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Everything posted by LaurBar

  1. I know what you mean! My mother-in-law really really wants a granddaughter. There are four grandsons right now, 0 granddaughters and if this one is another boy, well...I think that is it. My husband's sister has two boys and his brother has 0, but I'm not sure they are having any (they are both busy professionals and I just don't know if they want any...). I let my MIL's desire for a granddaughter cause a lot of my disappointment last pregnancy, but this time I just want the baby to be healthy with ten fingers and ten toes. But, it *would* be nice to have a girl as this is probably the l
  2. Well, LPPT is meeting me with some of her delicious sounding eggplant parmesan. YUMMY! What a sweet thing for her to do...
  3. GOOD LUCK! I hope you get the boy you want Just know it's OKAY to be a bit disappointed. Of course you wouldn't be disappointed it is a girl, but disappointed that you aren't getting a boy this time. I was pretty disappointed when my second was a boy...I just felt like I would never have a girl. Now this time I don't even care...want a girl, but another boy would be just as good. :-) Blue dust today!!!
  4. I totally agree!!!! In-N-Out is by far the best burger and fries place you can go to. I really wish they'd branch out to the east coast.
  5. I LOVE Desperate Housewives. It's my favorite show second to Lost. Love it! We'll be watching it at 10, though...we hate commercials and are spoiled with the DVR. Who do you think he'll marry? I want to say Susan, but I don't know. I think the majority of people want him to get back together with Susan, and you know how shows love making us want more!
  6. I finally did and it's cooking now!
  7. If my chicken will ever finish thawing (not a fan of microwave thawing) I will be trying a Betty Crocker recipe...it's basically chicken with gravy and vegetables. Looks good and had good reviews, so let's hope so!
  8. Are you kidding??? That would be wonderful!!!! I will send a PM.
  9. Wow, that's great! I was going to get a paper today, but I forgot with all I had going on. I haven't been to a Food Lion in years.
  10. selling their house recently? We're having our third baby and I really can't see having three children in our current house. Two is more than fine, but three would really be cramped I think...we have to have our office and right now the third bedroom is a playroom and my boys share a room. Once the baby is here there will be no playroom and I can't imagine that! But I'm scared to even try to put it on the market...I don't think we could sell it for even what we paid for it right now, but maybe I'm wrong. There are several foreclosures in my neighborhood and the house next to me was one an
  11. You know...I have always wanted to go and eat there. I told some people about my plan and I heard from several people and even read reviews that the food is not great and not worth the money. Of course, that discouraged me. Seeing your post makes me want to plan a trip there again, though! I bet it IS good and those people just don't know real southern food!
  12. Is there a number listed for the bank on the card to call and report it was found? Or call the bank itself? I hate to think she's desperately looking for it...I know I would be!
  13. I really wanted to go to Scalini's when I was pregnant with my first son. For some reason we just never got around to it. With my second son I really don't think I thought about it. Wish I had... I will DEFINITELY be going there this time. I won't let myself forget...nothing better than having some yummy eggplant put you into labor. I hope it works...I was induced with the other two and really want to go into labor naturally this time!
  14. I love fall...it is my favorite season. I love the crisp weather and love how beautiful everything gets! Unfortunately, fall leads to winter and I HATE winter. Ahh! And yeah, it's a nice break on the electric bill, but that just means my gas bill goes way up. I can't win!
  15. Never heard of that place! I will definitely be trying it out here soon. Thanks
  16. Candy apples and vinegar french fries! I love candy apples, but I can never find them in the store anymore. I used to see them all the time, but now I only see the caramel ones. I see the kits where you can make your own, but I'm not doing that...
  17. Ahh!!! Sorry! The husband agreed to go to the store for me to get the stuff, but I decided I'm really not in a cooking mood so I settled for Subway. I'm not a Subway fan after finding my beloved Firehouse, but he is getting expensive Sushi, so I'm compromising to save all of $3 I actually just use eggplant, mozzarella cheese and sauce to make mine...I layer it and bake it until it's done. It's so good and simple! Then I add the noodles. I've only made it once, though. I will definitely be buying some eggplant on my next grocery trip and I'll throw you some.
  18. Well, thank goodness they put him in the hospital when they did. I hope these antibiotics work for him and he is able to go home soon. I know it is hard not being able to see him...
  19. I really need some eggplant parmesan today. A friend made the mistake of mentioning another friend who just ate Scalini's eggplant parm and went into labor. As other moms know, once you get a craving it does NOT go away until you get what you want. So I thought, "Oh, I'll just call up and order some of Sal's eggplant parmesan." Wrong! They aren't answering, so I assume they are not open on Sundays. BUMMER! Anyone know of where I can get some that's open and fairly close? If not, I guess I'll make my own, but I sure am exhausted today and a trip to the store is not sounding
  20. That's so scary! Poor thing...P&PT coming his way!
  21. Yikes...that does not make me feel good. Lol. I bet that was thousands of dollars worth of work! I don't think we have any mold under there since someone looked last year and said there was none, but I don't know...we may have those other issues. Who knows...ugh.
  22. Yay! So glad that he is doing better...that's just so wonderful for you and your kids. It really makes you realize life can change in an instant. Keep us posted!
  23. LOL! I totally agree...I had to skip ahead. Hey, you never know! People do some weird things... Like driving and focusing on the camera and not the road.
  24. Is that you? If so, how the heck do you focus on driving while doing something like that? I'd be running myself into a tree!
  25. Kids can be so sweet! She made some decent money with selling it at .25! Tell her to up it to .50!
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