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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. Lucky. Mine will wake up anywhere between 5 and 7. one never knows. Usually, the first thing I do in the morning is check the internet. I really don't have a life though.
  2. I think I found your 5 lbs. I'm gonna follow you and give it back. Congrats on the weight loss.
  3. I'm constantly being followed, by a toddler. No dreads, but he does have a fine looking mullet. and he's so cute.
  4. I'm gonna try it. I have never heard of such a thing!
  5. It's way to early for beer. Come on over, we'll have mimosas. Then we'll dread each others hair.
  6. I told y'all this topic was dreadful.
  7. Awesome! I've never heard of it. I would love to live in a community full of hippies, i'll bet it's PEACEful.
  8. The Indian pass raw bar in Indian pass florida. Close to mexico beach. Best oysters and crab legs ever. I also love Henry's in acworth. I don't get out much.
  9. Chicken nacho casserole and salad.
  10. I'm sure you can guess what I recommend. Read the hunger games, all the cool kids are doing it.
  11. what a sweet baby girl! Ps-I love your postman quote at the bottom.
  12. I'm from upstate. it is beautiful. there is more country up there than there is down here. it's so green with lots of farms ect. My husbands job prevents us from taking summer vacations together. Maybe in the fall. I would love to get away just me and him. It's been many many years. Not as many as Rhonda though.
  13. I don't have a problem with it. my dd is 14, i'd let her. she's a good kid, a piercing won't change that.
  14. My thoughts are with all involved.
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