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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Absolutely. I just talked to them a few days ago. Saying prayers now.
  2. Should have known that it was Douglas County. Probably one of the most crooked counties around. If it had regular old Joe Q. Public---would have gotten life in prison. Take my word for it. Any good attorney will tell you that a Douglas County case---the price at least doubles--just because of having to deal with them. They make things 3 to 4 times as hard. Not saying that some of it should be hard---but why just one county???
  3. No problems here, but then again I don't go in until 9:30-10:00.
  4. If it makes you feel any better, I was told that he was up and walking around before police and ambulance got there. Reliable source.
  5. I am told by a very reliable source that both patients were up and walking around before police or ambulance arrived. They might have been flown out for precautionary reasons????
  6. I was wondering if Powder Springs Road would be a good alternative---guess not.
  7. I was there too!!! Did not see an accident. Traffic did open up quite a bit after Lost Mountain, just to be stalled again where the 4 lane ends at Whitlock. I can somewhat understand the folks with the Douglas and Carroll tags maybe not realizing that the road merged right there---but all the Cobb and Paulding folks know very well. I think people are just a$$e$ when they try and wait til that very last minute and get over.
  8. You and me both!!! I amagine that Dallas Highway is going to be a nightmare for quite a while. You can't go down Macland nor 381 and all the roads in the Due West area---I am afraid that they will all spill over to Dallas Highway.
  9. I hope they were trying to evacuate and not out just joy riding!!! If they were out joy rafting--I hope that the SO rips them a new one!!! Sorry, but we all know how teenagers can be. Hope they are rescued and safe.
  10. From what I have heard and read---Macland is closed in at least 3 different spots, Dallas Highway is closed east bound at Sedgefield--and possibly to close west bound, if you could get down Powder Springs Road--you can't get thru 278 or any of the back roads and forget Due West and anything out that way and Dabbs Bridge to 61 is hopeless also. BE CAREFUL and LEAVE NOW. That is unless you want to spend the night at work. More is headed this way. Take a look at the National Radar on wsbtv.com---huge rain storm headed this way.
  11. Is this on 92, 120 or Macland??? Maybe 92 between 120 and Macland??? I know that there is a little creek there. My Granny used to take me fishing there when I was little at the bridge on Maxwell Road. (Since she was a Maxwell)
  12. Looks like an even bigger storm is out in Alabama. Not quite as heavy rain, but a bigger storm.
  13. Just looking at the radar---I would say that we are in for A LOT more of this same stuff!!! Oh well, I will just crank that window unit in my room on high and sleep thru it. I didn't hear anything at all last night.
  14. Dang it is good to see you!!! You have been missed!!!
  15. Didn't say much for Beyonce either. She should have stood up and apologized to Taylor. Instead---it just looked like she was in on it.
  16. I know that there is only so much that you can do---but it gets a little old when they are constantly walking up to you asking for money or cigarettes. When they are staying out in the parking lot for most of the night---it is a problem. I am not talking about them being outside at the end of the session waiting for their parents. And we have been told my management and security that they cannot do anything about it. In my book--call their parents to come get them if they are not skating inside. I am just waiting for one of them to damage or break into somebody's car.
  17. If your child is not a regular at the rink, I would not let them go to an all night skate. Yes, they have their employees there and usually a guard (off duty deputy). When you can go by there on Saturday nights and see all these kids running loose in the parking lot---there is a problem.
  18. I buy mine at Walmart. Don't know the name of if, but is is sold on square blocks, red for plain and green for peppers. You can either cut it into little chunks or shred it and add milk and microwave. The measurements they give you are kindof weird, so I just usually shred the whole block and add 7-8 ounces of milk. It is the closest that I have found to what you get in the mexican restaurant. It is about $4.00 for the cheese and you get a BIG bowl when it is made.
  19. How in the heck can the courts or the DA's office lay folks off??? They are running 2 and 3 years behind on cases now. A case that goes to court in less than 6 months in Cobb, takes at least 3 years in Paulding. Makes no sense whatsoever.
  20. I had a friend that did this back in the 70's. They had a gas station at the Plaza and she pulled the pump with her--not just the hose. Let's just say that she demolished that station!!!
  21. I have seen them at CVS, Walgreens, Kroger and Target in the last couple days. There has not been a shortgage of them--unless you were looking for the free ones at CVS and I had to get a raincheck for them.
  22. Them being pretty much a sub prime lender---you could expect trouble from them. I have dealt with them numerous times with my clients and their Bankruptcies and it is never a pleasant experiance. Thankfully, I am able to deal with their attorneys more than directly with them. I know that their bookeeping leaves a lot to be desired. I had a client tell me last week that they had filed Bankruptcy themselves, but I have not confirmed this.
  23. How is he loosing them??? Is he wearing them 24/7??? Does he take a shower in them??? I have worn contacts for 20+ years and last year when they changed brands on me--I started loosing them in the shower. (yes. I was wearing them 24/7 and had for years). I finally began to take my contacts out at night and shower without them and I have not had a problem since. I have worn them so long that it is just habit to me. I can say that I have torn a lot more contacts than I have lost!!!
  24. We had my niece's reception there about 3 years ago. The only problem that we had was the fact that the people before us had not cleaned the carpet very well and I vacuumed confetti FOREVER. Glittery, sparkly confetti!!! And we found a used condom in the parking lot---right next to the police station.
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