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Everything posted by catalanojo

  1. I actually went to the Chiropractor today Dr. Penney and he was honest enough to tell me i should not try a chiropractor and could be hurt if i did. HONESTY is not something in great abundance these days! I appreciate Dr. Penney for Being HONEST!!!
  2. Son told me there were a million cars and cops flooding the area. Just trying to see what happened.
  3. If you steal you will LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make that a double whammy on the Karma!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. they were bringing in supplies for the tunnels
  5. CAN I GET AN AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I am glad I read the post before I posted like you! Company/Family are like fish after three days they stink!
  7. upbringing or showing our age???? I havent seen you on here in forever but when words of wisdom are needed we can count on you!
  8. Thank you to everyone. This is one of those situations you never thought you would experience and boom your slam dunk in the middle of it. I do believe God will use what is meant for harm to be for my good.
  9. guys i cant really say why but i really need ur prayers. i know God has it under control i just deel like i am loosing it. thanks
  10. band hadto play so i need to pick up son
  11. We were in UniversalStudios LA when they were taping the final episode. We were ableto drive on Wisteria lane but security was tight
  12. Honestly: It is far about 600 miles but he is the best. Dr. Ben Carson @ Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. Not a joke if it were my kid we would make the trip.
  13. Caped Crusader is that snow your showing? Toilet Paper,bread, milk run!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. just bought the timer that hooks up to thw spigot too
  15. dropping off supplies to the tunnel workers
  16. Does anyone know of a place besides Cuppys where a 16 year old can go play the keyboards for a few hours for others to enjoy. This would be weekend thing.
  17. IT WAS A COYOTEE he was lost in the tunnels and calling for help.
  18. play with nippies it releases a harmone and starts labor
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