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Everything posted by JBrigman

  1. Poole Elementary's Fall Festival will be on Friday, October 12th, from 6 - 9 p.m. If any of you are interested in having a booth or know someone who might be, please return the attached (e-mail if this link doesn't work at: PooleVolunteerCoordinator@gmail.com) form along with the $25.00 fee or feel free to pass it along. Booths will be on a first come first serve basis, with spaces both inside and out this year, set up near all the activities. As a courtesy, we're not allowing duplicate venders, so please turn in the forms sooner rather than later to secure your spot. Thanks, Poole
  2. We went right before school got out on a school day for my son's birthday...we had a blast, went back and rrode the rides over and over again. During the week, they'll let you leave for lunch and then use your ticket to get back in, so we did. Spent over 5 hours there and they'd of stayed longer if I wasn't trying to beat rush hour traffic to get back home. Tickets are a little cheaper when you buy them online in advance too. Just don't be tricked in the gift shop, we walked straight through and took him to Target to spend his birthday money that someone had given him for a souvenior.
  3. Start gathering it up while you can!
  4. Wineguy you explained it very well! Call them (we did last night) and someone will contact you within 72 hours and you'll get an adjustment on your bill while Viacom is being mean! It'll get worked out in a few days and we can all go back to our regularly scheduled programming!
  5. I always thought true Gypsies moved around a lot no nomads....
  6. I think if you invited them, then you pay. With the exception of big stuff, like Six Flags, White Water, etc. If you don't want to pay for the other kid, don't invite them.
  7. Never before June in this house...
  8. It seemed to be more on the Mt. Olivet side than Vista Lake side. We couldn't get out there shortly after it happened.
  9. Sorry MWs I really wasn't trying to be a smart butt, but as a elementary school parent, PTA member, and PTA officer I just thought it didn't make sense. I have heard middle school parent participation can be less than elementary, so I feel for those parents but certainly applaud their efforts! I hope they have a great dance and hopefully next year can partner with the school to make it easier on everyone involved. And just cause I'm nosey -- what's your theme?
  10. Thanks Mommywatts, I actually do know how to read...I just didn't get it. Seems like PTSA would sponsor it and they could have it at school, so they wouldn't have the added cost of renting a place. Good luck with it either way.
  11. Why would tickets to an 8th grade dance not be sold at school? Just seems silly to me...
  12. Since I already have the perfect man, of course to not get fat!
  13. I'd suggest restricting the dairy in her diet, seems to help my daughter and no good smelling lotions or bubble baths and as horrible as it sounds, as few baths as humanely possible. Her flare up are worst after bath time.
  14. Tip Top Poultry delivered it on Friday night after the storm hit and unfortunately not enough people knew about it...until today anyway....
  15. Just a reminder, we're out of school on Friday, but I'm sure someone will be there.
  16. Anyone in our area, this is open to everyone, in need of ice. There is a tractor trailer (marked TipTop Poultry) packed full of bulk crushed ice, parked at Poole Elementary on Wayside Lane. Wayside is currently closed from Hulseytown to the school, but open coming from 278 @ Clear Creek. Bring your coolers or containers and take what you need, but please come after school hours, as the parking lot gets very congested - release time is approx. 2:00 - 2:45. Please spread the word...
  17. It's the 4th and 5th grade classes that got the damage...
  18. The school only has a handful of trailors and they are only used for storage. I saw the debris on Wayside just trying to get home tonight and it was a mess....
  19. I e-filed on 2/4 with TaxAct and am in the same boat...uh!
  20. I had to remove it from my DVR months ago because those people annoy me so much. I love a deal as much as the next person, but these people make normal couponers look bad...
  21. Take them to the Petsmart in Hiram, we can always use them...
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