beef went under trying to carry the weight of a $7600 monthly rent. That shopping center has lost so many stores because the management company sold the owners on the huge growth potential of the area back in 04 and 05, and then refused to do anything when it all went south. They lost a Cleaners, a dollar store, a merle norman, a wireless store, a fitness place, a tax place, Beefs, blockbuster... The list will prob
  17. You are more than welcome to come and launch it directly at my house...Be sure to fill it with lots of extra powder too. My property tax report shows me at 100K underwater. My developer has placed leins on all of the neighborhood houses, our ammenities package has gone to pooh, and I have seven forclosures on my street. So, feel free to blast away.
  18. I actually saw a discovery channel show where an epidiemeologist dumped a giant pot of molten zinc down the hole. She had a big camp fire with a lodge cast iron pot. After it cooled she dug the whole thing out revealing a really intricate map of the underground bee tunnels. It looked like a sculpture.
  19. Hey, whatever helps take the focus off the amazing inability to mitigate the death of the gulf. Did ya'll see that they have taken the cap off entirely. 100k Barrels here we come...
  20. It is an outright violation of article 88 of the UCMJ. However, what is the worst that is going to happen? Barry is going to give him the look, a horrible speech, make him listen to Biden for a while... In the end, the guy is still a 3 star, he'll be back home and out of that completly worthless nation, with a retirement check, a chest full of medals, and a nice retirement home in florida somewhere. I think this was all calculated, and he just won the grand prize. $10 dollars says McCrystal signs a reality show contract within six months. Maybe he'll be the next judge on American Id
  21. I would totally find a way to text from my cell phone to my license plate so that I could tell you to get off my tail... I would also find a way to randomly change the license plate so that when I'm knocking off banks and running over old people I could get away with it. Finally, it would totally match my flexible LCD skin that I am going to wrap my car with and then mount cameras in every major direction so that what the front camera sees is projected on the rear of the car making me invisible,...... It cant be any worse than a giant set of bovine testicles dangling off the truc
  22. Saw it today with the 6 yr ols and 9yr old. They laughed the entire time. I liked it. I liked Owen Wilson as the voice for Marmaduke. I thought the fart joke was funny since anyone that has a dog knows that they hold it in until the worst possible moment, like just as you are drifting off to sleep..... It was worth it.
  23. Knowing that she told the world where she was, that she was alone, and an american 16yr old girl, she is probably sitting in a Somalian harem right now. If she did not have a team of blackwater guards trailing her and keeping an eye on her she did a spectacular job of making herself a target. This is simple stupidity on the part of the parents in their ability to tell a kid they can do anything in the world if they just reach hard enough. Sometimes kids need to be told NO! Just think if barrys momma had said "No you cannot grow up to be president" And don't even get me started on the p
  24. What does one do with 86K worth of Starkist tuna? What kind of Pirate is that. "Arrrrgh, we be the wrigly gum pirates. We be the meanest pirates to sail the 285 and 75. Have I shown ye me treasure chest of starkist tuna? arrrgh"
  25. I just heard on the news that He is actually blaming this on Bush too. It was explained that his loss to Bush was so difficult for him that it created an irreconcilable rift in their marriage.
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