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Everything posted by kwood

  1. Is the medication you're on legal? Unions have destroyed the middle class by inflating wages to the point where it is cheaper to outsource production to other countries. Just becasuse you want higher wages does not mean your position warrants higher wages.
  2. There is one up 92 in Cobb County. I took my dogs there a few times when we lived in Paulding, but people kept letting their little dogs in the big dog area, and my dogs don't like little dogs.
  3. 75% Tax Rate on income over 1 million in France In regards to France, just ask Mr. Depardieu why he left his home country.
  4. We were at Pinnacle Port in Panama City last weekend, we only spent one morning on the beach, but the flies were biting like crazy. They didn't seem to bother us outside of the beach though. Thankfully the water was nice and clear that morning so if you got in the water they left you alone. Husband didn't do much shore fishing though because of them.
  5. A newspaper is not a public not for profit. They have to make money.
  6. I would pay a million dollars to anyone who could rid the world of Love Bugs. They are the single most annoying thing in my life at the moment. I should not have to wash my car daily.
  7. Maybe they're planning her demise.
  8. I took that to mean that is what was submitted. I guess I just don't think it was the right way to go about things. Probably the woman was as bad as they said she was. But it could also be bitter kids that didn't like the way they were raised and decided to have one last shot at their mother. I've seen family feuds get pretty bad, and people will say things just to make others look bad. I guess I just think it's in bad taste no matter what. If she's dead she's dead, and if she's as bad as you say she's probably not in a good place.
  9. The article says unedited version of submitted obituary.
  10. If it's been a week it should be better for a month and then it'll come again.
  11. I guess I'm a skeptic. They were very vague in what she had done. Some things are subjective and what one considers abuse another would not.
  12. If I were a Muslim there is no way in HELL that I would rally in D.C. on the anniversary of 911. I'd feel like a sitting duck.
  13. I'm still working out the kinks. I'm using the underpants gnome business model
  14. Well that just made me cry. I wonder where Marvin got off to.
  15. I think I've just found a new line of work. Stealing childrens lovies and the ransoming them back to the child.
  16. If this is the case, then why don't we all have cancer?
  17. I can't legally operate a car without a drivers license. If I voluntarily comply to that condition to drive my car, then what is the difference in having to prove sobriety to drive. Although a breathalyzer can't screen out any drug usage which I imagine is as much or close to as much of a problem as drinking.
  18. My link "Shellie Zimmerman had collected most of her belongings from the house where both she and George had been staying until she moved out. But she had returned unexpectedly Monday to gather the remaining items and emotions got out of control, O’Mara said. Police talked to everyone about what happened, but neither side is pressing charges and no one was arrested." So was this her parents house or not? According to this article George was living here, and she came back unexpectedly. So if she came in to get things with her father, and George did not expect her to be there, then I wou
  19. Just to help you out, the poster was saying that Trayvon was standing his ground in beating the bejesus out of Zimmerman. Y'all are supporting the same side.
  20. Facts have no bearing in the la la land your mind resides in.
  21. Couple things that seem odd from this call. She says that he is trying to shut the garage door on her. The 911 officer asks if he's in the house and the wife says "No, he's in his truck". So, he is in the truck and she is in the house and she has called 911. But Zimmerman does not try to leave the house or go into the house he sits in his truck. Also, the wife mentions at one point in the call about "his bodyguard". I find it odd that he would go busting up into this house with a bodyguard with him.
  22. People don't care about facts. They have made up their mind and will believe anything that supports their preconceived opinion.
  23. The drunk I know got 3 DUI's in the span of a year. One was in Alabama, the other two were in Paulding. The only jail time he served was when he was arrested, and when he had a probation violation. He lost his license for about 2 years, but continued to drive anyway. I wish people were more aware of how lightly drunk driving is taken. To me it should be attempted murder.
  24. I've gotten speeding tickets, I've been pulled over twice in the last year. I had two rear end collisions that were my fault in the span of two months. Does that mean I would go out and willy nilly kill someone or that I would abuse my husband?
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