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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I know the parents of this boy (the one beat up) and you could not ask for nicer people. They are a really close knit family. I feel really bad for them.
  2. I thought his whole performance was awful. Not impressed at all. Expected a lot better from him. Maybe he needs to go back to Broadway.
  3. I have met them before---yes, they were nice. That has nothing to do with the fact that they are charged with some MAJOR FELONIES. Yes, innocent until proven guilty---but there seems to be a HUGE amount of evidence in this case. Speaking realistically from a legal aspect--they are pretty much screwed (especially the 2 guys). they might be able to make some kind of a deal and get just probation for her because of the child (or children) involved. They had there fun and probably made a huge amount of money for a while, but it was all illegal---what it all boils down too.
  4. I think Misty's (It's Mr. Sarcastic to You) wife makes them. She has a website--I will see if I can find her card.
  5. Most attorneys choose an area of law while in law school that they want to practice. You do have some that will handle different areas of the law. For example, the attorney that I work for, his specialty is Bankruptcy. He will occasionally do some minor corporate work (just filing corporation documents for clients with the Secretary of State). We have 2 partners that do nothing but criminal defense and then an "of counsel" attorney that does mainly personal injury with a few appointed criminal cases. He was a former policeman, so he does really good on the criminal cases. I do know some at
  6. I know that this has been discussed over and over again---but not at this level. This news story is so much more than what was ever discussed on here. This was a MAJOR drug operation and the fact that it was stopped should certainly be discussed. We are talking 20 pounds of pot folks---are you not interested in the fact that it was taken off the streets??? I sure am. Don't care who it was that was busted---they knew what they were doing was illegal and now they have to pay the price. This was not someone that was growing a few plants for their own enjoyment---this was a production line.
  7. I would have got the tag number and called the police to make a report. The do not take that kind of stuff lightly!!
  8. I only make mine by the half gallon. I hate tea that has sat overnight in the fridge. It has to be fresh made that day. 3 family size tea bags (I want to tast my tea--not colored water!!) 3-4 small scoops sugar 2 tsp sweet n low Put all 3 in a small pan, add water and bring to a boil. Let sit for a few minutes and add to cold water in the pitcher.
  9. Take it to Walgreens and let them refill it. I have been doing that with my HP and it costs about half of buying a new one!!
  10. It has always been a little stupid to have both of them in Hiram , to me anyway. I would think that they would leave the one on 92 open, but I guess they think that the one on 278 would have more visibility??
  11. Well---it was just several months ago that they busted a rolling meth lab on Brownsville Road in Cobb County. And it was a Paulding County person that was busted. I do believe that he is still in Cobb County Jail with no bond--or either a probation hold.
  12. Did not like the new Lucky at all. Don't know if he will grow on me or not. I always wanted Lucky and Elizabeth back together--but not with this guy. Just doesn't seem to go together. He seems wimpy and gay looking to me!!!
  13. I can't stand to see the scenes with Claudia and Johnny. They are just gross. He seems like he is trying to do the right thing and I think if Claudia was out of the picture--he would be less mob involved. Wish they would bring Laura back--but not Scotty!!!
  14. Soapnet says that the party will happen first. They also say to wait and see what Carly does when this news comes out!!! Since I am at work--I watch it on Soapnet at night and then if I miss one during the week--I can catch up on Sunday afternoon.
  15. I don't know if I am going to like this guy or not. I just don't know if he can match Gregg. Claudia---I hope Sonny shoots her himself. I was watching some stuff on Soapnet.com today and it has me wishing. Now for Elizabeth---they need to make their minds up with her. They are making her out to be a little slut!!!
  16. I just boil my chicken, take of the bone or cut up. Mix biscuit dough (flour, shortening and buttermilk). Bring broth and chicken to boil and drop dough by spoonfulls. Add salt and pepper. I do sometimes add boulion cubes. I made some this weekend and have had them for lunch the last 2 days---yummy!! The thought of using store bought biscuits just gags me!!!
  17. I was somewhat disapointed this year. I did not even see as many county offices as I had in the past. We, too, were in and out in 30-45 monutes. We did not go until about 5:00 and there was no traffic--which was nice.
  18. tbird

    Anyone know

    Well, I raised 3 kids by myself. I NEVER said that my kids would not do something wrong and of course they all did. I was the mother that when one of their friends got in trouble--I was the first to ask if my kid was involved. Not saying that my kids were of the criminal mind--they were just kids. Not perfect by any means. And no, it is not the best feeling when your child gets in trouble or does something stupid. However, if an 18 yr old chooses to do something like this one did and harmed a friend ( although I know that it wasn't done on purpose, it was an accident--which could have b
  19. tbird

    Anyone know

    The passenger is still at Grady with broken bones and concussion. Driver might still be in jail??? They were not wearing seatbelts at the time. The rest--figure it out. Not gonna be the one to post it.
  20. All Right Now---Free Gimme Shelter---Rolling Stones Get Ready---Rare Earth Harlem Shuffle---Rolling Stones Can't think of any others right now, but there are more!!!
  21. Sorry to hear this. Anybody that has lived in Paulding for many years--knew this man and his family.
  22. All depends on which credit union it is!!! They used to do that personailty test where I worked several years ago. It was the stupidist thing I had ever heard of. They come by one day and said they wanted to sample some questions---asked me what kind of tree I would want to be??? I just looked at him and said "the one that the dogs don't pee on". He said I failed!!!!
  23. tbird

    Quick Note

    Great news Denise. Just remember--you have to take care of yourself as well as Philip!!! Tell him I said hello.
  24. Denise--I have no idea how you do what you do!!! Keep us up to date, tell Philip I said hello (and Glenda too). I will say an extra prayer---for the both of you.
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