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Everything posted by LaurBar

  1. Okay, now I want a chicken sandwich! So glad to hear he is doing better and will not need dialysis. That is awesome news for both of you!
  2. Since they didn't have the programming right, it caused my DVR to miss recording the middle half of the show. So, I have the first and last 30 minutes. Grr! I hope I don't miss the birth. Almost done with the first half, and...I don't know. Anna seems *so* young. She is young, of course, but she just doesn't strike me as mature enough to be having a baby, though I'm sure she will be a good mom. It just seems like she was thrown into this marriage/motherhood bit at such a young age, and I hate to say it, but I think she and Josh wanting to have sex so badly was the reason they married whe
  3. YW! She is such a calm woman to have that many children! But for $50,000 an episode, I could be calm too (at least, that is what I read they are compensated). Really? You should start watching it more...she really inspires me, as corny as that sounds. Their kids are so well-behaved and Michelle is just so organized (but she sort of has to be!). Of course, it helps that each older kid takes care of a younger kid (called a "buddy").
  4. Just wanted to remind anyone that may want to watch it...it's Josh and Anna's birth show! I love keeping up with the Duggars. I think my fascination began because my stepdad is from Arkansas and I have visited the area they live in more than a few times! So, it's on TLC tonight at 9. I looked through the guide and it isn't showing that it is on then (shows just a regular Duggar show), but the previews keep saying tonight at 9, so I think it just hasn't updated in the system.
  5. Ouch! Sorry... and I know what you mean about the raise. When the one person quit at my husband's job, they made him supervisor yet didn't give him any sort of raise. They usually give a raise every year...this year, no one got one. So, yeah, that definitely sucked.
  6. Well, I tried to make it a poll, but I guess I am an idiot because it didn't work. I even previewed it, and it looked fine. Grr! I'll answer my own question then...I'm a SAHM, but DH has seen no change other than having to work 2 extra days per month. He only works 3 days per week, so basically that means every other week he works 4. This is because someone quit and they just chose not to hire anyone else, more due to there not being anyone qualified enough, but I'm sure the extra money helps as everyone is on salary and they do not compensate anyone for the extra days they have to wor
  7. My dad didn't give me away, either. It bothered me then and it bothers me now. He broke his back a few years ago, so he just was not up for the 5 hour drive to come to my wedding, and flying was just not something we discussed at the time. My stepdad ended up giving me away, and while I'm thankful that he did that for me, I wish I could have had my dad there. I'm his only child, so it just kinda bothers me he will never have given his only child away. Maybe we can renew our vows one day and he can do it then.
  8. I'm making chicken spaghetti...or "Rotel chicken." Basically it is just noodles, chicken, cheese, can of Rotel, and some other stuff. It's pretty good! Just like a spicy, cheesy chicken dish.
  9. That would be great of you to do that! I would definitely collect our can tops in that case. We drink a 24 pack every couple of days!
  10. Well, I wasn't referring to carbon dating Ardi, just in general. History degree, huh? Yeah, my stepdad has his degree in history from USC and he's a minister. Interesting combo...needless to say, he doesn't believe in evolution either. But you know, EVERYONE has their own take on things. Everyone takes information and ideas differently and for the most part, people will always think they are right. So I will think I'm right and all of the evolution folks can think they are right. To me, it really doesn't matter. Makes no difference in my day.
  11. You know, I think it makes it easier having more than one. If he were my only one, I'd probably be a lot more sad as the years went by. But having younger ones to focus on makes it easier. Of course, that won't help when the youngest is turning 5! But luckily it's not even out into the world yet.
  12. I had to take my son to pre-k this morning. It was so bad I had to put the baby back in the crib and let him cry (daddy was in bed) while I drove his brother to school. I was soaked head to toe yet again. A semi passed me on the way and they hit a huge puddle of water. It sent water flooding over my windshield for the entire time I was passing his truck. I almost had a wreck! Couldn't see and I was sliding because I was hitting large puddles, too. Ugh...glad I'm a good driver (though, hubbie would totally argue that!)
  13. Those are some cute pix!! She's adorable!! I know just what you mean...my oldest will be 5 in December. It makes me really, really sad to think about. But I just always tell myself, "Hey, he's still here and nothing has changed but the number." I'm going to make him live with me until he's 30!
  14. I also want to add that I think carbon dating is total BS. Just my opinion, but also the opinion of many other scientists who agree that it is inaccurate only up to a certain period of years, i.e. thousands.
  15. Well, I believe that we do descend from incestuous couplings because the Bible states many instances of brothers taking sisters as wives, etc. That's what it says so that's what I believe. Of course, some people choose to believe the Bible is not entirely true (my husband is one of those). I, however, believe the Bible to be true and I believe what is written in it. Also, I don't know what version you read, but mine says that Cain went out of the presence of the Lord and into the land of Nod and there he knew his wife and bore Enoch. The word "knew" actually was used differently then and
  16. Not much of anything. I played with my baby, watched a little tv, made meals. Lol. I didn't have to clean. I try to keep my house clean all the time so I don't have to spend hours on it.
  17. I did a search and found several threads, but I was a little confused. I gathered there was an awful wreck that disabled Ashton? I was confused because skimming through the threads it seemed he got better and went home? Very sad...I hate hearing of things like this. It's just so unfair when children have to suffer that way.
  18. Interesting...I've been reading about this a lot. I'm glad that a lot of people evolved from Ardi, but I didn't.
  19. I don't think that's extreme at all...shows you are a loving, caring mom!
  20. I don't understand it either, and it seems that nearly every wreck fatality I read about states the person killed was not wearing one. Very sad...because you know if they could take it back and put it on they would. Not to say that all of those who die that didn't have a seatbelt on would have survived if they had, but you always wonder. I'm so lucky that my husband always wears his...I know a lot of men don't. My dad was always *very* adamant that I wear my seatbelt and I'm glad he instilled that habit and choice in me. My mom, on the other hand, does NOT EVER wear hers. I really do not
  21. Really? You didn't even find the place when attempting to look at it? We didn't get lost, but we did get thrown off by the road that it is sort of off of. You are on a country road, then turn onto another road that has a bunch of mobile homes on it. So we *thought* we were lost and thought we were turning into a mobile home park, but there were only a few houses on it and eventually it turned into another road. I don't know, I don't remember exactly, but I can see how someone may think they have missed it. But the good thing was all our guests found it just fine...though, MIL and SIL were 2 ho
  22. Wow, 10k? Did she call or look on the site? Because some of their stuff can be confusing on their website. When I got married (2004), I think the more expensive ones for larger groups were still under 5k. If she hasn't called, she may want to and talk to someone vs figuring it online. Yes, ours was small...we had only our close family and close friends. Cake was provided, as was the bouquet, champagne, etc. But we did bring our own food. Actually, our friends covered the food. But food during our honeymoon was included.
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