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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Just saw this on FB??? Still got some firewood left if anyone needs any 678-656-2541 Don't know if it's too late or not.
  2. Yes--61 North. I don't remember exactly, but there are several places that have it out by the road and have signs. There is also a house on 61 South by the Dollar General that has had firewood for a while. Most folks are sold out by now. My boys have had probably a dozen calls today, when they have barely sold any for the last month.
  3. I wonder why they aren't telling what the storm has done in other states?? I have yet to see them tell that and they usually do. Are they expecting it to get much worse than it has been in other states? I understand that they don't want to get caught like they did last time, but I am not understanding this at all.
  4. My boys sold out, but there are several folks selling up 61 north. I have seen it sitting out for weeks now.
  5. Yep, my boys sold out of what they had split last night. They dod have some more that isn't split, but they won't sell it as wet as it is. Not quite fair to sell wet wood that won't burn. Oh well, in a week or so they will have more ready.
  6. I sent son up there earlier to get the buns and egss that Kroger did not have yesterday--he got everything on my list and wasn't gone very long at all.
  7. They had the gas truck at 61 & 278 a little after 5:00. The store was a mad house. I was there to buy my normal payday groceries. Used last of coffee this morning--so it was a MUST!! Just bought the normal grocery stuff--except no hamburger buns. Didn't even have any of the expensive ones left!! Tried to go to the Kroger in Cartersville at lunch--drove around the parking lot for over 20 minutes and could not find a parking place, so I give up and went back to the office.
  8. I bet money that all these folks will be raising HE$$ when their spring break days are taken for make up days. Another one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't!! Even if the decide to push the year out further--they will raise HE$$ about that too.
  9. I remember seeing them on Ed Sullivan, but not sure if it was the first one?? I was telling my grandson about the Beatles earlier and he just thought I was crazy!! My daughter (who is now 31 yrs old) went through a spell at about 12 yrs old where she had all of my Beatles cassettes and a bunch of Beatles T shirts (we found them at Marshalls and she had to have one of each they had). Now her 2 youngest (7 and are getting into the Beatles. She said the youngest was singing right along with Adam Levine tonight and she knew every word!! I am sure that I still have some of my old reco
  10. I remember seeing a documentary on TV about all of those Eco boost cars and such. This was just after I had bought my Escape and I was still wondering if I should have bought one with that option. After they told that it would take around 4.5 yrs to even break even with the money you spent up front for it--I was glad that I did not get it. I am currently getting 24.5 mpg and think that is pretty darn good for a small SUV (and I don't have one of the tine new ones--I have the last bigger one--2011).
  11. AT&T kept charging me for home internet after I had cancelled the regular AT&T and went with Uverse. I kept calling and calling and next thing I knew--I got something from a collection agency. I was not very nice at that point!!
  12. Mine actually went down. Last month it was almost $140--which is very high for a winter month. This month it has gone down to $111. Still not my perfect winter bill, but I will take it. I am used to mine being around $75 for the winter. Small house, gas heat. But then, I do have a couple extra folks in the house this time, so more clothes washing, dishwasher going and showers.
  13. Really?? I wasn't impressed at all.
  14. Found it!! Looks like there's gonna be some Braves players there. Sorry, not the best players to be spending the night outside tonight!! Sat., Feb. 1 Atlanta, GA Hiram Academy Sports + Outdoors 11 a.m.-12:30 pm. EST Craig Kimbrel, Jonny Venters, Eddie Perez and Brian Snitker Jason Heyward is in AL., I think.
  15. DIL just called and said folks are camped out in their chairs with blankets, etc. Said it looked like a Black Friday sale! Looked on their website and didn't see anything.
  16. My son got a kick out of having to push a tricked out, new model Ford F250 up a hill!! Probably a $50-60K truck and my son's 20 yr old Chevrolet 4x4 pushed his butt up the hill.
  17. I traveled from Hiram Sudie down 61 to Cartersville and had no problems.
  18. We have more and more cars going by on Hiram Sudie--most going very slow. You need to watch out because we have had 4 wheelers flying up and down the road since yeaterday. I have heard a few this morning as well.
  19. I am not going back to work until Friday--bosses orders!! But I do have remote access and the phones are forwarded to my cell. Let me know how it is up there. Do you go 61 or 41?? I go 61 this time. Too much traffic to go 41 now, especially from where I live.
  20. My son just went from Hiram Sudie to Mulberry Rock (almost to the 120 end)to pick up grandson that was at my daughters house. He said that the roads weren't near as bad as he thought they would be. But then again, he drives an old 80's model Chevrolet 4x4 truck. He said yesterday he was going when nobody else could. He even had to stop and push a new model Ford F250 up a hill!! Said the guy had 35's on it and couldn't go anywhere. Son's old truck with over 200K miles pushed him right up the hill!!
  21. I really don't get this. Maybe I am the lone one, but I can't blame any of this on the city or county governments. With the amount of people that were clogging the roadways yesterday--there is no way that they could have got the trucks out to do their jobs. At what point do people take responsibility for themselves. Even with the kids stuck at the schools, I realize that the schools are responsible for the kids when they are there--but bottom line is that you are responsible for your own kids. Folks should have got on the roads the minute they saw the first snowflakes--not at 1:00 or 2:00
  22. My son looked at me like I was crazy yesterday morning when I asked him to go crank my car and put my down blanket in the back seat!! I did leave work early and got home before things got bad, but you never know with something like this. Phone chargers are very important also. My car charger has quit working, so I made sure to put mine on the bosses charger at the office to insure it was totally charged.
  23. My DIL works for Metro and she said they had to run a call on Davis Mill last night and that there are cars all over Hiram Sudie. The Davis Mill area was about the worst area, I think. I would give it a little while and see how the temp goes. At 10 degrees, I am afraid all you are going to find is solid ice. And even the best 4 wheel drive isn't gonna make it on ice.
  24. When my son was out this afternoon, he said that the side roads were actually in much better shape than the main roads. He just said it was idiot folks that were causing the problems (and they were the ones he was pulling out of ditches!!).
  25. Folks have been having trouble on Hiram Sudie all day. That hill going to Settlers Mill and Davis Mill has had traffic at a stand still in front of our house all day. I am barely hearing anything go by now. I know earlier that somebody said Bill Carruth was closed, but you have the same problem with that hill right before Hiram Sudie.
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