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Everything posted by catalanojo

  1. I stopped by with my son early this week and GOOD things are happening. Come on guys lets show our love and support during this transition!!!!
  2. Not sure but that rumor has been going around for a long time. Olive tree in old down town Hiram is great and authentic with reasonable prices. Give it a try
  3. Thanks everyone we waited it out and have decided to hold on the trip. Thank God the MRI did not show a blockage or a bleed. it did show a tumor (benign) and it shrank with steroids. They are still trying to get the blood pressure down but she has no residial damage and they think it was all from the tumor. For now they are sending her home and will monitor the tumor. Thanks for your help and prayers
  4. thanks i could only find over 600$ trying to decide go now or wait a bit
  5. Need to get to Philadelphia if possible. Any suggestions on how to find a quick flight affordable?? Mother in law in hospital (stroke???) SUGGESTIONS???? Pleas pray for her as well
  6. Wife had Carpal Tunnel surgery all the kids were home maybe it was me but did the last few weeks seem like a month or more???
  7. I sent one person their number. I saw a few at the book store when I picked up one DUMB me only took one to leave more for others. Pubby I think this was a great idea as with anything thing Great and Good there will always be a few who complain. I commend you for a job well done! I did't get a number but had fun reading the post!
  8. Sgt. Gurley, You as well as your coworkers are well appreciated. Law Enforcement is one of those professions I could not do as well as day care, teaching, dealing with the general public. THANK YOU and Your fellow Co-Workers for all you do!
  9. Do you think there are more in the tunnels???
  10. Does any one else know they are moving from down town Dallas to Enterprise Path in Hiram. I think it is where J-Rods use to be. We are very happy it is a bit closer now! I think the old location is closed and they will open around Jan 12, 2012. YEAH
  11. This link is a prime example of what makes Paulding County so special. Every body cares and jumps in when needed. Thanks to all for giving me hope and I don't even have a horse!
  12. Christmas Eve we did the Feast of the Seven Fishes. We had Cream of Crab Soup, Italian Salt Fish, Trinidadian Salt Fish and bake, Fried Whiting,Crab legs, steamed shrimp, crab cakes It was oooh so good. We ate took a nap and got up to go to the 11pm service for church.
  13. There is only one word to describe this and it is "BLESSED" I did nto have mine paid of but thank you to those who paid them off. I think this is wonderful. It almost makes me think there is a hope for mankind!
  14. We loved that story I think it was great whe nwe did not know it wa Jeff until the end. Thanks for the laugh
  15. I agree and I think they pray just for show. I am so sick of them praying and then acting stupid and start backstabbin. Here is my thing why not be open and hones no need to blind side at this point thell openly who is going. Russells nephew talks about how much he is a Christian and God this God that and then acts stupid. Maybe I am at a point in my life where I realize just do what you have to and stop using God for attention or to cover up your lies.
  16. Have you cooked all her favorite foods yet? thank you for sharing her and thank her for what she has given. I hope your CHRISTMAS is out of this WORLD!!!
  17. With all that at least you were not confined to a box like a rooster. Poor thing how do you think he was feeling??? Better you than me I would have been locked up!
  18. Yep he went to redemption with the intention of beating the other team out and coming back after ther merge. In fact Cochran told the other tribe after the merge and the protected him until all of his tribe was gone and then kicked him in the butt. Ozzy was sent back shortly after merge. I really do not like any one now on redemption or in the tribe. Russels nephew is an jerk and the fact his dad tried to bully coach shows the whole family is nuts. I say do celebrity survivor and put all the crazy celebs on there.
  19. Thanks all...she had the surgery this morning and we wre home by 9 am. Dr. said she can sart driving tomorrow????? go figure, the way her hands are bandaged she can't hold the steering wheel. Thanks for the advice and Thank God it is over.
  20. I will be the hiney wiper I am assuming. She is scheduled for 7am and having both done. thanks
  21. The wife is having both wrist done tomorrow morning. We are both glad it is so bad it wakes her up at night. Can someone tell us what to expect? How long before she drives? What should she plan on not doing or doing and how soon? Thanks
  22. AAAW what a selfless child:) Santa needs to be really nice to her!
  23. Do you all think this is an evil ploy by the kids because of Christmas coming or there still may be hope for the younger generations???
  24. Thanks I think I am starting to like him again
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