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Everything posted by LaurBar

  1. Well, I really trusted my real estate agent as I had been searching for houses with her for quite a while...she recommended him and said he was very good. Looking back, I should have hired my own guy! You make so many mistakes buying your first house...it's definitely a learning experience! Well, there was plastic down on the ground in the crawl space when we bought the house. It covers the entire crawl space...not sure what good that does. Shouldn't it be off the ground and more on the top of the crawl space? That is what an exterminator told me once too... I don't know. I kno
  2. We worry about the same thing...it really makes me mad that the homeowners were not forthcoming about it and the home inspector was so stupid! Ugh... That is weird about your porch....
  3. I made a beef roast with carrots, red potatoes, onions and celery. I made a side of buttered noodles because I didn't have any rice or anything and DH wanted something additional. I have made buttered noodles all of one time since we got married 5 years ago, but it was pretty good.
  4. Our friend is a manager at Lowe's and he told us the same thing. Unfortunately, my DH is a tech geek and not a handyman. Guess we will have to hire someone to figure out the issue!
  5. Before we bought our house we noticed the crawl space had a bit of water in it. The home inspector apparently was stupid and determined it was coming from the air conditioner. Well, it certainly was not. It does not get water in it every time it rains, but if we get a medium-heavy rain it gets maybe an inch or two of water. We didn't really realize it was doing it until we had been here too long to do anything, but a lot of people I know have them and they get wet. Is it normal??? Is there anything I can do to fix it?? We found a sump pump above the washer and dryer from the previou
  6. Yes, the Chinese chart was wrong with my other two. I say you are having a girl. I know you want a boy, but they would have such a special bond (well, let's hope so!). I always wanted nothing but boys, but when I was pregnant with my second I sincerely thought he was a girl...until I found out by fault of the sonographer (she didn't tell me to look away) that it was a boy. Then I was disappointed because I really wanted a girl at that point because I thought I was having one! But I am so glad he was a boy. I can't imagine if he'd been a girl...I don't think they'd be as close, but maybe
  7. All the Intelligender test does is test the pH level. That's it! And that can change daily with what you eat, etc. If you want to keep testing, you can get the pool strips or fish tank strips for much cheaper than Intelligender.
  8. Well, that sucks!! It was a nice alternative for when DH wants KFC. The KFC in Dallas never takes my order! I can sit there all day...either that, or it takes 1/2 hour for them to get it ready and then it's wrong!
  9. That site looks awesome! I will have to subscribe, though I'm not sure we will everything suggested. Still a great site, though! I have seen similar things, but that one is appealing because it lists it by store. I like that... I will also try Southern Savers...checked it out, too, and it looks way easier than TGG.
  10. I tried The Grocery Game and was not into it at all. It was confusing to me and it looked like a ton of trouble. I never even went shopping once with it. Lol...but maybe I am just a coupon dummy!!!!
  11. pinkcaddie, you are very correct! I don't have time, but if I knew I could save that much I would totally do it! The only problem is from everyone that I know who uses coupons and saves a lot of money, their items are usually non-food items or they are items that I would never cook with or canned ravioli, etc. Perhaps I should pay someone to teach me how to coupon...it is definitely not as cut and dry and DUH as people think it is. There's definitely a learning curve to using them and REALLY saving money...as in coming out saving more than you spent.
  12. As scary as it all is, that sounds like some pretty good news minus the unknown chest x-ray results. I hope they get everything figured out and taken care of quickly so he can go about his recovery! P&PT!
  13. This is really great news! We didn't have any bottled water and and I was too lazy to boil. My pregnant self has been subjecting my baby to soda, juice, and more juice! Thank God this is fixed...now I can get this bean some water!
  14. WOW! Go you! I wish I could do that...I am coupon stupid!
  15. Ya know, I think I do well with dinner planning, but lunch is another thing. I'm always wondering what to have for lunch unless we have leftovers, which I like leftovers.
  16. Leftover spaghetti from yesterday. Got lazy, but tomorrow we are having carbonara...mmm, I love it!
  17. I do meal plan...that is one thing I do! :-) I make a list of meals for two weeks. I can't shop for just one week...I hate grocery shopping, so I shop for two weeks. I stick to my list and normally don't buy things that are not on it. And I agree with the person who said they don't coupon because they don't really buy the items anyway. I notice most of the things I see on sale or coupons are things we wouldn't eat or wouldn't enjoy as much. My husband is a huge eater and he is very particular. To be honest, he'd just rather eat fast food for all three meals! Thanks for the recipe i
  18. I'm sure this has been asked before at some point, but I was wondering if anyone would like to share what their grocery/total food budget is. It seems I spend more and more every month over the past few months. I know it has to do with my baby eating regular food now and that definitely increases what I need to buy, but I am spending about $300 every two weeks just at the grocery store and then we spend probably another hundred or two on fast food trips during the month. So I am really spending about $700-800 on food per month. I think that is crazy considering I still feel like we run out of
  19. I've been checking barrel price every since March 2008 up until about a month ago... I just learned to check it once a week. It's a lot more accurate than the daily fluctuation. The refinery fire is a good example of that. Sure wish it would drop back down to 30 something, but unfortunately that would be indicative of a worse economy. Too bad it isn't really based on demand anymore and is more about what OPEC thinks is fair. And the speculators just add to that.
  20. Those pix are great...wish I could buy some of those ornamets. Lol!
  21. Yes, I'm aware the rules are different in other countries. This is America, right? It is no different than spelling differences (colour, etc).
  22. I hope your husband is okay...my kids are your age. Let me know if there is anything at all I can do to help you...
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