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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I've always been curious about the little Mexican restaurant next to the Chevron on the corner of 92 & Dallas Acworth hwy. I believe it's called Los Magueys? or as I like to call it "lost my guys". I never hear anything about it but it's been there a long time so I figured maybe it's good? Anyone?
  2. She sounds like me at that age. My parents punished me, but not hard enough. I wish to god they had sent me away to a camp or something. That was about the age I started smoking pot and then started skipping school more than I was attending school. I had a really smart friend who told me that the more I get in trouble the quicker my parents would throw their hands up and let me do what I want, it was pretty much true...fast foward to senior year, i'm graduating with straight 70's and some pretty bad habits I wish not to disclose. fast foward just a little more, i'm pregnant at the age of 19. T
  3. My "strange addiction" has been featured on this show. I have trichotillomania. I pull my hair out, i've been doing it since I was 12. I try not to judge these people too much, although some of it seems completley nuts.
  4. I agree. If my child is going to be taught about slavery I want her to be taught about it in a history class. I wonder if the kids given this math problem were ever taught what slavery really is, what actually happened? I'm thinking no. So, they are given this meaningless math problem (how many math problems were you given? how many do you remember specifically?) I'll bet none. There is no historical knowledge to be absorbed by a question like this. So this isn't a lesson on slavery, it's using slaves as an example to teach math. Two COMPLETELY unrelated things. If there is even a remote chanc
  5. Twins. My laundry gets folded every few days. It's clean, but it's clean in a pile somewhere. Turns out my 17 month old loves clothes. I can't fold clothes around him. he'll take them and put them in various rooms, which means i'll have to find an refold them later. so There isn't much time to do it properly, even if I actually felt like it. Ironing only happens when i'm invited to a wedding or funeral. Otherwise it gets tossed in the dryer with a wet washcloth.
  6. If he had had longer hair and maybe was sporting a nose ring, black t-shirt or trench coat, that would have made more sense I assume? That was Columbine, since then, i'd say the majority of school shooters have looked like "all American boys" Stereotypes get on my nerves. ETA- it's a shame I have to use the word "shooters". WTH is wrong with kids? I'm sick of it.
  7. no, he can't. He still gives open mouth slobbery baby kisses. and lots of them! he's an affectionate child.
  8. Slavery is a serious topic, The most shameful part of american history. IMO, It's not a topic should be used lightly. ever. Fact is, I am not black, my ancestors were not raped, beaten and traded like cattle. Therefore, I'm not in the position to tell others they shouldn't be offended.
  9. Thank you so much! I truly appreciate that, and may take you up on it. Thank you everyone for your responses. It has helped tremendously.
  10. Thanks everyone, I will look into Babies can't wait. He attends a play group once a week, I guess I should look into other options for interaction. Being that i'm a SAHM he isn't around other kids his age very often.
  11. Thanks, Just knowing i'm not alone and someone understands the frustration helps.
  12. My son is 17 months old now and still not saying a word. Not even momma or dada. He is very vocal, and he knows exactly what i'm saying and what everything is, just no actual words. His dr. has referred him to a speech therapist for possibly having mixed receptive expressive language disorder. We won't know the actual diagnosis until he has his hearing checked and we see the specialist. anyway, I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this, a late talker. How did it turn out, similar experiences, or words of encouragement. It's so frustrating for him and me. He can't talk, so he
  13. She is very sweet, I had the pleasure of meeting her. I broke my pelvis in 4 places in a car accident when I was 18, along with my sacrum. I laid in a hospital bed that my parents had delivered to my house, for almost 2 months, followed by a month of the wheel chair, followed by another month of crutches. How lucky I was. I SWORE that I would NEVER take such a simple thing as walking for granted again after that experience. I need a reminder every now & then. My best wishes to your friend. I hope he makes a full recovery.
  14. I gave ya a +1, even though you can't see it! I love that he started walking today! Plus side, I lost more weight once B started walking. You are so right though, I can hardly go 30 minutes without thinking about how lucky I am to have such a sweet little boy. Life is good. Good luck op, life is about to get awesomer.
  15. I have well behaved kids, and I don't hit them. Spanking is fine for those who choose to. I like to think I can teach my kids right from wrong without resorting to violence. So far so good.
  16. Hot (spicy) Italian sausage hoagies with peppers, onions & provolone cheese and tater "chips".
  17. I'm thinking anyone with a brain knows he had nothing to do with it, why does he need to address it? if.
  18. I had to be induced at 41 weeks with my first. I have 2 kids and have never gone into labor on my own. They were both very large but never dropped either. I'm convinced my body dosen't know how to go into labor on it's own.
  19. It's working very well for me! I have an early riser, so instead of waking at 6 am, he wakes at 7am! I couldn't be more pleased. And he loves to go to bed, so no issues there either.
  20. this thread has turned to nonsense. The kids were wrong, they need to be punished. We don't want their lives ruined but they need to face stiff consequences. It's embarrassing for all of us. My daughter will be attending this school next year. I'm still amazed at the stupidity and can only hope that there is a cure for cancer soon, because I have little faith in the next generation at this point. we are to blame, they are to blame, we all are to blame. I guess. Nobody yet knows what will happen to these kids, Surely there has been no official word from the air force on the fate of the student
  21. I've been once. It didn't take long after our arrival for the "ladies" to get jealous and try to start a fight with me and my friends. I assume for being attractive and untrashy. We were minding our own business. On our way out a fight broke out in the parking lot, it looked pretty bad. I didn't stick around for the outcome. yeesh, I never wanna go back.
  22. My daughters aunt had this happen as well. She also still has the pictures. Years ago, when I worked at Big B, I came across a picture of a dead little boy in his casket during photo processing. It disturbed me (still does)and I couldn't understand why someone would want that. I still don't understand. I guess everyone is different. I've never had a fb friend post a pic of a dead relative. Thankfully. I've had plenty post pics of dead deer though.
  23. Absolutely. If my child participated in something like this, I would expect it. I got away with too much as a teenager, it didn't serve me well. they made a stupid choice, too bad. Deal with it. Just because a child is a "leader of the school" which I can only assume means popular, does not mean they get a pass. sorry.
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