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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Yes, it is one of the things that all the old Villa Ricans knew. There were still a few of Candlers in Villa Rica back in the 60's and 70's--generations down. The old Candler place was well known to the locals. My grandparents lived right downtown on one of the main streets and my aunt still lives there. The Candler homeplace was not on one of the main streets in town--it was back on a street that comes off 101 going into Villa Rica.
  2. The original Candler's were from Villa Rica. They owned a drug store downtown. My dad grew up in Villa Rica and I was told all about that family and he had took me by their old homeplace many times. He knew all of them at one time--many years ago.
  3. They are called Service Centers. You can probably go online and see if they belong to that group. If they do, you could then use Family Savings, LGE (formerly Lockheed and my very last choice!!) or any other credit union that displays the Service Center emblem. They do have rules about holds and such for checks.
  4. All the Patch says is along 278 and 92??? So that tells us that traffic will be horrible wherever they are!! Don't know about you, but I plan to hurry home and stay there.
  5. I used to work with that Dad--he was a good guy, just made a stupid choice at that moment.
  6. I used to eat there all the time, when I worked in that area. Very hearty helpings and always delicious!!
  7. Your question should be "how many parents don't care.....". It amazes me at what kids do now days and the parents have no idea. For most parents that drop their kids off at the skating rink--I invite you to do a surprise drop in. You might be surprised at what you see. And that is just a very small example.
  8. tbird

    pier park

    Why do folks never read the posts made before them???
  9. tbird

    pier park

    They are in the process of building a new Walmart on Back Beach Road (on the west end). Should take some of the traffic from the one on Front Beach--but it will still probaby be a mess. Other than the prices for their suntan lotion--I have found that I can get everything I needfrom Winn Dixie or Dollar General and avoid Walmart all together. Only thing is they are about the only place that sells the big bottle of No-Ad spf4 and that is the only thing I use down there!!
  10. Considering I changed jobs and making $6000 more a year--I don't feel any better off at all. Just walking thru the grocery store yesterday was depressing. Has anybody noticed that they have cut the amount of coffee in those big canisters and yet the price has gone up??? The old ones said 270 cups and now they say 230 cups??? Seems like everything that I normally buy has gone up pretty much a third of what it used to be. I have found that I am much better off to just stay at home on the weekends. If I leave the house--I spend money.
  11. 1 cup margarine melted, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup self rising flour and 1 cup milk. Mix together and then pour peaches in--do not stir. I usually sprinklea little sugar on top and then bake at about 375 until brown on top. That's the easiest recipe I know!!
  12. My friend that lives in PCB has all her outdoor furniture put up and her wind guards (or whatever you call them) ready for her sons to hang at the last minute. After many years of hanging plywood, she now has these fiberglass(Ithink) sheets that just slide onto hooks around her doors and windows. She really isn't worried. Last year when that storm hit on Labor Day weekend--they had high winds, but that was about it. She has already said that unless it goes up to a catagory 3 or above--she's not leaving. And the beach has already been on red flags all week. I do remember when I was down
  13. The Racetrak on PS Road and on the EW connector has been at 3.37 for quite a while. Then I noticed the QT at Spring Road and Cumberland BLVD was 3.69 a week or so ago??? When I went to Kroger last week--with my 30 cents off--it was still more than what I had been paying at Racetrak????
  14. Luckily, I don't have any kids needing class rings--been there done that. Mine never wanted them. The thing that bothers me about it now--is the fact that they get their "senior" rings when they are sophmores or juniors??? To me, that was part of the anticipation of starting your senior year--getting that ring!! It just takes some of the glory out of getting it???
  15. Just too darned bad that one of them is just as bad as the other. Afraid we are in deep trouble with either one of them.
  16. Pretty much do the same, except I have to use buttermilk. Using canned biscuits is just plain nasty!!! IMHO There is nothing to mixing up the biscuit dough and dropping it in the boiling broth at all. To me the hardest part about making them is the de-boning and shredding the chicken.
  17. The exact way that I make them!! And my family loves mine.
  18. I feel like I wasted those 2 hours. Was not impressed in the least.
  19. tbird

    Fire in Hiram

    Do you mean the old Teal house that has been empty and falling apart for years??? I remember going there as a child!!
  20. One of my former bosses, who is now a State Court Judge in Cobb County (Traffic Court), would have been pleased with that for one of his former clients!! He was a tough criminal defense attorney, but I am sure that he would have said that was fair treatment.
  21. Mine is one of the Acer minis. And I love it!!
  22. Are you sure it is the battery??? My laptop did that about a month ago and I ordered a new battery and a power cord off ebay. When I got the battery--it was the wrong one, but then I plugged in the power cord and it charged the old one!! And Best Buy wanted $50 for a new power cord--I got the one off ebay for under $10 with shipping!! Just a thought.
  23. Please correct me if I am wrong, but haven't you said in previous posts that he has some sort of special needs (or something of that nature)?? It is beginning to sound more and more to me that there might be more going on and maybe he does need 24/7 observation and care. I would be worried that if he has this fixation on a printer--what will happen when he has a fixation on a knife, or a gun?? I certainly would not like to be in your shoes, can't imagine. But I do wish you the best of luck--your whole family.
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