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Everything posted by catalanojo

  1. 8:00 a.m. - Elementary Schools 8:45 a.m. - Middle Schools 8:35 a.m. - High Schools SEE POST ABOUT EXPECTED DELAYS TOMORROW sorry caps lock was on and dont feel like retyping
  3. Just using the post above as an example but DANG some of you parents are hard on your kids. None of your kids must go to school with my kids. I am told how hard I am and how no one else has rules to follow like the ones I put on my kids. I thought I was the only one who would not get parent of the year. If you all would liketo join the club I will be collecting dues
  4. I hope I can post this in the correct forum. Pailding County High allows phone use between classes, during lunch, as well as before and after school. Their policy is on PCHS web site. I believe it is a trial program for the county. I forgot t mobile allows you to set controls as well as have their phone notify u when they enter and leave buildings like school.
  5. Leave the Princess alone
  6. Yep it is going around my daughter in carrollton called this morning said she had the burps (when u burp it smells like rotten eggs) then dirreah started. She was to come home today but we have banned her till next week.
  7. WOW how cool! If only now were like then. I watched this with my 14 year old. He was in shock.
  8. Do you know the name? number?
  9. Steamed crabs and a five guys burger
  10. i always google on line for pudding look for canned and creamed corn butte sourcream and corn bread mix. I love it
  11. american diabetes association web site my wife and daughter are diabetic and there are some great recipes on there. Apple pork chops are the bomb. Information is great as well
  12. hey did i offend someone andit disappeared??? I just suggested we ignore people rather than argue
  13. Suggestion only would it be better to rent for the long ride?? It may be cheape and quicker than having the ac fixed last minute and if it breaks down its a rental... sorry to hear about death will pray for family
  14. Congrats it is a special time. When my wife was pregnant I would talk to him by name every morning and night, and pretty much all day on the weekends. I would poke and he would poke back. We had one of those books where you push buttons at certain parts of the book and the book would make sound effects. I would always play the ants marching and he would move like he was dancing. Needless to say when he was born he loved that book and the 2 of us are very close since birth.
  15. Praying here. His mom looked horrible with grief on the news. I have only been here a few years has Clayton County always been this bad. I have an issue because the shooter was only 17
  17. Great job on his part and great job on your part. You did a good job raising him
  18. exzema cortisone will work if not go to dr. and ask for westcort
  19. 22, 20 19 and 14 the 14yo knows everything. Do they have a secret covin at night to learn more than us. Yes the issues are different Girls were easy until about 9 or 10 then every 28 days duck and cover for 7 days then 2 weeks of freedom until it starts over.
  20. Hey I thought it was WD40 now were down to 3m???
  21. md here too where is crossroads Hey Hon did u get any fishers pop Corn?
  22. a The best is the eyes in back of your head. I had my kids convinced this was true and the way to tell is look for the mark on parents left arm. I believe it was a small pox vaccination when we were little and I think it stopped in 1970 but i had them look at every ones arm we knew and it proved they were parents by the mark on the arm
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