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Everything posted by kwood

  1. Some of us are just a little more blunt about what we would say to someones face.
  2. Hell, I'm conservative and sometimes I think it's just TOO over the top. But in general(99% of the time)it's not factually wrong information. I have never heard Rush hang up on anyone and I have been listening on and off since I was a kid. Hannity has hung up on people, but in general he tends to let non-like minded people call in on a more regular basis.
  3. All of you making blanket statements about Rush is hilarious because it is painfully obvious that you haven't listened to any of his programming and are just making statements based on what others have told you.
  4. No, he was stupid for associating people that would drag a father out of his car in front of his child and then try to beat him to death. He is stupid for riding in a gang that think it's ok to block interstate traffic to do stunts on public roadways. He is stupid for associating with people who have extensive criminal records, and who were so upstanding that they had an undercover officer riding with the group.
  5. When the government shut down in the past it did not close public monuments. Shut down roads to Mt. Rushmore or parking lots at Mt. Vernon. Closing down the amber alert website, while leaving more trivial sites up shows that there is an agenda. They want the american people to hurt so that they will call their representatives and urge them to give up the fight. The president wants to win and will manipulate things in order to get the sheep to do what he wants. The presidency is not a dictatorship. He is one branch of the government, and I am glad the other branch is keeping him in check.
  6. I'm not taking up for either side. I feel like had the republicans had balls in the beginning we might not be here now. I do however dislike the dems doing things to sway the uninformed masses. Like shutting down the amber alert website, and closing monuments and what have you that have no real bearing on the situation, just to anger people.
  7. My first job out of college I worked for an insurance agent out of Dunwoody. I opened all the mail in the office. One day a package came in from a foreign country and I opened it, and it appeared to be prescription pills for Viagra. I just passed the mail on pretending not to notice. About a month later a letter came in the mail from the FDA saying that there was reason to believe that so and so had imported drugs from outside the U.S., and it was a reminder that it's illegal to do so, and if continued they may face prosecution.
  8. I've had the privileged of being in the flight path of two bases. Dobbins, and now Ft. Rucker with those damn low flying helicopters. I think just plain old planes would be an improvement.
  9. I'd be lying if I said that thought hadn't crossed my mind.
  10. The whole thing doesn't add up, and I am shocked by the lack of coverage in comparison to other events like this. I find it hard to believe that a woman suffering from post partum decides the best thing to do is drive to the white house FROM CONNECTICUT and rams the gates.
  11. I can't get past the ignorance of this statement.
  12. That is all well and good, but putting together 6,000 when you've been out of work long term is near impossible.
  13. So no one should be going to the website now even if they do need it, they and others should wait so that they can bog it down later? Why do you care if you don't need it? I am not someone to wait until the last minute to get something done.
  14. Oddly enough going to healthcare.gov I was not able to successfully apply, but when I went to the Alabama Medicaid site it sent me to registration and it's working. I just had to save my app until I get a copy of my check stub from work.
  15. I heard on the news yesterday that the only plan offered in Alabama is through BCBS. United isn't offering one, and Humana is only offering in the areas that they have a presence which I think was Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile and Montgomery.
  16. I can't get insurance through my employer, and I can't buy an individual policy due to my weight. So this is the only way I can even buy anything other than a major medical policy.
  17. You don't give Obama enough credit. He is manipulating things, in this case it came back to bite him because there is no reason to close open monuments.
  18. I'm pretty sure they are referring to the ones listed in the furlough category.
  19. I have gotten to the same place twice. It gets to the point where I have to answer security questions, and there are no options on the drop down. Thought it might be the browser I was using. I was going to attempt again later this afternoon. EDITED: I used Firefox and I got drop down options. Apparently it doesn't play nicely with Chrome...Cause I'm sure no one uses chrome
  20. You are ill informed. It is VERY easy for children to get on medicaid or Peachcare, and there is little to no cost involved other than the gas to and fro the doctor.
  21. When you get old enough you won't have to. So I guess there's hope.
  22. I'm not for the death penalty, but if someone TERRORIZED me and my child in that way I would hunt them down and kill them. This makes me livid.
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