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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. If the dog is chipped then it will have SOME KIND of information programmed into it. Even if it is their old information, previous owner or an entirely different owner. Also a vet of some experience will probably be able to feel the chip under the skin by hand. As for the phone issues. Call AT&T and tell them you are having harassing calls, then have them put call tracing on your phone line. When I had to do this they did it free of charge. When you receive a harassing call, upon hanging up, you dial a code that tell AT&T to note it or trace it. The same number will only be given 2
  2. A halo around the moon means that rain is on the way. We have an 80% chance of rain tonight. National Weather Service forecast for Dallas. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?site=ffc&zmx=1&zmy=1&map.x=107&map.y=88
  3. Sam's club. Oscar Mayer 3 lb of bacon divided into 3 one pound packages $12.48. I have bought it this way for years and I freeze it because I never use more than 1 lb at a time. I think they also carry Hormel Black Label bacon.
  4. He sat beside of hubby on a Delta flight before. Hubby instantly recognized him but didn't ask him any questions about his music or stardom. Most celebrities don't like that when they are just trying to be normal in public. When they were leaving the flight hubby noticed he left his ticket receipt/stub on the seat, so he brought it home and we still have it some where. Yes, it has Vanilla Ice's real name on it. Hubby looked it up to make sure.
  5. I remember hearing a rumor that it was foreclosed on, but I couldn't say positively. It has probably never been re-bought because it is so hard to start a successful restaurant in this economy.
  6. That restaurant has a great room with a large rock fireplace in it. It was beautifully built.
  7. I read it and thought it was hilarious. Good one.
  8. Can you not use bleach with any of the front loaders? That is a big no-no for me. I have to use bleach on all my whites but specifically my sheets. My allergies are worse at night.
  9. Several years ago there was one year that I gave out $70-$80 in candy within 3 hours. I think I gave out candy for one more year and then I gave up. Those were the years that our street looked like a halloween carnival. There would be extended cab pick-up trucks with 10-14 foot trailers attached as a hay ride and kids would be coming out of the truck cab, truck bed AND the trailer! Now all the kids on our street are over 18. There are only a couple that are younger.
  10. I think it was because NC-17 said to bring extra underwear for a Louisiana road trip. Then I said how about a no underwear road trip. Then naked gator hunting was thrown in.
  11. Until a gator decides to have a weiner for lunch.
  12. I bet it will be not just for the groceries that contain corn or soy products but also the meat and eggs. Think about it. Most animals are fed with feed that contain products from corn or soy.
  13. LMAO! That is hilarious. So many halloween things the adults get left out of so I love this idea.
  14. I can always tell when it is a full moon without even looking outside. My solid black cat starts getting all crazy eyed, running through the house at top speeds like his tail was on fire!
  15. There was 1 or 2 in Carroll county a couple of weeks ago.
  16. My brother done this exact same thing over 35 years ago from a daycare in Dallas. It was across the street from the Snapper mower place and had the Dairy Queen beside of it. Of course now neither of those buildings have been the daycare or Dairy Queen in decades. I think he was about 3 years old because I would have been less than 6 and I am almost 2 years older. Everyone was allowed to go out in back to play in the play ground during our "recess". The play ground is a huge fenced in area. There were attendants who sat outside and watched everyone but he somehow escaped the fence. I think he m
  17. Awww how sweet. Congrats on that big 10th anniversary! Our big 10th is next month and I was talking to my husband about it last night. Me: Hey weren't you supposed to take me to Scotland and Ireland for our 10th. Him: I don't know. Me: Yes, you promised me when we got married that we would go for our 10th. But that's ok for the time being because we are about to spend alot of money on remodeling the house. We can go another time. Him: Ok. I will still hold him to it one day!
  18. I have a top loading Kenmore washer with various speeds and settings. Also, a Kenmore electric dryer with several settings. Both were purchased new in 1994 and the only time I have had a service call was for the "switch" in the lid of the washer. It looks more like a little latch but the technician said it is a switch. The part was maybe $15. They are both still going strong but with my fibro pain it might be nice to own a set of front loaders. That way I could change to side to side taking clothes from the machine and into the dryer, instead of my current method of up out of the washer and th
  19. Hubby and I watch it and LOVE it! He was raised in Minnesota and I here in Paulding but we seem to understand what the people on the show are saying. We also don't laugh at them, we love the hunt and how the show explains most everything they are doing. He has traveled the world for work and has eaten and seen some strange things. How about a NO UNDERWEAR road trip?
  20. LR I have no personal gallbladder experience but I can tell you about ovarian ultrasounds. There are 2 kinds. One is the pelvic ultrasound that is done outside the belly and it will show the ovaries, uterus (both types of ultrasound can show the inside and outside depending on how "deep" the ultrasound wand is set to view) and sometimes even the bladder gets in the picture. The other kind of pelvic ultrasound has a wand that is "inserted" and gives a much more detailed view of the ovaries and uterus. If it is this type then don't worry, it does not take but a few seconds. My doctor orders
  21. Here is the link to the "Women's Forum". http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/forum/209-womans-private-forum/ If anyone should need the password then please PM a request to LadyRaider or one of the mods.
  22. Oh really? Mt. Tabor area? These kids breaking in wouldn't happen to live in Twelve Oaks near Mt.Tabor Park would they? We only have 2 foreclosed homes in the subdivision. One afternoon this summer a neighbor happened to spot 3 kids breaking into an empty home and called the police. The kids were caught "just hanging out" in the home and were ARRESTED on the spot. Every one of them were 15 yrs old or younger. Yes kids can be arrested and serve time in YDC in Paulding county. Yes our part of the subdivision is normally a quiet part and most of us have lived here since our homes were purchas
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