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Everything posted by Bigun3026

  1. Dollar Tree had it for $1.00 a can........
  2. Out of the three that could have won.........this is the WORST thing that could have happened! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
  3. This seems to be happening more and more. I wonder why the employers who do this think it is okay to just disappear with no notice........
  4. All cells here. Haven't had a land line in 5 years.
  5. WOW!!! I am SO glad she is gone!!! I couldn't stand Chima from the very beginning. What you wanna bet her whiney a$$ wouldn't have done squat if one of her little cronies had been voted that special power??
  6. Bigun3026


    The craigslist post has been flagged for removal.......what was/is it?
  7. And here I thought I was the only one in the world who did this!!!
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. I have been there with my Dad; and you're right - you think you're prepared - but when it actually happens it is like a slap in the face. Please know that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure that your Mom is looking down on all of you (including Peyton) with an overwhelming sense of love.
  9. Well, if anybody doubted the pay it forward theory before - they sure couldn't deny it after reading your story! Thanks for sharing.
  10. Mac and cheese is always a good choice.
  11. Bigun3026


    If you can figure out what she said you'd be the first one to do so!
  12. That sounds great! I think I'll try it this weekend.
  13. I make mine this way too, only I add 1/2 sleeve of crumbled saltine crackers and 4 tbsp. butter to the mixture before baking. Ditto on the yummy and easy!
  14. Nope, you are not alone. I have them from sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese, cool whip, butter, lunchmeat, etc. Oh! and by the way - the plastic containers that you get takeout chinese soup in are awesome! Maybe we should start a support group
  15. Yeah, and they are handing out "samples" as you walk in the door.........yummmmmmmmmmm.
  16. Thoughts and prayers are with you. My Father was denied on his first two attempts to get disability (personally, I think they deny everyone automatically at first), but like the previous poster said - he was ultimately approved and paid retroactively back to the date of his first claim.
  17. Hang in there, and keep us updated. We'll keep the prayers going.
  18. My most favorite place in the whole world!!! Have a great time!
  19. Prayers said for POW PFC Bergdahl and his family.
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