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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Sad. I grew up with Candy and went to high school with both she and Billy. My mother went to school with Candy's mother, Reba.
  2. American Wrecker left glass all over the road. They are supposed to clean the road after a wreck. If you ever look closely---most wreckers have brooms and cat litter on the back of their trucks for this purpose. Just burns me up when somebody doesn't do their job.
  3. First I would have to go in to work and tell off my bosses. Boy--would that be fun. Then I would find me 50-100 acres and start the family compound. Me, my 3 kids, my mother, neice and nephew. Give them the land and XX dollars to build a house (if they want an even bigger house--they have to pay the difference). There would be land marked off for each of the grandkids when they get old enough and they would also get XX dollars for a house. Then I would buy all of us new vehicles (probably 2 or 3 for me) and head to PCB to buy my other home (already know which neighborhood). Then I wou
  4. I ONLY use credit unions and have worked at a couple over the year--CMAR being one (for a very short time). Their management is the absolute worst. The management there does not even think like a credit union. Remember--at a credit union--you are a member and you actually own a piece of the credit union. A credit union cannot close your account for stupid reasons like banks can. We used to have folks come in and raise hell or cuss out a teller. We had to be nice and try to smooth it over. At a bank--their account would have automatically been closed and them asked to leave the building. As
  5. I have broken both little toes--many years ago. I found that wearing a canvas tennis shoe was the most comfortable. I was limping on it for several weeks and it hurt even worse when I had it taped. With the cloth Reebocks and no tape--it felt much better. To this day, I have to very careful about what kind of sandals I wear. Anything with a skinny strap that goes over my little toes--I cannot wear.
  6. Jackson Lake. Not far from Atlanta. Years ago my uncle had a cabin on Jackson, before it got all built up.
  7. Try Grass Masters. Locally owned and big operation. Perfectionist at what they do. I don't have a number handy, but I am sure you can look them up. They do work all over metro Atlanta.
  8. tbird


    I have been told that Cosco only marks their drugs up 14% and you do not have to be a member to use the pharmacy. I will be checking on that. Even with my insurance--I am paying $20 per month. I have a friend that has to have eye drops for glaucoma and at Publix they run her 90 per month. She went last week to Cosco and got 3 month worth for 120. If you don't use insurance--you can get as many refills as are on the prescription.
  9. tbird


    That is a low dosage. I am on 300 (highest available) and have been for 10+ yrs. I have a goiter, my levels are always good and I cannot tell a differamce when I tkae it and when I don't. No energy changes, mood swings, etc. I go back to the Endo in Feb--we'll see what he says this time.
  10. Check them out on Amazon.com and read the reviews. I was surprised the the 2 that you hear the most about--had the worst reviews.
  11. I have used the Senior citizen Center several times and have always been happy. If I remember correctly--you have to call Parks and Recreation to reserve. It is not very expensive, you have to put down a deposit plus the rental fee and then you will get your deposit back. It is a very nice and roomy kitchen and you can arrange the tables and chairs how you want.
  12. His probation officer should give him a list of acceptable places. Some places have certain days and hours. It has to be approved by probation as to where the CS is done. I think they still have the Saturday (and maybe Sunday) community service from the probation office. I know years ago they used to meet up there at 8:00 on Sat. mornings.
  13. I am working. We usually have more appointments on this day--because everybody wants to come in when they are off. It will be a busy day for us!!!
  14. I sooooo agree with LPPT. Yes, I understand that this is awful. But they are now saying that the folks over there are getting mad because the money is not coming in fast enough???? I am sorry--but I would love to see a list of the different countries that sent money and help to the US when Katrina hit---bet it would be a very small list--if there even is one. Knowing that our country is already struggling financially---it just kindof chaps my butt that they all of a sudden have millions and billions of dollars to send god knows where and next year they are just going to raise our taxes
  15. I have been using ESET. It was recommended by a computer shop here in Dallas. No problems with them at all. $39.95 a year and I have the desktop and laptop on it.
  16. That's why I couldn't find him. His cases would probably be filed under Kelly's name. I do know Jeff Kelly, but never heard of Thomas.
  17. My son made us Taco Salads. Salad shells, refried beans, lettuce, beef, black beans, jalepenos, cheese, salsa and pico. They were delish!!!
  18. He looks like a Spitz. I think they are now called American Eskimo or Samoyed. I have had several Spitzs in my life. My grandparents raised them in Villa Rica when I was little. I had a Toy Spitz for almost 16 yrs as a child. They are my favorite dog!!! He is BEAUTIFUL!!
  19. I don't show any filings for him since 2005???? Just checked the BK court website--never heard the name before.
  20. Just make sure that you get somebody that is pretty much exclusively a BK attorney. Since the legal field is slow right now, there are a lot of attorney's out there that are dabbling in BK. I average at least one call a week where somebody has done this and now they are in trouble, either the attorney has disappeared or done something wrong and they now need an attorney to fix their case. Don't go by the price---you get what you pay for. Since the laws changed in 2005--there is a lot more involved in filing now. Not near as easy as it used to be. Believe me--I have done this for years.
  21. Feel free to send me a PM. I am a BK paralegal and we are located right off the Marietta Square on Roswell Street. And the attorney has a payment plan for attorney fees!!!
  22. I use V8 for the juice in my vegatable soup. Gives it a really good flavor.
  23. I dought that he will be able to have it. When I had it years ago--they advised everybody to turn their phones off. He might not even get past security with it!!!
  24. I always add a pinch of suger to mine too!!! In fact, my grandmother always said to put a little bit of sugar in all of your vegatables--especially fresh ones. She would take her wet spoon and dip it in the sugar bowl and then put it in the veggies. I also started my kids eating tomatoes when they were just eating finger foods. I would chop them up and sprinkle sugar on them. They loved it and their pediatrician loved it also.
  25. Guess it's just a country thing!!! Just cut up squash and onions, add salt, pepper, tad of butter and water. Boil til squash and onions are kindof mushy. I have actually tried the Allens canned squash and onions and it is good in a pinch. And we also eat stewed tomatoes and onions a lot--with homeade biscuits in them!!!
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