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Everything posted by tbird

  1. YYYEEEAAA!!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE storms!!! Can't wait. I love nothing better than to sit out on the front porch during a storm. Too bad it's bedtime!!!
  2. I have friends that live in PCB and they are on the beach everyday---no problems at all.
  3. How nice. My very first full time job was at a bank in D'ville--back in the late 70's. Mr. Mac Abercrombie (the former sheriff--many years ago) would come by several times during the blooming season and put me a bouquet of gardenias in my drive thru window. He would just pull up and say that he brought me a little something to thank me for being so nice to him. Of course, he was on the Board of Directors--so that really meant a lot to a little 19 yr old on her first job!!!
  4. Since you followed the rules and put in a notice and they have told you that you are no longer needed--go apply fo that weeks unemployment. Since they have allowed you not to complete your given notice--you are allowed to draw. At least somebody in the county will have to do a little extra work---and it is all their fault. There has always been a "god" syndrome--even with some of AC's management. I have witnessed it in years past. I know that folks praise them for what they do--and yes, most of it is warranted, but there have been things to happen years ago that puts a whole new light on t
  5. I think she should be deported immediatly--no questions. It will surely cost less to deport her than to continue her education. And her family should be deported with her. And they should hold any and all funds and belongings to repay tax payer money that has surely gone to pay for education. Sorry--if it was a US citizen (drug dealer, embezzler, etc) that got caught doing something illegal--all of his stuff would be taken--so why not theirs???? I have heard of many mexicans being deported for driving with no license--what makes her different??? I had a client that had been here for 20
  6. You too???? I think today my song would be "Bitch is back" by Elton John!!! And I didn't even work today!!! But stupid me kept answering the phone.
  7. I got mine for 700 for the week!!! It is down on the west end--away from all the partying and traffic--which I LOVE!!
  8. Some mortgage companies are starting foreclosure at 4 months. I see a few start at 3, but they are very few and far between. I have also seen some mortgage companies that will wait 12-18 months. there is no rhyme or reason at all. As far as rentals---some mortgage companies will work with renters, but I have not heard as much of that going on in the last 6-8 months. I think most of them are just so overwhelmed with the number of foreclosures that they really don't know what is going on!!! As far as when the foreclosure starts--you will probably start getting all kinds of letters addres
  9. When I graduated in 77--my parents give me a sapphire and diamond ring. I give it to my daughter when she graduated in 01. She has 3 daughters, so I am sure the oldest will get it when she graduates.
  10. There is no Paulding county Supreme Court--only Superior and Magistrate. We don't even have a State court here.
  11. I have always just used Dawn dish detergent for greasy stains. Just a drop and then rub in. My son was a cook at his part time job in high school and he always come home with grease splatters on his good shirts and I was able to save them.
  12. After many years of all the pretty colored and decorated towels--I only buy white ones now. I put them in the washer with hot water and bleach and put them on the longest soak cycle. Perfectly white towels all the time and I feel that they are cleaner with the bleach.
  13. I have some friends that live in Birmingham and they go to Victoryland and Wetumpka??? Of course that is their slow week. They are famous for heading down to their house in PCB and swinging by the Beau Rivage for a few days!!!
  14. Thera are so many things that can ruin a trip to the beach and you take your chances every time you go. I was there last spring when the red tide was in and it was awful. You couldn't even stay on the beach for it burning your throat. Two years ago, on the 4th of July, the seaweed was so bad that the water looked like pea soup--we just waded through it and although it was nasty--the kids played in it anyway. Was planning to go down next week--but my work schedule didn't work out and my friend sold her house up here. She has to be out by June 15th, so she is headed up here to do tha
  15. I think it's called Buddys????
  16. Is this Steve Golden that was the builder??? That's the only one I know, but I am sure there are others.
  17. Funny---I have worked for 3 different BK attorneys and they have never done anything but BK--period. One of them has been doing BK's for over 20 years.
  18. Yes, most all attorneys do some sort of Public Defender work, but it is no way their sole business or income. If it is--there is a problem and a reason why they can only do Public Defender work. It all depends on the attorney as to how they handle an appointed case. I have seen some that will work on those cases even harder than the case that pays 20K, but then I have also seen some that do little more than show up to Court--period. Many years ago, I had a friend that always seemed to get the crap child abuse, mothers pimping daughters in a traler park, child murder, etc. type cases.
  19. Copied from the link: Since returning to Paulding County, Chad has been involved with serving as a contract public defender for Haralson County for two years and serving as a contract attorney for the Juvenile Court of Paulding County for 1 year. Since October of 2002, he has served as a Magistrate Judge for Paulding County, and has also served as a part time judge for the City of Hiram since 2007. Additionally, Chad has served as a Special Master on several occasions and is a registered general civil mediator and arbitrator. This does not constitute being a criminal defense attorney.
  20. Heading down on the 9th of May--can't wait to get some crab claws at Dusty's!!!
  21. Any attorney that can deal with the DA's office in Douglas County is a darned good attorney. There are several very well known and very high priced criminal defense attorneys here in Marietta that will not even take a case in Douglas County. They are the DEVIL to deal with. A fee for a Douglas County case is usually at least triple the fee of a Cobb or Paulding, just because of what you have to deal with and you know it is going to be a major headache from start to finish.
  22. Well said!!! As I said in a previous post---how in the world do you think you can be a District Attorney if you don't practice criminal law??? That is kind of like going to a dermatologist to get your gall bladder removed???? Most attorneys have their mind set in law school as to what kind of law they want to practice. If I needed an attorney---I would certainly look for someone that has a specialty. I would NEVER use someone that dabbles in various kinds of law.
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